console 命令行工具 X clear

<div class="charactor">
  <div class="head">
    <div class="ear">
      <div class="high"></div>
      <div class="low"></div>
    <div class="ear">
      <div class="high"></div>
      <div class="low"></div>
    <div class="head-left">
      <div class="brow"></div>
      <div class="eye">
        <div class="eyeball"></div>
      <div class="blusher"></div>
      <div class="mouse"></div>
    <div class="head-right">
      <div class="nose"></div>
  <div class="body">
    <div class="hand"></div>
  <div class="ass">
    <div class="foot"></div>
  <div class="ball">
  <div class="shadow"></div>
// 角色构建
.charactor {
	width: 180px;
	height: 393px;
	padding-top: 3px;

	.head {
		position: relative;
		top: 0;
		width: 170px;
		height: 175px;
		margin-left: 23px;
		transition: all 1s;

		.ear {
			position: absolute;
			top: -2px;
			left: 42px;
			z-index: 1;
			transform: rotate(-5deg);

			&:nth-of-type(2) {
				top: -3px;
				left: 60px;
				z-index: 0;
				transform: scale(0.8) rotate(10deg);

				.high {
					border: 6px solid #333;


				.low {
					border: 6px solid #333;

					&::before {
						top: -8px;
						right: 0;
						width: 2px;
						height: 10px;

			.high {
				position: relative;
				width: 20px;
				height: 20px;
				background: #fff;
				border: 5px solid #333;
				transform: skew(20deg);

			.low {
				position: relative;
				left: 1px;
				top: -5px;
				width: 17px;
				height: 12px;
				background: #fff;
				border: 5px solid #333;
				border-bottom: none;
				transform: skew(20deg);

				&::before {
					content: '';
					display: block;
					position: absolute;
					top: -5px;
					right: 0;
					width: 4px;
					height: 6px;
					background: #fff;

				&::after {
					content: '';
					display: block;
					position: absolute;
					left: 0;
					right: 0;
					bottom: -5px;
					height: 10px;
					background: #fff;

		.head-left {
			position: absolute;
			top: 20px;
			width: 130px;
			height: 160px;
			background: #fff;
			border: 5px solid #333;
			border-radius: 38% 38% 30% 30% / 70% 70% 30% 30%;

			.brow {
				position: absolute;
				top: 18px;
				left: 72px;
				width: 15px;
				height: 5px;
				background: #333;
				border-radius: 20% 20% 20% 20% / 50% 50% 50% 50%;
				animation: brow-animate 2s infinite linear;

				@keyframes brow-animate {
					from {
						transform: rotate(-25deg) translate(0, -1px);
					50% {
						transform: rotate(-25deg) translate(0, 1px);
					to {
						transform: rotate(-25deg) translate(0, -1px);

			.eye {
				position: absolute;
				top: 25px;
				left: 70px;
				width: 32px;
				height: 45px;
				background: #fff;
				border: 5px solid #333;
				border-radius: 40% 50% 40% 40% / 50% 50% 50% 50%;
				transform: rotate(20deg);

				.eyeball {
					position: absolute;
					top: 5px;
					right: -1px;
					width: 12px;
					height: 16px;
					background: #333;
					border-radius: 50%;
					animation: eye-animate 2s infinite linear;

					@keyframes eye-animate {
						from {
							transform: translate(0, 3px);
						50% {
							transform: translate(0, -3px);
						to {
							transform: translate(0, 3px);

			.blusher {
				position: absolute;
				top: 86px;
				left: 50px;
				width: 32px;
				height: 14px;
				background: #f59273;
				border-radius: 50%;
				z-index: 1;

			.mouse {
				position: absolute;
				top: 122px;
				left: 72px;
				width: 14px;
				height: 18px;
				background: #f59273;
				border: 5px solid #333;
				border-radius: 0% 0% 50% 50% / 0% 0% 80% 80%;
				z-index: 1;
				animation: mouse-animate 2s infinite linear;

				@keyframes mouse-animate {
					from {
						transform: rotate(30deg) translate(0, -1px) scale(1.1);
					50% {
						transform: rotate(30deg) translate(0, 2px) scale(1);
					to {
						transform: rotate(30deg) translate(0, -1px) scale(1.1);

				&::before {
					content: '';
					display: block;
					position: absolute;
					top: -8px;
					left: -15px;
					width: 20px;
					height: 1px;
					border-left: 5px solid transparent;
					border-right: 5px solid transparent;
					border-top: 5px solid transparent;
					border-bottom: 5px solid #333;
					border-radius: 50%;
					transform: rotate(120deg);
					z-index: 1;

				&::after {
					content: '';
					display: block;
					position: absolute;
					top: -10px;
					left: -11px;
					width: 26px;
					height: 10px;
					background: #fff;
					border-left: 5px solid transparent;
					border-right: 5px solid transparent;
					border-top: 5px solid transparent;
					border-bottom: 5px solid #333;
					border-radius: 50%;

		.head-right {
			position: absolute;
			left: 80px;
			top: 110px;
			width: 70px;
			height: 55px;
			background: #fff;
			border-right: 5px solid #333;
			border-bottom: 5px solid #333;
			border-left: 5px solid transparent;
			border-top: 5px solid transparent;
			border-radius: 0% 0% 50% 50% / 0% 40% 60% 30%;
			transform: rotate(-42deg);

			.nose {
				position: absolute;
				top: 30px;
				right: -2px;
				width: 12px;
				height: 20px;
				background: #333;
				border-radius: 40% 60% 90% 10% / 20% 40% 40% 10%;
				transform: rotate(45deg);


	.body {
		position: relative;
		top: 0;
		z-index: 2;
		width: 90px;
		height: 50px;
		margin-left: 43px;
		background: linear-gradient(180deg, #b4d469 19px, #fff 20px, #fff 23px, #b4d469 24px);
		border: 5px solid #333;
		border-radius: 30% 30% 45% 45% / 80% 80% 20% 20%;
		transition: all 1s;

		.hand {
			position: absolute;
			right: -12px;
			top: 22px;
			width: 22px;
			height: 35px;
			background: #fff;
			border: 5px solid #333;
			border-radius: 20% 40% 50% 50% / 20% 50% 50% 40%;
			animation: hand-animate 2s infinite linear;
			transform-origin: 0% 0%;

			@keyframes hand-animate {
				from {
					transform: rotate(-70deg);
				50% {
					transform: rotate(-90deg);
				to {
					transform: rotate(-70deg);

			&::after {
				content: '';
				display: block;
				position: absolute;
				top: -18px;
				left: -4px;
				z-index: 1;
				width: 5px;
				height: 24px;
				border-bottom: 5px solid transparent;
				border-right: 5px solid transparent;
				border-top: 5px solid transparent;
				border-left: 5px solid #333;
				border-radius: 50%;
				transform: rotate(10deg);

	.ass {
		position: relative;
		top: -10px;
		z-index: 2;
		width: 85px;
		height: 24px;
		margin-left: 45px;
		background: #fff;
		border: 5px solid #333;
		border-radius: 0% 0% 45% 45% / 0% 0% 100% 100%;

		.foot {
			position: absolute;
			top: 10px;
			width: 22px;
			height: 26px;
			margin-left: 37px;
			background: #fff;
			border: 5px solid #333;
			border-top: none;
			border-radius: 0% 0% 50% 50% / 0% 0% 40% 40%;
			animation: foot-animate 1s infinite linear;
			transform-origin: 50% 0%;

			@keyframes foot-animate {
				from {
					transform: rotate(-33deg);
				50% {
					transform: rotate(-65deg);
				to {
					transform: rotate(-33deg);

			&::after {
				content: '';
				display: block;
				position: absolute;
				top: 0;
				right: -5px;
				z-index: 1;
				width: 5px;
				height: 5px;
				background: #fff;

	.ball {
		position: relative;
		z-index: 1;
		width: 170px;
		height: 170px;
		margin-top: -40px;
		margin-left: 5px;
		background: #83cff3;
		border: 5px solid #333;
		border-radius: 50%;

		&::after {
			content: '';
			display: block;
			position: absolute;
			top: 70px;
			right: 12px;
			width: 12px;
			height: 20px;
			border-radius: 20% 40% 50% 50% / 20% 50% 50% 40%;
			background: #fff;
			transform-origin: -56px 10px;
			animation: ball-roll 3s infinite linear;

			@keyframes ball-roll {
				to {
					transform: rotate(360deg);

	.shadow {
		position: relative;
		z-index: 0;
		width: 140px;
		height: 15px;
		margin-top: -5px;
		margin-left: 20px;
		background: #fab432;
		border-radius: 50%;

// 角色动画
.charactor {
	&:hover {
		.head {
			top: -200px;
		.body {
			top: -80px;

	.head, .body, .ass {
		animation: move 5s infinite linear;

		@keyframes move {
			@for $i from 0 through 10 {
			    @if $i % 2 == 1 {
					#{$i * 10 - 2}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i - 15px, -120px);
					#{$i * 10}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i, -130px);
					#{$i * 10 + 2}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i + 15px, -120px);
			    } @else if $i != 0 {
					#{$i * 10 - 2}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i - 10px, 30px);
					#{$i * 10}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i, 36px);
					#{$i * 10 + 2}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i + 10px, 30px);

	.ball {
		transform-origin: 50% 0%;
		animation: ball-move 5s infinite linear;

		@keyframes ball-move {
			@for $i from 0 through 10 {
			    @if $i % 2 == 1 {
					#{$i * 10 - 3}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i - 20px, -40px);
					#{$i * 10}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i, -50px);
					#{$i * 10 + 3}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i + 20px, -40px);
			    } @else if $i != 0 {
					#{$i * 10 - 2}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i - 10px, 36px) scale(1.2, 0.8);
					#{$i * 10}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i, 42px) scale(1.25, 0.75);
					#{$i * 10 + 2}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i + 10px, 36px) scale(1.2, 0.8);

	.shadow {
		animation: shadow-move 5s infinite linear;

		@keyframes shadow-move {
			@for $i from 0 through 10 {
			    @if $i % 2 == 1 {
					#{$i * 10 - 3}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i - 20px);
					#{$i * 10}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i);
					#{$i * 10 + 3}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i + 20px);
			    } @else if $i != 0 {
					#{$i * 10 - 2}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i - 10px) scale(1.2);
					#{$i * 10}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i) scale(1.3);
					#{$i * 10 + 2}% {
						transform: translate(80px * $i + 10px) scale(1.2);

// 页面定位
.charactor {
	position: absolute;
  left: -70px;
  bottom: 40px;

body::after {
  content: 'Hover and make the dog\'s body seperate, ahahha!!!';
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  left: 10px;
  bottom: 5px;