
! function(t) { var n = {};

function e(o) {
    if (n[o]) return n[o].exports;
    var r = n[o] = {
        i: o,
        l: !1,
        exports: {}
    return t[o].call(r.exports, r, r.exports, e), r.l = !0, r.exports
e.m = t, e.c = n, e.d = function(t, n, o) {
    e.o(t, n) || Object.defineProperty(t, n, {
        enumerable: !0,
        get: o
}, e.r = function(t) {
    "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, {
        value: "Module"
    }), Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
}, e.t = function(t, n) {
    if (1 & n && (t = e(t)), 8 & n) return t;
    if (4 & n && "object" == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t;
    var o = Object.create(null);
    if (e.r(o), Object.defineProperty(o, "default", {
        enumerable: !0,
        value: t
    }), 2 & n && "string" != typeof t)
        for (var r in t) e.d(o, r, function(n) {
            return t[n]
        }.bind(null, r));
    return o
}, e.n = function(t) {
    var n = t && t.__esModule ? function() {
        return t.default
    } : function() {
        return t
    return e.d(n, "a", n), n
}, e.o = function(t, n) {
    return, n)
}, e.p = "//", e(e.s = 1272)

}({ 0: function(t, n, e) { "use strict";

    function o(t, n, e, o, r, i, c, u) {
        var s, a = "function" == typeof t ? t.options : t;
        if (n && (a.render = n, a.staticRenderFns = e, a._compiled = !0), o && (a.functional = !0), i && (a._scopeId = "data-v-" + i), c ? (s = function(t) {
            (t = t || this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext || this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext) || "undefined" == typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ || (t = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__), r &&, t), t && t._registeredComponents && t._registeredComponents.add(c)
        }, a._ssrRegister = s) : r && (s = u ? function() {
  , (a.functional ? this.parent : this)
        } : r), s)
            if (a.functional) {
                a._injectStyles = s;
                var f = a.render;
                a.render = function(t, n) {
                    return, f(t, n)
            } else {
                var l = a.beforeCreate;
                a.beforeCreate = l ? [].concat(l, s) : [s]
            } return {
            exports: t,
            options: a
    e.d(n, "a", (function() {
        return o
1: function(t, n) {
    var e = t.exports = {
        version: "2.6.11"
    "number" == typeof __e && (__e = e)
10: function(t, n) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        try {
            return !!t()
        } catch (t) {
            return !0
101: function(t, n, e) {
    var o, r, i, c = e(11),
        u = e(124),
        s = e(46),
        a = e(30),
        f = e(2),
        l = f.process,
        p = f.setImmediate,
        d = f.clearImmediate,
        v = f.MessageChannel,
        h = f.Dispatch,
        y = 0,
        m = {},
        w = function() {
            var t = +this;
            if (m.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
                var n = m[t];
                delete m[t], n()
        _ = function(t) {
    p && d || (p = function(t) {
        for (var n = [], e = 1; arguments.length > e;) n.push(arguments[e++]);
        return m[++y] = function() {
            u("function" == typeof t ? t : Function(t), n)
        }, o(y), y
    }, d = function(t) {
        delete m[t]
    }, "process" == e(14)(l) ? o = function(t) {
        l.nextTick(c(w, t, 1))
    } : h && ? o = function(t) {, t, 1))
    } : v ? (i = (r = new v)
        .port2, r.port1.onmessage = _, o = c(i.postMessage, i, 1)) : f.addEventListener && "function" == typeof postMessage && !f.importScripts ? (o = function(t) {
        f.postMessage(t + "", "*")
    }, f.addEventListener("message", _, !1)) : o = "onreadystatechange" in a("script") ? function(t) {
            .onreadystatechange = function() {
    } : function(t) {
        setTimeout(c(w, t, 1), 0)
    }), t.exports = {
        set: p,
        clear: d
103: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(9),
        r = e(21),
        i = e(3)("species");
    t.exports = function(t, n) {
        var e, c = o(t)
        return void 0 === c || null == (e = o(c)[i]) ? n : r(e)
1037: function(t, n, e) {},
104: function(t, n) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        try {
            return {
                e: !1,
                v: t()
        } catch (t) {
            return {
                e: !0,
                v: t
105: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(9),
        r = e(6),
        i = e(90);
    t.exports = function(t, n) {
        if (o(t), r(n) && n.constructor === t) return n;
        var e = i.f(t);
        return (0, e.resolve)(n), e.promise
11: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(21);
    t.exports = function(t, n, e) {
        if (o(t), void 0 === n) return t;
        switch (e) {
            case 1:
                return function(e) {
                    return, e)
            case 2:
                return function(e, o) {
                    return, e, o)
            case 3:
                return function(e, o, r) {
                    return, e, o, r)
        return function() {
            return t.apply(n, arguments)
117: function(t, n, e) {
    t.exports = {
        default: e(131),
        __esModule: !0
12: function(t, n) {
    var e = {}.hasOwnProperty;
    t.exports = function(t, n) {
        return, n)
122: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(3)("iterator"),
        r = !1;
    try {
        var i = [7][o]();
        i.return = function() {
            r = !0
        }, Array.from(i, (function() {
            throw 2
    } catch (t) {}
    t.exports = function(t, n) {
        if (!n && !r) return !1;
        var e = !1;
        try {
            var i = [7],
                c = i[o]();
   = function() {
                return {
                    done: e = !0
            }, i[o] = function() {
                return c
            }, t(i)
        } catch (t) {}
        return e
124: function(t, n) {
    t.exports = function(t, n, e) {
        var o = void 0 === e;
        switch (n.length) {
            case 0:
                return o ? t() :;
            case 1:
                return o ? t(n[0]) :, n[0]);
            case 2:
                return o ? t(n[0], n[1]) :, n[0], n[1]);
            case 3:
                return o ? t(n[0], n[1], n[2]) :, n[0], n[1], n[2]);
            case 4:
                return o ? t(n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3]) :, n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3])
        return t.apply(e, n)
1272: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    var o, r = e(1273),
        i = (o = r) && o.__esModule ? o : {
            default: o
    window.CBDRender.register("CBDWapComps", "ContentMetaHeader", i.default), window.CBDRender.register("CBDTPLWapComponents", "ContentMetaHeader", i.default)
1273: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    var o = e(909),
        r = e(534);
    for (var i in r)["default"].indexOf(i) < 0 && function(t) {
        e.d(n, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    var c = e(0),
        u = Object(c.a)(r.default, o.a, o.b, !1, null, "5d8895e7", null);
    u.options.__file = "src/components/ContentMetaHeader/ContentMetaHeader.vue", n.default = u.exports
1274: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
13: function(t, n) {
    t.exports = {}
131: function(t, n, e) {
    e(50), e(40), e(42), e(132), e(135), e(136), t.exports = e(1)
132: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    var o, r, i, c, u = e(29),
        s = e(2),
        a = e(11),
        f = e(31),
        l = e(5),
        p = e(6),
        d = e(21),
        v = e(37),
        h = e(15),
        y = e(103),
        m = e(101)
        w = e(133)(),
        _ = e(90),
        g = e(104),
        x = e(134),
        S = e(105),
        b = s.TypeError,
        T = s.process,
        C = T && T.versions,
        j = C && C.v8 || "",
        O = s.Promise,
        P = "process" == f(T),
        M = function() {},
        E = r = _.f,
        L = !! function() {
            try {
                var t = O.resolve(1),
                    n = (t.constructor = {})[e(3)("species")] = function(t) {
                        t(M, M)
                return (P || "function" == typeof PromiseRejectionEvent) && t.then(M) instanceof n && 0 !== j.indexOf("6.6") && -1 === x.indexOf("Chrome/66")
            } catch (t) {}
        k = function(t) {
            var n;
            return !(!p(t) || "function" != typeof(n = t.then)) && n
        U = function(t, n) {
            if (!t._n) {
                t._n = !0;
                var e = t._c;
                w((function() {
                    for (var o = t._v, r = 1 == t._s, i = 0, c = function(n) {
                        var e, i, c, u = r ? n.ok :,
                            s = n.resolve,
                            a = n.reject,
                            f = n.domain;
                        try {
                            u ? (r || (2 == t._h && R(t), t._h = 1), !0 === u ? e = o : (f && f.enter(), e = u(o), f && (f.exit(), c = !0)), e === n.promise ? a(b("Promise-chain cycle")) : (i = k(e)) ?, s, a) : s(e)) : a(o)
                        } catch (t) {
                            f && !c && f.exit(), a(t)
                    }; e.length > i;) c(e[i++]);
                    t._c = [], t._n = !1, n && !t._h && F(t)
        F = function(t) {
  , (function() {
                var n, e, o, r = t._v,
                    i = A(t);
                if (i && (n = g((function() {
                    P ? T.emit("unhandledRejection", r, t) : (e = s.onunhandledrejection) ? e({
                        promise: t,
                        reason: r
                    }) : (o = s.console) && o.error && o.error("Unhandled promise rejection", r)
                })), t._h = P || A(t) ? 2 : 1), t._a = void 0, i && n.e) throw n.v
        A = function(t) {
            return 1 !== t._h && 0 === (t._a || t._c)
        R = function(t) {
  , (function() {
                var n;
                P ? T.emit("rejectionHandled", t) : (n = s.onrejectionhandled) && n({
                    promise: t,
                    reason: t._v
        I = function(t) {
            var n = this;
            n._d || (n._d = !0, (n = n._w || n)
                ._v = t, n._s = 2, n._a || (n._a = n._c.slice()), U(n, !0))
        D = function(t) {
            var n, e = this;
            if (!e._d) {
                e._d = !0, e = e._w || e;
                try {
                    if (e === t) throw b("Promise can't be resolved itself");
                    (n = k(t)) ? w((function() {
                        var o = {
                            _w: e,
                            _d: !1
                        try {
                  , a(D, o, 1), a(I, o, 1))
                        } catch (t) {
                  , t)
                    })): (e._v = t, e._s = 1, U(e, !1))
                } catch (t) {
                        _w: e,
                        _d: !1
                    }, t)
    L || (O = function(t) {
                v(this, O, "Promise", "_h"), d(t),;
                try {
                    t(a(D, this, 1), a(I, this, 1))
                } catch (t) {
          , t)
            }, (o = function(t) {
                this._c = [], this._a = void 0, this._s = 0, this._d = !1, this._v = void 0, this._h = 0, this._n = !1
            .prototype = e(36)(O.prototype, {
                then: function(t, n) {
                    var e = E(y(this, O));
                    return e.ok = "function" != typeof t || t, = "function" == typeof n && n, e.domain = P ? T.domain : void 0, this._c.push(e), this._a && this._a.push(e), this._s && U(this, !1), e.promise
                catch: function(t) {
                    return this.then(void 0, t)
            }), i = function() {
                var t = new o;
                this.promise = t, this.resolve = a(D, t, 1), this.reject = a(I, t, 1)
            }, _.f = E = function(t) {
                return t === O || t === c ? new i(t) : r(t)
            }), l(l.G + l.W + l.F * !L, {
            Promise: O
        }), e(20)(O, "Promise"), e(54)("Promise"), c = e(1)
        .Promise, l(l.S + l.F * !L, "Promise", {
            reject: function(t) {
                var n = E(this);
                return (0, n.reject)(t), n.promise
        }), l(l.S + l.F * (u || !L), "Promise", {
            resolve: function(t) {
                return S(u && this === c ? O : this, t)
        }), l(l.S + l.F * !(L && e(122)((function(t) {
        }))), "Promise", {
            all: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    e = E(n),
                    o = e.resolve,
                    r = e.reject,
                    i = g((function() {
                        var e = [],
                            i = 0,
                            c = 1;
                        h(t, !1, (function(t) {
                            var u = i++,
                                s = !1;
                            e.push(void 0), c++, n.resolve(t)
                                .then((function(t) {
                                    s || (s = !0, e[u] = t, --c || o(e))
                                }), r)
                        })), --c || o(e)
                return i.e && r(i.v), e.promise
            race: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    e = E(n),
                    o = e.reject,
                    r = g((function() {
                        h(t, !1, (function(t) {
                                .then(e.resolve, o)
                return r.e && o(r.v), e.promise
133: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(2),
        r = e(101)
        i = o.MutationObserver || o.WebKitMutationObserver,
        c = o.process,
        u = o.Promise,
        s = "process" == e(14)(c);
    t.exports = function() {
        var t, n, e, a = function() {
            var o, r;
            for (s && (o = c.domain) && o.exit(); t;) {
                r = t.fn, t =;
                try {
                } catch (o) {
                    throw t ? e() : n = void 0, o
            n = void 0, o && o.enter()
        if (s) e = function() {
        else if (!i || o.navigator && o.navigator.standalone)
            if (u && u.resolve) {
                var f = u.resolve(void 0);
                e = function() {
            } else e = function() {
      , a)
        else {
            var l = !0,
                p = document.createTextNode("");
            new i(a)
                .observe(p, {
                    characterData: !0
                }), e = function() {
           = l = !l
        return function(o) {
            var r = {
                fn: o,
                next: void 0
            n && ( = r), t || (t = r, e()), n = r
134: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(2)
    t.exports = o && o.userAgent || ""
135: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    var o = e(5),
        r = e(1),
        i = e(2),
        c = e(103),
        u = e(105);
    o(o.P + o.R, "Promise", {
        finally: function(t) {
            var n = c(this, r.Promise || i.Promise),
                e = "function" == typeof t;
            return this.then(e ? function(e) {
                return u(n, t())
                    .then((function() {
                        return e
            } : t, e ? function(e) {
                return u(n, t())
                    .then((function() {
                        throw e
            } : t)
136: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    var o = e(5),
        r = e(90),
        i = e(104);
    o(o.S, "Promise", {
        try: function(t) {
            var n = r.f(this),
                e = i(t);
            return (e.e ? n.reject : n.resolve)(e.v), n.promise
14: function(t, n) {
    var e = {}.toString;
    t.exports = function(t) {
            .slice(8, -1)
15: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(11),
        r = e(68),
        i = e(69),
        c = e(9),
        u = e(25),
        s = e(53),
        a = {},
        f = {};
    (n = t.exports = function(t, n, e, l, p) {
        var d, v, h, y, m = p ? function() {
                return t
            } : s(t),
            w = o(e, l, n ? 2 : 1),
            _ = 0;
        if ("function" != typeof m) throw TypeError(t + " is not iterable!");
        if (i(m)) {
            for (d = u(t.length); d > _; _++)
                if ((y = n ? w(c(v = t[_])[0], v[1]) : w(t[_])) === a || y === f) return y
        } else
            for (h =; !(v =
                if ((y = r(h, w, v.value, n)) === a || y === f) return y
    .BREAK = a, n.RETURN = f
16: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(18);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return Object(o(t))
17: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(26),
        r = e(18);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return o(r(t))
18: function(t, n) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        if (null == t) throw TypeError("Can't call method on  " + t);
        return t
19: function(t, n) {
    var e = Math.ceil,
        o = Math.floor;
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return isNaN(t = +t) ? 0 : (t > 0 ? o : e)(t)
2: function(t, n) {
    var e = t.exports = "undefined" != typeof window && window.Math == Math ? window : "undefined" != typeof self && self.Math == Math ? self : Function("return this")();
    "number" == typeof __g && (__g = e)
20: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(7)
        r = e(12),
        i = e(3)("toStringTag");
    t.exports = function(t, n, e) {
        t && !r(t = e ? t : t.prototype, i) && o(t, i, {
            configurable: !0,
            value: n
21: function(t, n) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        if ("function" != typeof t) throw TypeError(t + " is not a function!");
        return t
23: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(33)("keys"),
        r = e(24);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return o[t] || (o[t] = r(t))
24: function(t, n) {
    var e = 0,
        o = Math.random();
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return "Symbol(".concat(void 0 === t ? "" : t, ")_", (++e + o)
25: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(19),
        r = Math.min;
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return t > 0 ? r(o(t), 9007199254740991) : 0
26: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(14);
    t.exports = Object("z")
        .propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function(t) {
            return "String" == o(t) ? t.split("") : Object(t)
27: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    var o = e(29),
        r = e(5),
        i = e(58),
        c = e(8),
        u = e(13),
        s = e(60),
        a = e(20),
        f = e(62),
        l = e(3)("iterator"),
        p = !([].keys && "next" in [].keys()),
        d = function() {
            return this
    t.exports = function(t, n, e, v, h, y, m) {
        s(e, n, v);
        var w, _, g, x = function(t) {
                if (!p && t in C) return C[t];
                switch (t) {
                    case "keys":
                    case "values":
                        return function() {
                            return new e(this, t)
                return function() {
                    return new e(this, t)
            S = n + " Iterator",
            b = "values" == h,
            T = !1,
            C = t.prototype,
            j = C[l] || C["@@iterator"] || h && C[h],
            O = j || x(h),
            P = h ? b ? x("entries") : O : void 0,
            M = "Array" == n && C.entries || j;
        if (M && (g = f( t))) !== Object.prototype && && (a(g, S, !0), o || "function" == typeof g[l] || c(g, l, d)), b && j && "values" !== && (T = !0, O = function() {
        }), o && !m || !p && !T && C[l] || c(C, l, O), u[n] = O, u[S] = d, h)
            if (w = {
                values: b ? O : x("values"),
                keys: y ? O : x("keys"),
                entries: P
            }, m)
                for (_ in w) _ in C || i(C, _, w[_]);
            else r(r.P + r.F * (p || T), n, w);
        return w
28: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(49),
        r = e(34);
    t.exports = Object.keys || function(t) {
        return o(t, r)
29: function(t, n) {
    t.exports = !0
3: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(33)("wks"),
        r = e(24),
        i = e(2)
        c = "function" == typeof i;
    (t.exports = function(t) {
        return o[t] || (o[t] = c && i[t] || (c ? i : r)("Symbol." + t))
    .store = o
30: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(6),
        r = e(2)
        i = o(r) && o(r.createElement);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return i ? r.createElement(t) : {}
31: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(14),
        r = e(3)("toStringTag"),
        i = "Arguments" == o(function() {
            return arguments
    t.exports = function(t) {
        var n, e, c;
        return void 0 === t ? "Undefined" : null === t ? "Null" : "string" == typeof(e = function(t, n) {
            try {
                return t[n]
            } catch (t) {}
        }(n = Object(t), r)) ? e : i ? o(n) : "Object" == (c = o(n)) && "function" == typeof n.callee ? "Arguments" : c
32: function(t, n) {
    t.exports = function(t, n) {
        return {
            enumerable: !(1 & t),
            configurable: !(2 & t),
            writable: !(4 & t),
            value: n
33: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(1),
        r = e(2),
        i = r["__core-js_shared__"] || (r["__core-js_shared__"] = {});
    (t.exports = function(t, n) {
        return i[t] || (i[t] = void 0 !== n ? n : {})
    })("versions", [])
        version: o.version,
        mode: e(29) ? "pure" : "global",
        copyright: "漏 2019 Denis Pushkarev ("
34: function(t, n) {
    t.exports = "constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf".split(",")
341: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(n, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    }), n.checkFollowChannel = n.unFollowChannel = n.followChannel = n.unfollowTopic = n.followTopic = n.getPvCount = void 0;
    var o = i(e(72)),
        r = i(e(117));

    function i(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
    n.getPvCount = function(t) {
        return new r.default((function(n, e) {
            try {
                new window.MptcfeUtils.Jsonp({
                    url: "" + t.join(","),
                    success: function(t) {
                    error: function() {
            } catch (t) {
    }, n.followTopic = function(t) {
        return new r.default((function(n, e) {
                url: "test" === window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment() ? "//" : "//",
                type: "POST",
                data: (0, o.default)({
                    id: t
                dataType: "json",
                contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
                xhrFields: {
                    withCredentials: !0
                success: function(t) {
                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), e(t)
    }, n.unfollowTopic = function(t) {
        return new r.default((function(n, e) {
                url: "test" === window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment() ? "//" : "//",
                type: "POST",
                data: (0, o.default)({
                    id: t
                dataType: "json",
                contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
                xhrFields: {
                    withCredentials: !0
                success: function(t) {
                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), e(t)
    }, n.followChannel = function(t) {
        var n = window.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("umab_access_token"),
            e = ("test" === window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment() ? "//" : "//") + "?accountId=" + t.accountId + "&userType=1&followingAccountId=" + t.followingAccountId + "&followingUserType=0&followingType=7";
        return new r.default((function(t, o) {
                url: e,
                type: "POST",
                contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
                headers: {
                    "X-SohuPassport-UserId": n
                xhrFields: {
                    withCredentials: !0
                success: function(n) {
                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), o(t)
    }, n.unFollowChannel = function(t) {
        var n = window.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("umab_access_token"),
            e = ("test" === window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment() ? "//" : "//") + "?accountId=" + t.accountId + "&userType=1&followingAccountId=" + t.followingAccountId + "&followingUserType=0&followingType=7";
        return new r.default((function(t, o) {
                url: e,
                type: "POST",
                contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
                headers: {
                    "X-SohuPassport-UserId": n
                xhrFields: {
                    withCredentials: !0
                success: function(n) {
                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), o(t)
    }, n.checkFollowChannel = function(t) {
        var n = window.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("umab_access_token"),
            e = "test" === window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment() ? "//" : "//";
        return new r.default((function(o, r) {
                url: e,
                type: "GET",
                data: t,
                dataType: "json",
                contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
                headers: {
                    "X-SohuPassport-UserId": n
                xhrFields: {
                    withCredentials: !0
                success: function(t) {
                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), r(t)
36: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(8);
    t.exports = function(t, n, e) {
        for (var r in n) e && t[r] ? t[r] = n[r] : o(t, r, n[r]);
        return t
37: function(t, n) {
    t.exports = function(t, n, e, o) {
        if (!(t instanceof n) || void 0 !== o && o in t) throw TypeError(e + ": incorrect invocation!");
        return t
38: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(9),
        r = e(61),
        i = e(34),
        c = e(23)("IE_PROTO"),
        u = function() {},
        s = function() {
            var t, n = e(30)("iframe"),
                o = i.length;
            for ( = "none", e(46)
                .appendChild(n), n.src = "javascript:", (t = n.contentWindow.document)
                .open(), t.write("<script>document.F=Object<\/script>"), t.close(), s = t.F; o--;) delete s.prototype[i[o]];
            return s()
    t.exports = Object.create || function(t, n) {
        var e;
        return null !== t ? (u.prototype = o(t), e = new u, u.prototype = null, e[c] = t) : e = s(), void 0 === n ? e : r(e, n)
39: function(t, n) {
    t.exports = function(t, n) {
        return {
            value: n,
            done: !!t
4: function(t, n, e) {
    t.exports = !e(10)((function() {
        return 7 != Object.defineProperty({}, "a", {
                get: function() {
                    return 7
40: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    var o = e(59)(!0);
    e(27)(String, "String", (function(t) {
        this._t = String(t), this._i = 0
    }), (function() {
        var t, n = this._t,
            e = this._i;
        return e >= n.length ? {
            value: void 0,
            done: !0
        } : (t = o(n, e), this._i += t.length, {
            value: t,
            done: !1
42: function(t, n, e) {
    for (var o = e(2), r = e(8), i = e(13), c = e(3)("toStringTag"), u = "CSSRuleList,CSSStyleDeclaration,CSSValueList,ClientRectList,DOMRectList,DOMStringList,DOMTokenList,DataTransferItemList,FileList,HTMLAllCollection,HTMLCollection,HTMLFormElement,HTMLSelectElement,MediaList,MimeTypeArray,NamedNodeMap,NodeList,PaintRequestList,Plugin,PluginArray,SVGLengthList,SVGNumberList,SVGPathSegList,SVGPointList,SVGStringList,SVGTransformList,SourceBufferList,StyleSheetList,TextTrackCueList,TextTrackList,TouchList".split(","), s = 0; s < u.length; s++) {
        var a = u[s],
            f = o[a],
            l = f && f.prototype;
        l && !l[c] && r(l, c, a), i[a] = i.Array
46: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(2)
    t.exports = o && o.documentElement
47: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(6);
    t.exports = function(t, n) {
        if (!o(t)) return t;
        var e, r;
        if (n && "function" == typeof(e = t.toString) && !o(r = return r;
        if ("function" == typeof(e = t.valueOf) && !o(r = return r;
        if (!n && "function" == typeof(e = t.toString) && !o(r = return r;
        throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value")
48: function(t, n, e) {
    t.exports = !e(4) && !e(10)((function() {
        return 7 != Object.defineProperty(e(30)("div"), "a", {
                get: function() {
                    return 7
49: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(12),
        r = e(17),
        i = e(51)(!1),
        c = e(23)("IE_PROTO");
    t.exports = function(t, n) {
        var e, u = r(t),
            s = 0,
            a = [];
        for (e in u) e != c && o(u, e) && a.push(e);
        for (; n.length > s;) o(u, e = n[s++]) && (~i(a, e) || a.push(e));
        return a
5: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(2),
        r = e(1),
        i = e(11),
        c = e(8),
        u = e(12),
        s = function(t, n, e) {
            var a, f, l, p = t & s.F,
                d = t & s.G,
                v = t & s.S,
                h = t & s.P,
                y = t & s.B,
                m = t & s.W,
                w = d ? r : r[n] || (r[n] = {}),
                _ = w.prototype,
                g = d ? o : v ? o[n] : (o[n] || {})
            for (a in d && (e = n), e)(f = !p && g && void 0 !== g[a]) && u(w, a) || (l = f ? g[a] : e[a], w[a] = d && "function" != typeof g[a] ? e[a] : y && f ? i(l, o) : m && g[a] == l ? function(t) {
                var n = function(n, e, o) {
                    if (this instanceof t) {
                        switch (arguments.length) {
                            case 0:
                                return new t;
                            case 1:
                                return new t(n);
                            case 2:
                                return new t(n, e)
                        return new t(n, e, o)
                    return t.apply(this, arguments)
                return n.prototype = t.prototype, n
            }(l) : h && "function" == typeof l ? i(, l) : l, h && ((w.virtual || (w.virtual = {}))[a] = l, t & s.R && _ && !_[a] && c(_, a, l)))
    s.F = 1, s.G = 2, s.S = 4, s.P = 8, s.B = 16, s.W = 32, s.U = 64, s.R = 128, t.exports = s
50: function(t, n) {},
51: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(17),
        r = e(25),
        i = e(52);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return function(n, e, c) {
            var u, s = o(n),
                a = r(s.length),
                f = i(c, a);
            if (t && e != e) {
                for (; a > f;)
                    if ((u = s[f++]) != u) return !0
            } else
                for (; a > f; f++)
                    if ((t || f in s) && s[f] === e) return t || f || 0;
            return !t && -1
52: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(19),
        r = Math.max,
        i = Math.min;
    t.exports = function(t, n) {
        return (t = o(t)) < 0 ? r(t + n, 0) : i(t, n)
53: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(31),
        r = e(3)("iterator"),
        i = e(13);
    t.exports = e(1)
        .getIteratorMethod = function(t) {
            if (null != t) return t[r] || t["@@iterator"] || i[o(t)]
534: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    var o = e(535),
        r = e.n(o);
    for (var i in o)["default"].indexOf(i) < 0 && function(t) {
        e.d(n, t, (function() {
            return o[t]
    n.default = r.a
535: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(n, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    var o = e(341);
    n.default = {
        name: "ContentMetaHeader",
        data: function() {
            return {
                showCollectSymbol: !1,
                collectSymbolState: "鍏虫敞",
                isLogin: !1
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        computed: {
            headerTitle: function() {
                return "#" + this.config.param.meteData.title + "#"
        created: function() {},
        mounted: function() {
            var t = this;
            window.contentData && !0 === window.contentData.isDisplayFollow && (this.showCollectSymbol = !0, !0 === window.contentData.isFollow && (this.collectSymbolState = "宸插叧娉�"));
            var n = window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment();
                env: n,
                successFun: function(n) {
                    t.isLogin = !0
                failureFun: function(t) {
        methods: {
            backLink: function() {
                document.referrer ? window.history.back() : window.location.href = "//"
            collectSymbolHandler: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment();
                !1 !== this.isLogin ? ("宸插叧娉�" === this.collectSymbolState && (0, o.unfollowTopic)(
                    .then((function(n) {
                        0 !== n.code && (t.collectSymbolState = "鍏虫敞")
                    }), (function(t) {
                    })), "鍏虫敞" === this.collectSymbolState && (0, o.followTopic)(
                    .then((function(n) {
                        0 !== n.code && (t.collectSymbolState = "宸插叧娉�")
                    }), (function(t) {
                    }))) : window.location.href = "test" == n ? "" : ""
54: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    var o = e(2),
        r = e(1),
        i = e(7),
        c = e(4),
        u = e(3)("species");
    t.exports = function(t) {
        var n = "function" == typeof r[t] ? r[t] : o[t];
        c && n && !n[u] && i.f(n, u, {
            configurable: !0,
            get: function() {
                return this
58: function(t, n, e) {
    t.exports = e(8)
59: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(19),
        r = e(18);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return function(n, e) {
            var i, c, u = String(r(n)),
                s = o(e),
                a = u.length;
            return s < 0 || s >= a ? t ? "" : void 0 : (i = u.charCodeAt(s)) < 55296 || i > 56319 || s + 1 === a || (c = u.charCodeAt(s + 1)) < 56320 || c > 57343 ? t ? u.charAt(s) : i : t ? u.slice(s, s + 2) : c - 56320 + (i - 55296 << 10) + 65536
6: function(t, n) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return "object" == typeof t ? null !== t : "function" == typeof t
60: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    var o = e(38),
        r = e(32),
        i = e(20),
        c = {};
    e(8)(c, e(3)("iterator"), (function() {
        return this
    })), t.exports = function(t, n, e) {
        t.prototype = o(c, {
            next: r(1, e)
        }), i(t, n + " Iterator")
61: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(7),
        r = e(9),
        i = e(28);
    t.exports = e(4) ? Object.defineProperties : function(t, n) {
        for (var e, c = i(n), u = c.length, s = 0; u > s;) o.f(t, e = c[s++], n[e]);
        return t
62: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(12),
        r = e(16),
        i = e(23)("IE_PROTO"),
        c = Object.prototype;
    t.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(t) {
        return t = r(t), o(t, i) ? t[i] : "function" == typeof t.constructor && t instanceof t.constructor ? t.constructor.prototype : t instanceof Object ? c : null
63: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    var o = e(64),
        r = e(39),
        i = e(13),
        c = e(17);
    t.exports = e(27)(Array, "Array", (function(t, n) {
        this._t = c(t), this._i = 0, this._k = n
    }), (function() {
        var t = this._t,
            n = this._k,
            e = this._i++;
        return !t || e >= t.length ? (this._t = void 0, r(1)) : r(0, "keys" == n ? e : "values" == n ? t[e] : [e, t[e]])
    }), "values"), i.Arguments = i.Array, o("keys"), o("values"), o("entries")
64: function(t, n) {
    t.exports = function() {}
68: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(9);
    t.exports = function(t, n, e, r) {
        try {
            return r ? n(o(e)[0], e[1]) : n(e)
        } catch (n) {
            var i = t.return;
            throw void 0 !== i && o(, n
69: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(13),
        r = e(3)("iterator"),
        i = Array.prototype;
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return void 0 !== t && (o.Array === t || i[r] === t)
7: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(9),
        r = e(48),
        i = e(47),
        c = Object.defineProperty;
    n.f = e(4) ? Object.defineProperty : function(t, n, e) {
        if (o(t), n = i(n, !0), o(e), r) try {
            return c(t, n, e)
        } catch (t) {}
        if ("get" in e || "set" in e) throw TypeError("Accessors not supported!");
        return "value" in e && (t[n] = e.value), t
72: function(t, n, e) {
    t.exports = {
        default: e(92),
        __esModule: !0
8: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(7),
        r = e(32);
    t.exports = e(4) ? function(t, n, e) {
        return o.f(t, n, r(1, e))
    } : function(t, n, e) {
        return t[n] = e, t
9: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(6);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        if (!o(t)) throw TypeError(t + " is not an object!");
        return t
90: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    var o = e(21);

    function r(t) {
        var n, e;
        this.promise = new t((function(t, o) {
            if (void 0 !== n || void 0 !== e) throw TypeError("Bad Promise constructor");
            n = t, e = o
        })), this.resolve = o(n), this.reject = o(e)
    t.exports.f = function(t) {
        return new r(t)
909: function(t, n, e) {
    "use strict";
    e.d(n, "a", (function() {
        return o
    })), e.d(n, "b", (function() {
        return r
    var o = function() {
            var t = this,
                n = t.$createElement,
                e = t._self._c || n;
            return e("div", {
                staticClass: "ContentMetaHeader"
            }, [e("div", {
                staticClass: "navPlaceholder"
            }), t._v(" "), e("div", {
                staticClass: "ContentMeta"
            }, [e("div", {
                staticClass: "title"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.headerTitle))]), t._v(" "), e("div", {
                staticClass: "detail"
            }, [t._v("\n            " + t._s(t.config.param.meteData.extraInfo) + "\n        ")])]), t._v(" "), t.showCollectSymbol ? e("div", {
                class: ["collectSymbol", "宸插叧娉�" === t.collectSymbolState ? "collected" : ""],
                on: {
                    click: t.collectSymbolHandler
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.collectSymbolState))]) : t._e()])
        r = [];
    o._withStripped = !0
92: function(t, n, e) {
    var o = e(1),
        r = o.JSON || (o.JSON = {
            stringify: JSON.stringify
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return r.stringify.apply(r, arguments)

}); ! function(t) { var e = {};

function n(o) {
    if (e[o]) return e[o].exports;
    var r = e[o] = {
        i: o,
        l: !1,
        exports: {}
    return t[o].call(r.exports, r, r.exports, n), r.l = !0, r.exports
n.m = t, n.c = e, n.d = function(t, e, o) {
    n.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
        enumerable: !0,
        get: o
}, n.r = function(t) {
    "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, {
        value: "Module"
    }), Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
}, n.t = function(t, e) {
    if (1 & e && (t = n(t)), 8 & e) return t;
    if (4 & e && "object" == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t;
    var o = Object.create(null);
    if (n.r(o), Object.defineProperty(o, "default", {
        enumerable: !0,
        value: t
    }), 2 & e && "string" != typeof t)
        for (var r in t) n.d(o, r, function(e) {
            return t[e]
        }.bind(null, r));
    return o
}, n.n = function(t) {
    var e = t && t.__esModule ? function() {
        return t.default
    } : function() {
        return t
    return n.d(e, "a", e), e
}, n.o = function(t, e) {
    return, e)
}, n.p = "//", n(n.s = 1394)

}({ 0: function(t, e, n) { "use strict";

    function o(t, e, n, o, r, i, a, c) {
        var s, u = "function" == typeof t ? t.options : t;
        if (e && (u.render = e, u.staticRenderFns = n, u._compiled = !0), o && (u.functional = !0), i && (u._scopeId = "data-v-" + i), a ? (s = function(t) {
            (t = t || this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext || this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext) || "undefined" == typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ || (t = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__), r &&, t), t && t._registeredComponents && t._registeredComponents.add(a)
        }, u._ssrRegister = s) : r && (s = c ? function() {
  , (u.functional ? this.parent : this)
        } : r), s)
            if (u.functional) {
                u._injectStyles = s;
                var f = u.render;
                u.render = function(t, e) {
                    return, f(t, e)
            } else {
                var l = u.beforeCreate;
                u.beforeCreate = l ? [].concat(l, s) : [s]
            } return {
            exports: t,
            options: u
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return o
1: function(t, e) {
    var n = t.exports = {
        version: "2.6.11"
    "number" == typeof __e && (__e = n)
10: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        try {
            return !!t()
        } catch (t) {
            return !0
100: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(5),
        r = n(1),
        i = n(10);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        var n = (r.Object || {})[t] || Object[t],
            a = {};
        a[t] = e(n), o(o.S + o.F * i((function() {
        })), "Object", a)
101: function(t, e, n) {
    var o, r, i, a = n(11),
        c = n(136),
        s = n(46),
        u = n(30),
        f = n(2),
        l = f.process,
        d = f.setImmediate,
        p = f.clearImmediate,
        h = f.MessageChannel,
        v = f.Dispatch,
        m = 0,
        w = {},
        g = function() {
            var t = +this;
            if (w.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
                var e = w[t];
                delete w[t], e()
        y = function(t) {
    d && p || (d = function(t) {
        for (var e = [], n = 1; arguments.length > n;) e.push(arguments[n++]);
        return w[++m] = function() {
            c("function" == typeof t ? t : Function(t), e)
        }, o(m), m
    }, p = function(t) {
        delete w[t]
    }, "process" == n(14)(l) ? o = function(t) {
        l.nextTick(a(g, t, 1))
    } : v && ? o = function(t) {, t, 1))
    } : h ? (i = (r = new h)
        .port2, r.port1.onmessage = y, o = a(i.postMessage, i, 1)) : f.addEventListener && "function" == typeof postMessage && !f.importScripts ? (o = function(t) {
        f.postMessage(t + "", "*")
    }, f.addEventListener("message", y, !1)) : o = "onreadystatechange" in u("script") ? function(t) {
            .onreadystatechange = function() {
    } : function(t) {
        setTimeout(a(g, t, 1), 0)
    }), t.exports = {
        set: d,
        clear: p
102: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(141),
        __esModule: !0
104: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(9),
        r = n(21),
        i = n(3)("species");
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        var n, a = o(t)
        return void 0 === a || null == (n = o(a)[i]) ? e : r(n)
105: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        try {
            return {
                e: !1,
                v: t()
        } catch (t) {
            return {
                e: !0,
                v: t
106: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(9),
        r = n(6),
        i = n(90);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        if (o(t), r(e) && e.constructor === t) return e;
        var n = i.f(t);
        return (0, n.resolve)(e), n.promise
1096: function(t, e, n) {},
11: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(21);
    t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        if (o(t), void 0 === e) return t;
        switch (n) {
            case 1:
                return function(n) {
                    return, n)
            case 2:
                return function(n, o) {
                    return, n, o)
            case 3:
                return function(n, o, r) {
                    return, n, o, r)
        return function() {
            return t.apply(e, arguments)
12: function(t, e) {
    var n = {}.hasOwnProperty;
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return, e)
127: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(3)("iterator"),
        r = !1;
    try {
        var i = [7][o]();
        i.return = function() {
            r = !0
        }, Array.from(i, (function() {
            throw 2
    } catch (t) {}
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        if (!e && !r) return !1;
        var n = !1;
        try {
            var i = [7],
                a = i[o]();
   = function() {
                return {
                    done: n = !0
            }, i[o] = function() {
                return a
            }, t(i)
        } catch (t) {}
        return n
13: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = {}
136: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        var o = void 0 === n;
        switch (e.length) {
            case 0:
                return o ? t() :;
            case 1:
                return o ? t(e[0]) :, e[0]);
            case 2:
                return o ? t(e[0], e[1]) :, e[0], e[1]);
            case 3:
                return o ? t(e[0], e[1], e[2]) :, e[0], e[1], e[2]);
            case 4:
                return o ? t(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3]) :, e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3])
        return t.apply(n, e)
1394: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o, r = n(1395),
        i = (o = r) && o.__esModule ? o : {
            default: o
    window.CBDRender.register("CBDWapComps", "NavigatorCommonBar", i.default), window.CBDRender.register("CBDTPLWapComponents", "NavigatorCommonBar", i.default)
1395: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(946),
        r = n(613);
    for (var i in r)["default"].indexOf(i) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    var a = n(0),
        c = Object(a.a)(r.default, o.a, o.b, !1, null, "601d9122", null);
    c.options.__file = "src/components/NavigatorCommonBar/NavigatorCommonBar.vue", e.default = c.exports
1396: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
14: function(t, e) {
    var n = {}.toString;
    t.exports = function(t) {
            .slice(8, -1)
141: function(t, e, n) {
    n(50), n(40), n(42), n(142), n(145), n(146), t.exports = n(1)
142: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o, r, i, a, c = n(29),
        s = n(2),
        u = n(11),
        f = n(31),
        l = n(5),
        d = n(6),
        p = n(21),
        h = n(37),
        v = n(15),
        m = n(104),
        w = n(101)
        g = n(143)(),
        y = n(90),
        T = n(105),
        _ = n(144),
        x = n(106),
        D = s.TypeError,
        C = s.process,
        b = C && C.versions,
        S = b && b.v8 || "",
        k = s.Promise,
        M = "process" == f(C),
        O = function() {},
        P = r = y.f,
        I = !! function() {
            try {
                var t = k.resolve(1),
                    e = (t.constructor = {})[n(3)("species")] = function(t) {
                        t(O, O)
                return (M || "function" == typeof PromiseRejectionEvent) && t.then(O) instanceof e && 0 !== S.indexOf("6.6") && -1 === _.indexOf("Chrome/66")
            } catch (t) {}
        F = function(t) {
            var e;
            return !(!d(t) || "function" != typeof(e = t.then)) && e
        j = function(t, e) {
            if (!t._n) {
                t._n = !0;
                var n = t._c;
                g((function() {
                    for (var o = t._v, r = 1 == t._s, i = 0, a = function(e) {
                        var n, i, a, c = r ? e.ok :,
                            s = e.resolve,
                            u = e.reject,
                            f = e.domain;
                        try {
                            c ? (r || (2 == t._h && L(t), t._h = 1), !0 === c ? n = o : (f && f.enter(), n = c(o), f && (f.exit(), a = !0)), n === e.promise ? u(D("Promise-chain cycle")) : (i = F(n)) ?, s, u) : s(n)) : u(o)
                        } catch (t) {
                            f && !a && f.exit(), u(t)
                    }; n.length > i;) a(n[i++]);
                    t._c = [], t._n = !1, e && !t._h && U(t)
        U = function(t) {
  , (function() {
                var e, n, o, r = t._v,
                    i = E(t);
                if (i && (e = T((function() {
                    M ? C.emit("unhandledRejection", r, t) : (n = s.onunhandledrejection) ? n({
                        promise: t,
                        reason: r
                    }) : (o = s.console) && o.error && o.error("Unhandled promise rejection", r)
                })), t._h = M || E(t) ? 2 : 1), t._a = void 0, i && e.e) throw e.v
        E = function(t) {
            return 1 !== t._h && 0 === (t._a || t._c)
        L = function(t) {
  , (function() {
                var e;
                M ? C.emit("rejectionHandled", t) : (e = s.onrejectionhandled) && e({
                    promise: t,
                    reason: t._v
        N = function(t) {
            var e = this;
            e._d || (e._d = !0, (e = e._w || e)
                ._v = t, e._s = 2, e._a || (e._a = e._c.slice()), j(e, !0))
        H = function(t) {
            var e, n = this;
            if (!n._d) {
                n._d = !0, n = n._w || n;
                try {
                    if (n === t) throw D("Promise can't be resolved itself");
                    (e = F(t)) ? g((function() {
                        var o = {
                            _w: n,
                            _d: !1
                        try {
                  , u(H, o, 1), u(N, o, 1))
                        } catch (t) {
                  , t)
                    })): (n._v = t, n._s = 1, j(n, !1))
                } catch (t) {
                        _w: n,
                        _d: !1
                    }, t)
    I || (k = function(t) {
                h(this, k, "Promise", "_h"), p(t),;
                try {
                    t(u(H, this, 1), u(N, this, 1))
                } catch (t) {
          , t)
            }, (o = function(t) {
                this._c = [], this._a = void 0, this._s = 0, this._d = !1, this._v = void 0, this._h = 0, this._n = !1
            .prototype = n(36)(k.prototype, {
                then: function(t, e) {
                    var n = P(m(this, k));
                    return n.ok = "function" != typeof t || t, = "function" == typeof e && e, n.domain = M ? C.domain : void 0, this._c.push(n), this._a && this._a.push(n), this._s && j(this, !1), n.promise
                catch: function(t) {
                    return this.then(void 0, t)
            }), i = function() {
                var t = new o;
                this.promise = t, this.resolve = u(H, t, 1), this.reject = u(N, t, 1)
            }, y.f = P = function(t) {
                return t === k || t === a ? new i(t) : r(t)
            }), l(l.G + l.W + l.F * !I, {
            Promise: k
        }), n(20)(k, "Promise"), n(54)("Promise"), a = n(1)
        .Promise, l(l.S + l.F * !I, "Promise", {
            reject: function(t) {
                var e = P(this);
                return (0, e.reject)(t), e.promise
        }), l(l.S + l.F * (c || !I), "Promise", {
            resolve: function(t) {
                return x(c && this === a ? k : this, t)
        }), l(l.S + l.F * !(I && n(127)((function(t) {
        }))), "Promise", {
            all: function(t) {
                var e = this,
                    n = P(e),
                    o = n.resolve,
                    r = n.reject,
                    i = T((function() {
                        var n = [],
                            i = 0,
                            a = 1;
                        v(t, !1, (function(t) {
                            var c = i++,
                                s = !1;
                            n.push(void 0), a++, e.resolve(t)
                                .then((function(t) {
                                    s || (s = !0, n[c] = t, --a || o(n))
                                }), r)
                        })), --a || o(n)
                return i.e && r(i.v), n.promise
            race: function(t) {
                var e = this,
                    n = P(e),
                    o = n.reject,
                    r = T((function() {
                        v(t, !1, (function(t) {
                                .then(n.resolve, o)
                return r.e && o(r.v), n.promise
143: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(2),
        r = n(101)
        i = o.MutationObserver || o.WebKitMutationObserver,
        a = o.process,
        c = o.Promise,
        s = "process" == n(14)(a);
    t.exports = function() {
        var t, e, n, u = function() {
            var o, r;
            for (s && (o = a.domain) && o.exit(); t;) {
                r = t.fn, t =;
                try {
                } catch (o) {
                    throw t ? n() : e = void 0, o
            e = void 0, o && o.enter()
        if (s) n = function() {
        else if (!i || o.navigator && o.navigator.standalone)
            if (c && c.resolve) {
                var f = c.resolve(void 0);
                n = function() {
            } else n = function() {
      , u)
        else {
            var l = !0,
                d = document.createTextNode("");
            new i(u)
                .observe(d, {
                    characterData: !0
                }), n = function() {
           = l = !l
        return function(o) {
            var r = {
                fn: o,
                next: void 0
            e && ( = r), t || (t = r, n()), e = r
144: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(2)
    t.exports = o && o.userAgent || ""
145: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(5),
        r = n(1),
        i = n(2),
        a = n(104),
        c = n(106);
    o(o.P + o.R, "Promise", {
        finally: function(t) {
            var e = a(this, r.Promise || i.Promise),
                n = "function" == typeof t;
            return this.then(n ? function(n) {
                return c(e, t())
                    .then((function() {
                        return n
            } : t, n ? function(n) {
                return c(e, t())
                    .then((function() {
                        throw n
            } : t)
146: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(5),
        r = n(90),
        i = n(105);
    o(o.S, "Promise", {
        try: function(t) {
            var e = r.f(this),
                n = i(t);
            return (n.e ? e.reject : e.resolve)(n.v), e.promise
15: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(11),
        r = n(70),
        i = n(71),
        a = n(9),
        c = n(25),
        s = n(53),
        u = {},
        f = {};
    (e = t.exports = function(t, e, n, l, d) {
        var p, h, v, m, w = d ? function() {
                return t
            } : s(t),
            g = o(n, l, e ? 2 : 1),
            y = 0;
        if ("function" != typeof w) throw TypeError(t + " is not iterable!");
        if (i(w)) {
            for (p = c(t.length); p > y; y++)
                if ((m = e ? g(a(h = t[y])[0], h[1]) : g(t[y])) === u || m === f) return m
        } else
            for (v =; !(h =
                if ((m = r(v, g, h.value, e)) === u || m === f) return m
    .BREAK = u, e.RETURN = f
16: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(18);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return Object(o(t))
17: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(26),
        r = n(18);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return o(r(t))
18: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        if (null == t) throw TypeError("Can't call method on  " + t);
        return t
19: function(t, e) {
    var n = Math.ceil,
        o = Math.floor;
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return isNaN(t = +t) ? 0 : (t > 0 ? o : n)(t)
2: function(t, e) {
    var n = t.exports = "undefined" != typeof window && window.Math == Math ? window : "undefined" != typeof self && self.Math == Math ? self : Function("return this")();
    "number" == typeof __g && (__g = n)
20: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(7)
        r = n(12),
        i = n(3)("toStringTag");
    t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        t && !r(t = n ? t : t.prototype, i) && o(t, i, {
            configurable: !0,
            value: e
21: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        if ("function" != typeof t) throw TypeError(t + " is not a function!");
        return t
22: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(33)("keys"),
        r = n(24);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return o[t] || (o[t] = r(t))
24: function(t, e) {
    var n = 0,
        o = Math.random();
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return "Symbol(".concat(void 0 === t ? "" : t, ")_", (++n + o)
25: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(19),
        r = Math.min;
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return t > 0 ? r(o(t), 9007199254740991) : 0
26: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(14);
    t.exports = Object("z")
        .propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function(t) {
            return "String" == o(t) ? t.split("") : Object(t)
27: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(29),
        r = n(5),
        i = n(58),
        a = n(8),
        c = n(13),
        s = n(61),
        u = n(20),
        f = n(63),
        l = n(3)("iterator"),
        d = !([].keys && "next" in [].keys()),
        p = function() {
            return this
    t.exports = function(t, e, n, h, v, m, w) {
        s(n, e, h);
        var g, y, T, _ = function(t) {
                if (!d && t in b) return b[t];
                switch (t) {
                    case "keys":
                    case "values":
                        return function() {
                            return new n(this, t)
                return function() {
                    return new n(this, t)
            x = e + " Iterator",
            D = "values" == v,
            C = !1,
            b = t.prototype,
            S = b[l] || b["@@iterator"] || v && b[v],
            k = S || _(v),
            M = v ? D ? _("entries") : k : void 0,
            O = "Array" == e && b.entries || S;
        if (O && (T = f( t))) !== Object.prototype && && (u(T, x, !0), o || "function" == typeof T[l] || a(T, l, p)), D && S && "values" !== && (C = !0, k = function() {
        }), o && !w || !d && !C && b[l] || a(b, l, k), c[e] = k, c[x] = p, v)
            if (g = {
                values: D ? k : _("values"),
                keys: m ? k : _("keys"),
                entries: M
            }, w)
                for (y in g) y in b || i(b, y, g[y]);
            else r(r.P + r.F * (d || C), e, g);
        return g
28: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(49),
        r = n(34);
    t.exports = Object.keys || function(t) {
        return o(t, r)
29: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = !0
3: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(33)("wks"),
        r = n(24),
        i = n(2)
        a = "function" == typeof i;
    (t.exports = function(t) {
        return o[t] || (o[t] = a && i[t] || (a ? i : r)("Symbol." + t))
    .store = o
30: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(6),
        r = n(2)
        i = o(r) && o(r.createElement);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return i ? r.createElement(t) : {}
31: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(14),
        r = n(3)("toStringTag"),
        i = "Arguments" == o(function() {
            return arguments
    t.exports = function(t) {
        var e, n, a;
        return void 0 === t ? "Undefined" : null === t ? "Null" : "string" == typeof(n = function(t, e) {
            try {
                return t[e]
            } catch (t) {}
        }(e = Object(t), r)) ? n : i ? o(e) : "Object" == (a = o(e)) && "function" == typeof e.callee ? "Arguments" : a
32: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return {
            enumerable: !(1 & t),
            configurable: !(2 & t),
            writable: !(4 & t),
            value: e
33: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(1),
        r = n(2),
        i = r["__core-js_shared__"] || (r["__core-js_shared__"] = {});
    (t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return i[t] || (i[t] = void 0 !== e ? e : {})
    })("versions", [])
        version: o.version,
        mode: n(29) ? "pure" : "global",
        copyright: "漏 2019 Denis Pushkarev ("
34: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = "constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf".split(",")
35: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    }), e.formatRenderFeedData = e.Moment = e.FormatNumber = e.flattenData = e.formatFeedData = e.cutZoomPicUrl = e.cutPicUrl = e.GetQueryString = void 0;
    var o = a(n(45)),
        r = a(n(41)),
        i = n(87);

    function a(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
    var c = function(t) {
        this.number = t
    c.prototype = {
        format: function() {
            return this.number <= 0 ? "0" : this.number < 1e4 ? this.number.toString() : this.number < 1e5 ? (this.number / 1e4)
                .replace(/\.?0*$/gi, "") + "涓�" : this.number <= 1e8 ? (this.number / 1e4)
                .toFixed(1) + "涓�+" : (this.number, (this.number / 1e8)
                    .replace(/\.?0*$/gi, "") + "浜�+")
    var s = function(t) {
            this.time = new Date(t)
        u = function(t) {
            return t.toString()
                .length < 2 ? "0" + t : t
    s.prototype = {
        fromNow: function() {
            var t = new Date;
            return t - this.time <= 6e5 ? "鍒氬垰" : t - this.time <= 36e5 ? Math.round((t - this.time) / 60 / 1e3) + "鍒嗛挓鍓�" : t - this.time <= 864e5 ? Math.round((t - this.time) / 60 / 60 / 1e3) + "灏忔椂鍓�" : t.getFullYear() == this.time.getFullYear() ? u(this.time.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + u(this.time.getDate()) + " " + u(this.time.getHours()) + ":" + u(this.time.getMinutes()) : this.time.getFullYear() + "-" + u(this.time.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + u(this.time.getDate())
        format: function(t) {
            return t.replace("yyyy", this.time.getFullYear())
                .replace("MM", this.time.getMonth() + 1)
                .replace("dd", u(this.time.getDate()))
                .replace("HH", u(this.time.getHours()))
                .replace("mm", u(this.time.getMinutes()))
        fixTime: function() {
            var t = new Date;
            if (t.getFullYear() == this.time.getFullYear()) {
                var e = new Date(t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth(), t.getDate()),
                    n = new Date(this.time.getFullYear(), this.time.getMonth(), this.time.getDate());
                return e - n == 0 ? "浠婂ぉ " + u(this.time.getHours()) + ":" + u(this.time.getMinutes()) : e - n <= 864e5 ? "鏄ㄥぉ " + u(this.time.getHours()) + ":" + u(this.time.getMinutes()) : this.fromNow()
            return this.fromNow()
        fixNewTime: function() {
            var t = new Date - this.time;
            return t < 0 || 0 == t || t < 6e4 ? "鍒氬垰" : t < 36e5 ? Math.round(t / 6e4) + "鍒嗛挓鍓�" : t < 864e5 ? Math.round(t / 36e5) + "灏忔椂鍓�" : t < 1728e5 ? "鏄ㄥぉ" + this.format("HH:mm") : t < 2592e5 ? "鍓嶅ぉ" + this.format("HH:mm") : t < 6048e5 ? Math.round(t / 864e5) + "澶╁墠" : this.format("yyyy.MM.dd")
        fixSportsTime: function() {
            var t = new Date;
            if (t.getFullYear() == this.time.getFullYear()) {
                var e = new Date(t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth(), t.getDate()) - new Date(this.time.getFullYear(), this.time.getMonth(), this.time.getDate());
                return 0 == e ? "浠婃棩 " + u(this.time.getHours()) + ":" + u(this.time.getMinutes()) : e <= 864e5 && e > 0 ? "鏄ㄦ棩 " + u(this.time.getHours()) + ":" + u(this.time.getMinutes()) : e < 0 && e >= -864e5 ? "鏄庢棩 " + u(this.time.getHours()) + ":" + u(this.time.getMinutes()) : this.fromNow()
            return this.fromNow()
    var f = function(t) {
            var e = "";
            "undefined" != typeof window && && && (e =;
            var n = (0, o.default)({
                resourceType: t.resourceType,
                businessType: t.resourceData.businessType,
                contentType: t.resourceData.contentType
            }, t.resourceData.contentData);
            return e && n.url && n.url.indexOf("//") < 0 && n.url.indexOf(".com") < 0 && (n.url = e + n.url), "undefined" != typeof window && "function" == typeof window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getContentSpmContent && (n.contentSpmContent = window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getContentSpmContent(n)), n
        l = (e.GetQueryString = function(t) {
            var e = new RegExp("(^|&)" + t + "=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"),
                n =
            return null != n ? decodeURIComponent(n[2]) : null
        }, function(t, e, n) {
            for (var o = 0; o < (t && t.length); o++)
                if (3 == t[o].resourceType) {
                    if (t[o].backupContent && t[o].backupContent.resourceData && t[o].backupContent.resourceData.contentData) {
                        for (var r = {}, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) r[e[i]] = t[o].backupContent.resourceData.contentData[e[i]];
                        t[o].backupContent.resourceData.contentData = r
                } else if (0 != t[o].resourceType && 2 != t[o].resourceType && t[o].resourceData && t[o].resourceData.contentData) {
                for (var a = {}, c = 0; c < e.length; c++) a[e[c]] = t[o].resourceData.contentData[e[c]];
                t[o].resourceData.contentData = a
            return n ? t.slice(0, n) : t
    e.cutPicUrl = function(t, e, n) {
        var o = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : "q_70,c_lfill",
            r = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
            i = r.length,
            a = function(t) {
                return !!t && t.split("//")[1]
        if (!t) return "";
        for (var c = t, s = e || 226, u = n || 150, f = 0; f < i; f++)
            if (a(c)) {
                var l = c && c.split("/");
                l[3] && (-1 !== l[3].indexOf("w_") && -1 !== l[3].indexOf("h_") || -1 !== l[3].indexOf("q_") ? l[3] = o + ",w_" + s + ",h_" + u + ",g_face" : -1 !== l[3].indexOf("images") && (l[3] = o + ",w_" + s + ",h_" + u + ",g_face/" + l[3])), c = l.join("/")
            } return c.replace(/^http:/, "")
    }, e.cutZoomPicUrl = function(t, e) {
        var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : "q_70,c_zoom";
        if (t.indexOf("") > -1) return t;
        var o = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
            r = o.length,
            i = function(t) {
                return !!t && t.split("//")[1]
        if (!t) return "";
        for (var a = t, c = e || 226, s = 0; s < r; s++)
            if (i(a)) {
                var u = a.split("/");
                u[3] && (-1 !== u[3].indexOf("w_") || -1 !== u[3].indexOf("h_") ? (u[3] = n + "," + c, a = u.join("/")) : (u.splice(3, 0, n + "," + c), a = u.join("/")))
            } return a.replace(/^http:/, "")
    }, e.formatFeedData = function() {
        var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : [],
            e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : new r.default,
            n = [],
            a = {};
        t && t.forEach((function(t) {
            if (3 === t.resourceType) {
                var e = t,
                    r = e.resourceData,
                    i = e.resourceType;
                a = (0, o.default)({}, r.adData, {
                    pcm: r.pcm,
                    type: r.adType,
                    position: r.location || 0,
                    resourceType: i,
                    replaced: t.backupContent ? (0, o.default)({}, t.backupContent.resourceData.contentData, {
                        businessType: t.backupContent.resourceData.businessType,
                        contentType: t.backupContent.resourceData.contentType,
                        resoureType: t.backupContent.resourceType
                    }) : null,
                    backup: t.resourceData.backUp ? (0, o.default)({
                        adType: t.resourceData.backUp.adType,
                    }, t.resourceData.backUp.adData) : null
                }), n.push(a)
            } else if (2 === t.resourceType) {
                var c = t,
                    s = c.resourceData,
                    u = c.resourceType;
                a = (0, o.default)({}, s.promoData, {
                    pcm: s.pcm,
                    resourceType: u,
                    cover: s.promoData && s.promoData.images
                }), n.push(a)
            } else if (0 === t.resourceType) n = null;
            else {
                if (1 != (t = f(t))
                    .businessType || 4 != t.contentType && 5 != t.contentType || (t.isVideo = !0, t.videoDuration = t.videoInfoDTO && t.videoInfoDTO.smartDuration), 3 === t.contentType && (t.isPicture = !0), 4 === t.contentType && (t.hasVideoTag = !0, t.isBigVideoStyle = !0, t.dataMeasure = {
                        type: "",
                        value: ""
                    }, t.images && t.images.length), 5 === t.contentType && (t.hasVideoTag = !0), = t.newsId ||, t.label && t.label.comments && "绮鹃€�" === t.label.comments) {
                    var l = t.label.color;
                    t.tag = {
                        name: t.label.comments,
                        borderColor: l || "#F5D795",
                        textColor: l || "#FDBE00"
        var c = {
            data: n,
            key: "id",
            keyMap: e
        return n = (0, i.dupRemoval)(c)
    }, e.flattenData = f, e.FormatNumber = c, e.Moment = s, e.formatRenderFeedData = function(t, e, n, o) {
        e || (e = ["url", "title", "cover", "extraInfo", "extraInfoList", "id"]), n || (n = ["data"]);
        for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++)
            if (t && t.param && t.param[n[r]] && t.param[n[r]].data) {
                var i = t && t.param && t.param[n[r]] && t.param[n[r]].data;
                t.param[n[r]].data = l(i, e, o)
            } return t
357: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    }), e.checkFollowChannel = e.unFollowChannel = e.followChannel = e.unfollowTopic = e.followTopic = e.getPvCount = void 0;
    var o = i(n(59)),
        r = i(n(102));

    function i(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
    e.getPvCount = function(t) {
        return new r.default((function(e, n) {
            try {
                new window.MptcfeUtils.Jsonp({
                    url: "" + t.join(","),
                    success: function(t) {
                    error: function() {
            } catch (t) {
    }, e.followTopic = function(t) {
        return new r.default((function(e, n) {
                url: "test" === window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment() ? "//" : "//",
                type: "POST",
                data: (0, o.default)({
                    id: t
                dataType: "json",
                contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
                xhrFields: {
                    withCredentials: !0
                success: function(t) {
                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), n(t)
    }, e.unfollowTopic = function(t) {
        return new r.default((function(e, n) {
                url: "test" === window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment() ? "//" : "//",
                type: "POST",
                data: (0, o.default)({
                    id: t
                dataType: "json",
                contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
                xhrFields: {
                    withCredentials: !0
                success: function(t) {
                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), n(t)
    }, e.followChannel = function(t) {
        var e = window.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("umab_access_token"),
            n = ("test" === window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment() ? "//" : "//") + "?accountId=" + t.accountId + "&userType=1&followingAccountId=" + t.followingAccountId + "&followingUserType=0&followingType=7";
        return new r.default((function(t, o) {
                url: n,
                type: "POST",
                contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
                headers: {
                    "X-SohuPassport-UserId": e
                xhrFields: {
                    withCredentials: !0
                success: function(e) {
                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), o(t)
    }, e.unFollowChannel = function(t) {
        var e = window.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("umab_access_token"),
            n = ("test" === window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment() ? "//" : "//") + "?accountId=" + t.accountId + "&userType=1&followingAccountId=" + t.followingAccountId + "&followingUserType=0&followingType=7";
        return new r.default((function(t, o) {
                url: n,
                type: "POST",
                contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
                headers: {
                    "X-SohuPassport-UserId": e
                xhrFields: {
                    withCredentials: !0
                success: function(e) {
                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), o(t)
    }, e.checkFollowChannel = function(t) {
        var e = window.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("umab_access_token"),
            n = "test" === window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment() ? "//" : "//";
        return new r.default((function(o, r) {
                url: n,
                type: "GET",
                data: t,
                dataType: "json",
                contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
                headers: {
                    "X-SohuPassport-UserId": e
                xhrFields: {
                    withCredentials: !0
                success: function(t) {
                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), r(t)
36: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(8);
    t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        for (var r in e) n && t[r] ? t[r] = e[r] : o(t, r, e[r]);
        return t
37: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t, e, n, o) {
        if (!(t instanceof e) || void 0 !== o && o in t) throw TypeError(n + ": incorrect invocation!");
        return t
38: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(9),
        r = n(62),
        i = n(34),
        a = n(22)("IE_PROTO"),
        c = function() {},
        s = function() {
            var t, e = n(30)("iframe"),
                o = i.length;
            for ( = "none", n(46)
                .appendChild(e), e.src = "javascript:", (t = e.contentWindow.document)
                .open(), t.write("<script>document.F=Object<\/script>"), t.close(), s = t.F; o--;) delete s.prototype[i[o]];
            return s()
    t.exports = Object.create || function(t, e) {
        var n;
        return null !== t ? (c.prototype = o(t), n = new c, c.prototype = null, n[a] = t) : n = s(), void 0 === e ? n : r(n, e)
39: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return {
            value: e,
            done: !!t
4: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = !n(10)((function() {
        return 7 != Object.defineProperty({}, "a", {
                get: function() {
                    return 7
40: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(60)(!0);
    n(27)(String, "String", (function(t) {
        this._t = String(t), this._i = 0
    }), (function() {
        var t, e = this._t,
            n = this._i;
        return n >= e.length ? {
            value: void 0,
            done: !0
        } : (t = o(e, n), this._i += t.length, {
            value: t,
            done: !1
41: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(73),
        __esModule: !0
42: function(t, e, n) {
    for (var o = n(2), r = n(8), i = n(13), a = n(3)("toStringTag"), c = "CSSRuleList,CSSStyleDeclaration,CSSValueList,ClientRectList,DOMRectList,DOMStringList,DOMTokenList,DataTransferItemList,FileList,HTMLAllCollection,HTMLCollection,HTMLFormElement,HTMLSelectElement,MediaList,MimeTypeArray,NamedNodeMap,NodeList,PaintRequestList,Plugin,PluginArray,SVGLengthList,SVGNumberList,SVGPathSegList,SVGPointList,SVGStringList,SVGTransformList,SourceBufferList,StyleSheetList,TextTrackCueList,TextTrackList,TouchList".split(","), s = 0; s < c.length; s++) {
        var u = c[s],
            f = o[u],
            l = f && f.prototype;
        l && !l[a] && r(l, a, u), i[u] = i.Array
43: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(24)("meta"),
        r = n(6),
        i = n(12),
        a = n(7)
        c = 0,
        s = Object.isExtensible || function() {
            return !0
        u = !n(10)((function() {
            return s(Object.preventExtensions({}))
        f = function(t) {
            a(t, o, {
                value: {
                    i: "O" + ++c,
                    w: {}
        l = t.exports = {
            KEY: o,
            NEED: !1,
            fastKey: function(t, e) {
                if (!r(t)) return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : ("string" == typeof t ? "S" : "P") + t;
                if (!i(t, o)) {
                    if (!s(t)) return "F";
                    if (!e) return "E";
                return t[o].i
            getWeak: function(t, e) {
                if (!i(t, o)) {
                    if (!s(t)) return !0;
                    if (!e) return !1;
                return t[o].w
            onFreeze: function(t) {
                return u && l.NEED && s(t) && !i(t, o) && f(t), t
44: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(6);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        if (!o(t) || t._t !== e) throw TypeError("Incompatible receiver, " + e + " required!");
        return t
45: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    e.__esModule = !0;
    var o, r = n(56),
        i = (o = r) && o.__esModule ? o : {
            default: o
    e.default = i.default || function(t) {
        for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {
            var n = arguments[e];
            for (var o in n), o) && (t[o] = n[o])
        return t
46: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(2)
    t.exports = o && o.documentElement
47: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(6);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        if (!o(t)) return t;
        var n, r;
        if (e && "function" == typeof(n = t.toString) && !o(r = return r;
        if ("function" == typeof(n = t.valueOf) && !o(r = return r;
        if (!e && "function" == typeof(n = t.toString) && !o(r = return r;
        throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value")
48: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = !n(4) && !n(10)((function() {
        return 7 != Object.defineProperty(n(30)("div"), "a", {
                get: function() {
                    return 7
49: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(12),
        r = n(17),
        i = n(51)(!1),
        a = n(22)("IE_PROTO");
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        var n, c = r(t),
            s = 0,
            u = [];
        for (n in c) n != a && o(c, n) && u.push(n);
        for (; e.length > s;) o(c, n = e[s++]) && (~i(u, n) || u.push(n));
        return u
5: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(2),
        r = n(1),
        i = n(11),
        a = n(8),
        c = n(12),
        s = function(t, e, n) {
            var u, f, l, d = t & s.F,
                p = t & s.G,
                h = t & s.S,
                v = t & s.P,
                m = t & s.B,
                w = t & s.W,
                g = p ? r : r[e] || (r[e] = {}),
                y = g.prototype,
                T = p ? o : h ? o[e] : (o[e] || {})
            for (u in p && (n = e), n)(f = !d && T && void 0 !== T[u]) && c(g, u) || (l = f ? T[u] : n[u], g[u] = p && "function" != typeof T[u] ? n[u] : m && f ? i(l, o) : w && T[u] == l ? function(t) {
                var e = function(e, n, o) {
                    if (this instanceof t) {
                        switch (arguments.length) {
                            case 0:
                                return new t;
                            case 1:
                                return new t(e);
                            case 2:
                                return new t(e, n)
                        return new t(e, n, o)
                    return t.apply(this, arguments)
                return e.prototype = t.prototype, e
            }(l) : v && "function" == typeof l ? i(, l) : l, v && ((g.virtual || (g.virtual = {}))[u] = l, t & s.R && y && !y[u] && a(y, u, l)))
    s.F = 1, s.G = 2, s.S = 4, s.P = 8, s.B = 16, s.W = 32, s.U = 64, s.R = 128, t.exports = s
50: function(t, e) {},
51: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(17),
        r = n(25),
        i = n(52);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return function(e, n, a) {
            var c, s = o(e),
                u = r(s.length),
                f = i(a, u);
            if (t && n != n) {
                for (; u > f;)
                    if ((c = s[f++]) != c) return !0
            } else
                for (; u > f; f++)
                    if ((t || f in s) && s[f] === n) return t || f || 0;
            return !t && -1
52: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(19),
        r = Math.max,
        i = Math.min;
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return (t = o(t)) < 0 ? r(t + e, 0) : i(t, e)
53: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(31),
        r = n(3)("iterator"),
        i = n(13);
    t.exports = n(1)
        .getIteratorMethod = function(t) {
            if (null != t) return t[r] || t["@@iterator"] || i[o(t)]
54: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(2),
        r = n(1),
        i = n(7),
        a = n(4),
        c = n(3)("species");
    t.exports = function(t) {
        var e = "function" == typeof r[t] ? r[t] : o[t];
        a && e && !e[c] && i.f(e, c, {
            configurable: !0,
            get: function() {
                return this
55: function(t, e) {
    e.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable
56: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(67),
        __esModule: !0
57: function(t, e) {
    e.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols
58: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = n(8)
59: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(89),
        __esModule: !0
6: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return "object" == typeof t ? null !== t : "function" == typeof t
60: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(19),
        r = n(18);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return function(e, n) {
            var i, a, c = String(r(e)),
                s = o(n),
                u = c.length;
            return s < 0 || s >= u ? t ? "" : void 0 : (i = c.charCodeAt(s)) < 55296 || i > 56319 || s + 1 === u || (a = c.charCodeAt(s + 1)) < 56320 || a > 57343 ? t ? c.charAt(s) : i : t ? c.slice(s, s + 2) : a - 56320 + (i - 55296 << 10) + 65536
61: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(38),
        r = n(32),
        i = n(20),
        a = {};
    n(8)(a, n(3)("iterator"), (function() {
        return this
    })), t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        t.prototype = o(a, {
            next: r(1, n)
        }), i(t, e + " Iterator")
613: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(614),
        r = n.n(o);
    for (var i in o)["default"].indexOf(i) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return o[t]
    e.default = r.a
614: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    var o = n(35),
        r = n(94),
        i = n(357);
    e.default = {
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                default: function() {}
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                backLink: "//",
                adData: null,
                isLogin: !1,
                isFollow: !1,
                isChannel: !1,
                isFixed: !1,
                isLoad: !1,
                followIcon: ",w_40,h_40,q_70/mptc-mpfe/img/components-wap/icon_follow.png"
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        mounted: function() {
            var t = this;
            if (window.contentData && 13 == window.contentData.businessType) {
                this.isChannel = !0;
                var e = window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment();
                window.LoginUtil && window.LoginUtil.checkLogin({
                    env: e,
                    successFun: function(e) {
                        t.isLogin = !0, t.checkFollow()
                    failureFun: function(e) {
                        t.isLoad = !0
            window.addEventListener("scroll", this.checkFixed), window && window.performance && "function" == typeof && (window.MptcfePerf ? window.MptcfePerf.csrfpst = +new Date : window.MptcfePerf = {
                    csrfpst: +new Date
                }), this.event = window.MptcfeUtils.event, window.MptcfeUtils.eventBus.$on("showHeader", (function() {
                    var e = !(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0];
                    e && (t.showHeaderTop = !0)
                })), window.MptcfeUtils.eventBus.$on("hideHeader", (function() {
                    var e = !(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0];
                    e && (t.showHeaderTop = !1)
                })), this.fixedTopHeaderHeight = $(this.$refs.fixedTopHeader)
                .outerHeight(), window.mobileTopic = window.mobileTopic || {}, window.mobileTopic.fixedTopHeaderHeight = this.fixedTopHeaderHeight, this.$nextTick((function() {
                        target: t.config.param.spmCCode
            var n = {
                spmCCode: this.config.param && this.config.param.spmCCode,
                resourceId: this.config.resourceId,
                productType: "singleAd",
                cisVersion: this.config && this.config.comp && this.config.comp.compCisVersion
            (0, r.getCISFeedData)(window, n, (function(e) {
                t.adData = (0, o.formatFeedData)(e) && (0, o.formatFeedData)(e)[0]
            }), (function(t) {
        computed: {
            headerTitle: function() {
                var t = this.config.param.title;
                return t || "undefined" == typeof window || (t = window.contentData && window.contentData.title), "15" == this.config.param.contentBusinessType && (t = "#" + t + "#"), t = t && t.length > 15 ? t.substring(0, 15) + "....." : t
            headerState: function() {
                var t = this.config.param.initState || this.initState;
                return this.showHeaderTop && (t = this.config.param.resultState || this.resultState), t
            headerStyle: function() {
                return this.headerState
            showHeaderTopState: function() {
                return this.config.param.showHeaderTopState || !1
        methods: {
            toFollow: function() {
                var t = this,
                    e = window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment();
                if (!1 === this.isLogin) return window.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.set("channel_follow",, void(window.location.href = "test" == e ? "" : "");
                var n = {
                    accountId: window.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("umab_user_id"),
                    followingAccountId: "channel_" + (window.contentData &&
                this.isFollow ? (0, i.unFollowChannel)(n)
                    .then((function(e) {
                        t.isFollow = !1, t.isLoad = !0, window.sohuSpm && "function" == typeof window.sohuSpm.sendAction && window.sohuSpm.sendAction({
                            acode: 9681
                    }), (function(e) {
                        t.isLoad = !0
                    .catch((function(t) {
                    })) : (0, i.followChannel)(n)
                    .then((function(e) {
                        t.isLoad = !0, t.isFollow = !0, window.sohuSpm && "function" == typeof window.sohuSpm.sendAction && window.sohuSpm.sendAction({
                            acode: 9680
                    }), (function(e) {
                        t.isLoad = !0
                    .catch((function(t) {
            checkFollow: function() {
                var t = this,
                    e = {
                        accountId: window.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("umab_user_id"),
                        userType: 1,
                        followingAccountId: "channel_" + (window.contentData &&,
                        followingUserType: 0,
                        followingType: 7
                (0, i.checkFollowChannel)(e)
                .then((function(e) {
                        if (e)
                            if (1 == t.isFollow = !0, t.isLoad = !0;
                            else {
                                t.isFollow = !1;
                                var n = window.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("channel_follow");
                                t.isLogin && n == ? (t.isFollow = !1, window.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.remove("channel_follow"), t.toFollow()) : t.isLoad = !0
                    }), (function(e) {
                        t.isLoad = !0
                    .catch((function(t) {
            checkFixed: function() {
                    .scrollTop() > 44 ? (this.isFixed = !0, this.showHeaderTop = !0) : (this.isFixed = !1, this.showHeaderTop = !1)
        beforeDestroy: function() {
            this.isChannel && window.removeEventListener("scroll", this.checkFixed)
62: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(7),
        r = n(9),
        i = n(28);
    t.exports = n(4) ? Object.defineProperties : function(t, e) {
        for (var n, a = i(e), c = a.length, s = 0; c > s;) o.f(t, n = a[s++], e[n]);
        return t
63: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(12),
        r = n(16),
        i = n(22)("IE_PROTO"),
        a = Object.prototype;
    t.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(t) {
        return t = r(t), o(t, i) ? t[i] : "function" == typeof t.constructor && t instanceof t.constructor ? t.constructor.prototype : t instanceof Object ? a : null
64: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(65),
        r = n(39),
        i = n(13),
        a = n(17);
    t.exports = n(27)(Array, "Array", (function(t, e) {
        this._t = a(t), this._i = 0, this._k = e
    }), (function() {
        var t = this._t,
            e = this._k,
            n = this._i++;
        return !t || n >= t.length ? (this._t = void 0, r(1)) : r(0, "keys" == e ? n : "values" == e ? t[n] : [n, t[n]])
    }), "values"), i.Arguments = i.Array, o("keys"), o("values"), o("entries")
65: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function() {}
66: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    e.__esModule = !0;
    var o, r = n(95),
        i = (o = r) && o.__esModule ? o : {
            default: o
    e.default = function(t, e, n) {
        return e in t ? (0, i.default)(t, e, {
            value: n,
            enumerable: !0,
            configurable: !0,
            writable: !0
        }) : t[e] = n, t
67: function(t, e, n) {
    n(68), t.exports = n(1)
68: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(5);
    o(o.S + o.F, "Object", {
        assign: n(69)
69: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(4),
        r = n(28),
        i = n(57),
        a = n(55),
        c = n(16),
        s = n(26),
        u = Object.assign;
    t.exports = !u || n(10)((function() {
        var t = {},
            e = {},
            n = Symbol(),
            o = "abcdefghijklmnopqrst";
        return t[n] = 7, o.split("")
            .forEach((function(t) {
                e[t] = t
            })), 7 != u({}, t)[n] || Object.keys(u({}, e))
            .join("") != o
    })) ? function(t, e) {
        for (var n = c(t), u = arguments.length, f = 1, l = i.f, d = a.f; u > f;)
            for (var p, h = s(arguments[f++]), v = l ? r(h)
                .concat(l(h)) : r(h), m = v.length, w = 0; m > w;) p = v[w++], o && !, p) || (n[p] = h[p]);
        return n
    } : u
7: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(9),
        r = n(48),
        i = n(47),
        a = Object.defineProperty;
    e.f = n(4) ? Object.defineProperty : function(t, e, n) {
        if (o(t), e = i(e, !0), o(n), r) try {
            return a(t, e, n)
        } catch (t) {}
        if ("get" in n || "set" in n) throw TypeError("Accessors not supported!");
        return "value" in n && (t[e] = n.value), t
70: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(9);
    t.exports = function(t, e, n, r) {
        try {
            return r ? e(o(n)[0], n[1]) : e(n)
        } catch (e) {
            var i = t.return;
            throw void 0 !== i && o(, e
71: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(13),
        r = n(3)("iterator"),
        i = Array.prototype;
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return void 0 !== t && (o.Array === t || i[r] === t)
72: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(14);
    t.exports = Array.isArray || function(t) {
        return "Array" == o(t)
73: function(t, e, n) {
    n(50), n(40), n(42), n(74), n(80), n(83), n(85), t.exports = n(1)
74: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(75),
        r = n(44);
    t.exports = n(76)("Map", (function(t) {
        return function() {
            return t(this, arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : void 0)
    }), {
        get: function(t) {
            var e = o.getEntry(r(this, "Map"), t);
            return e && e.v
        set: function(t, e) {
            return o.def(r(this, "Map"), 0 === t ? 0 : t, e)
    }, o, !0)
75: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(7)
        r = n(38),
        i = n(36),
        a = n(11),
        c = n(37),
        s = n(15),
        u = n(27),
        f = n(39),
        l = n(54),
        d = n(4),
        p = n(43)
        h = n(44),
        v = d ? "_s" : "size",
        m = function(t, e) {
            var n, o = p(e);
            if ("F" !== o) return t._i[o];
            for (n = t._f; n; n = n.n)
                if (n.k == e) return n
    t.exports = {
        getConstructor: function(t, e, n, u) {
            var f = t((function(t, o) {
                c(t, f, e, "_i"), t._t = e, t._i = r(null), t._f = void 0, t._l = void 0, t[v] = 0, null != o && s(o, n, t[u], t)
            return i(f.prototype, {
                clear: function() {
                    for (var t = h(this, e), n = t._i, o = t._f; o; o = o.n) o.r = !0, o.p && (o.p = o.p.n = void 0), delete n[o.i];
                    t._f = t._l = void 0, t[v] = 0
                delete: function(t) {
                    var n = h(this, e),
                        o = m(n, t);
                    if (o) {
                        var r = o.n,
                            i = o.p;
                        delete n._i[o.i], o.r = !0, i && (i.n = r), r && (r.p = i), n._f == o && (n._f = r), n._l == o && (n._l = i), n[v]--
                    return !!o
                forEach: function(t) {
                    h(this, e);
                    for (var n, o = a(t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, 3); n = n ? n.n : this._f;)
                        for (o(n.v, n.k, this); n && n.r;) n = n.p
                has: function(t) {
                    return !!m(h(this, e), t)
            }), d && o(f.prototype, "size", {
                get: function() {
                    return h(this, e)[v]
            }), f
        def: function(t, e, n) {
            var o, r, i = m(t, e);
            return i ? i.v = n : (t._l = i = {
                i: r = p(e, !0),
                k: e,
                v: n,
                p: o = t._l,
                n: void 0,
                r: !1
            }, t._f || (t._f = i), o && (o.n = i), t[v]++, "F" !== r && (t._i[r] = i)), t
        getEntry: m,
        setStrong: function(t, e, n) {
            u(t, e, (function(t, n) {
                this._t = h(t, e), this._k = n, this._l = void 0
            }), (function() {
                for (var t = this._k, e = this._l; e && e.r;) e = e.p;
                return this._t && (this._l = e = e ? e.n : this._t._f) ? f(0, "keys" == t ? e.k : "values" == t ? e.v : [e.k, e.v]) : (this._t = void 0, f(1))
            }), n ? "entries" : "values", !n, !0), l(e)
76: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(2),
        r = n(5),
        i = n(43),
        a = n(10),
        c = n(8),
        s = n(36),
        u = n(15),
        f = n(37),
        l = n(6),
        d = n(20),
        p = n(7)
        h = n(77)(0),
        v = n(4);
    t.exports = function(t, e, n, m, w, g) {
        var y = o[t],
            T = y,
            _ = w ? "set" : "add",
            x = T && T.prototype,
            D = {};
        return v && "function" == typeof T && (g || x.forEach && !a((function() {
            (new T)
        }))) ? (T = e((function(e, n) {
            f(e, T, t, "_c"), e._c = new y, null != n && u(n, w, e[_], e)
        })), h("add,clear,delete,forEach,get,has,set,keys,values,entries,toJSON".split(","), (function(t) {
            var e = "add" == t || "set" == t;
            !(t in x) || g && "clear" == t || c(T.prototype, t, (function(n, o) {
                if (f(this, T, t), !e && g && !l(n)) return "get" == t && void 0;
                var r = this._c[t](0 === n ? 0 : n, o);
                return e ? this : r
        })), g || p(T.prototype, "size", {
            get: function() {
                return this._c.size
        })) : (T = m.getConstructor(e, t, w, _), s(T.prototype, n), i.NEED = !0), d(T, t), D[t] = T, r(r.G + r.W + r.F, D), g || m.setStrong(T, t, w), T
77: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(11),
        r = n(26),
        i = n(16),
        a = n(25),
        c = n(78);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        var n = 1 == t,
            s = 2 == t,
            u = 3 == t,
            f = 4 == t,
            l = 6 == t,
            d = 5 == t || l,
            p = e || c;
        return function(e, c, h) {
            for (var v, m, w = i(e), g = r(w), y = o(c, h, 3), T = a(g.length), _ = 0, x = n ? p(e, T) : s ? p(e, 0) : void 0; T > _; _++)
                if ((d || _ in g) && (m = y(v = g[_], _, w), t))
                    if (n) x[_] = m;
                    else if (m) switch (t) {
                case 3:
                    return !0;
                case 5:
                    return v;
                case 6:
                    return _;
                case 2:
            } else if (f) return !1;
            return l ? -1 : u || f ? f : x
78: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(79);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return new(o(t))(e)
79: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(6),
        r = n(72),
        i = n(3)("species");
    t.exports = function(t) {
        var e;
        return r(t) && ("function" != typeof(e = t.constructor) || e !== Array && !r(e.prototype) || (e = void 0), o(e) && null === (e = e[i]) && (e = void 0)), void 0 === e ? Array : e
8: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(7),
        r = n(32);
    t.exports = n(4) ? function(t, e, n) {
        return o.f(t, e, r(1, n))
    } : function(t, e, n) {
        return t[e] = n, t
80: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(5);
    o(o.P + o.R, "Map", {
        toJSON: n(81)("Map")
81: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(31),
        r = n(82);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return function() {
            if (o(this) != t) throw TypeError(t + "#toJSON isn't generic");
            return r(this)
82: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(15);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        var n = [];
        return o(t, !1, n.push, n, e), n
83: function(t, e, n) {
84: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(5);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        o(o.S, t, {
            of: function() {
                for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t); t--;) e[t] = arguments[t];
                return new this(e)
85: function(t, e, n) {
86: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(5),
        r = n(21),
        i = n(11),
        a = n(15);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        o(o.S, t, {
            from: function(t) {
                var e, n, o, c, s = arguments[1];
                return r(this), (e = void 0 !== s) && r(s), null == t ? new this : (n = [], e ? (o = 0, c = i(s, arguments[2], 2), a(t, !1, (function(t) {
                    n.push(c(t, o++))
                }))) : a(t, !1, n.push, n), new this(n))
87: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    }), e.dupRemoval = void 0;
    var o, r = n(41),
        i = (o = r) && o.__esModule ? o : {
            default: o
    e.dupRemoval = function(t) {
        var e = t.key,
            n =,
            o = [];
        return t.keyMap || (t.keyMap = new i.default), n && n.forEach((function(n) {
            n[e] && 2 != n.resourceType && 3 != n.resourceType ? t.keyMap.has(n[e]) || (t.keyMap.set(n[e], !0), o.push(n)) : o.push(n)
        })), o
88: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(98),
        __esModule: !0
89: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(1),
        r = o.JSON || (o.JSON = {
            stringify: JSON.stringify
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return r.stringify.apply(r, arguments)
9: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(6);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        if (!o(t)) throw TypeError(t + " is not an object!");
        return t
90: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var o = n(21);

    function r(t) {
        var e, n;
        this.promise = new t((function(t, o) {
            if (void 0 !== e || void 0 !== n) throw TypeError("Bad Promise constructor");
            e = t, n = o
        })), this.resolve = o(e), this.reject = o(n)
    t.exports.f = function(t) {
        return new r(t)
94: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    }), e.getCISFeedV2Data = e.cisFeedData = e.getCISFeedData = e.getAllCISData = e.getCISData = e.getMkey = void 0;
    var o = a(n(66)),
        r = a(n(88)),
        i = a(n(59));

    function a(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
    var c = {
            pre: "//",
            prod: "//",
            exp: "//",
            dev: "//",
            test: "//",
            cloudProd: "//"
        s = {
            pre: "//",
            prod: "//",
            exp: "//",
            dev: "//",
            test: "//",
            cloudProd: "//"
        u = {
            pre: "//",
            prod: "//",
            exp: "//",
            dev: "//",
            test: "//",
            cloudProd: "//"
        f = {
                pre: "//",
                prod: "//",
                exp: "//",
                dev: "//",
                test: "//",
                cloudProd: "//"
            XTOPIC_LATEST: u,
            XTOPIC_RELATED: {
                pre: "//",
                prod: "//",
                exp: "//",
                dev: "//",
                test: "//",
                cloudProd: "//"
        l = function(t) {
            t = t || 32;
            for (var e = "ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTWXYZabcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678", n = e.length, o = "", r = 0; r < t; r++) o += e.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * n));
            return o
        d = function(t) {
            return isNaN(t) && (t = t && t.split("//")[1].split("/")[2]), t
        p = function(t) {
            var e = void 0;
            switch (t) {
                case "channel":
                    e = 13;
                case "topic":
                    e = 15;
                case "block":
                    e = 14;
                case "singleAd":
                    e = -1
            return e
        h = function(t) {
            var e = window.contentData && window.contentData.mkey,
                n = window.contentData && window.contentData.userId,
                o = t.context;
            return o || (o = {
                feedType: "XTOPIC_SYNTHETICAL"
            }), o.mkey || (o.mkey = e), t.CONTENTCONTEXT && t.CONTENTCONTEXT.mkey && t.CONTENTCONTEXT.mkey.indexOf("$") > -1 && t.CONTENTCONTEXT.mkey.indexOf("UserId") > -1 && o && (o.mkey = n), o
        v = function(t) {
            var e = window && window.sohuSpm && window.sohuSpm.getCodes && window.sohuSpm.getCodes();
            return (e && e.a) + "." + (e && e.b) + "." + t.spmCCode
        m = (e.getMkey = function(t, e) {
            var n = t && t.CONTENTCONTEXT && t.CONTENTCONTEXT.mkey;
            return n.indexOf("$") > -1 ? e : n
        }, function(t, e, n) {
            var o = window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment(),
                r = "V4" === t.cisVersion ? s[o] : c[o];
            return n && 15 == n.productType && (r = f[e.feedType || "XTOPIC_SYNTHETICAL"][o]), t.isTimeSort && (r = u[o]), r
        w = function(t) {
            var e = 1;
            switch (t && && {
                case "wap":
                    e = 1;
                case "app":
                    e = 2;
                case "pc":
                    e = 3;
                case "embedapp":
                    e = 4;
                case "weapp":
                    e = 5
            return e
    e.getCISData = function(t, e, n, a) {
        var c, s = t.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("SUV") || "1612268936507kas0gk",
            u = t.contentData && t.contentData.mkey,
            f = t.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getPvId(),
            h = d(e.productId),
            v = p(e.productType),
            g = t && t.sohuSpm && t.sohuSpm.getCodes && t.sohuSpm.getCodes(),
            y = (g && g.a) + "." + (g && g.b) + "." + e.spmCCode,
            T = s.substring(s.length - 5, s),
            _ = e.context;
        _ || (_ = {
            feedType: "XTOPIC_SYNTHETICAL"
        }), _.mkey || (_.mkey = u);
        var x = {
                productId: h,
                productType: v,
                categoryId: t.contentData && t.contentData.categoryId || "40",
                mediaId: 1
            D = {
                suv: s,
                pvId: f,
                clientType: w(t),
                resourceParam: [{
                    requestId: (new Date)
                        .getTime() + "_" + T + "_" + l(3),
                    resourceId: e.resourceId || (new Date)
                        .valueOf() + Math.random()
                    page: e && || 1,
                    size: e && e.size || 20,
                    spm: y,
                    context: _,
                    resProductParam: {
                        productId: t.contentData && || 723,
                        productType: t.contentData && t.contentData.businessType || 13,
                        adTags: t.contentData && t.contentData.adTags ? t.contentData.adTags : void 0
                    productParam: x
            C = m(e, _, x);
        $.ajax((c = {
            url: C,
            type: "POST",
            async: !0,
            data: (0, i.default)(D),
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: !0
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
        }, (0, o.default)(c, "xhrFields", {
            withCredentials: !0
        }), (0, o.default)(c, "success", (function(t) {
            t = t[(0, r.default)(t)[0]].data, n(t)
        })), (0, o.default)(c, "error", (function(t) {
            a(t), console.error(t)
        })), c))
    }, e.getAllCISData = function(t, e, n) {
        var r, a = [],
            u = window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment(),
            f = "V4" == t[0].cisVersion ? s[u] : c[u],
            m = window.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("SUV") || "1612268936507kas0gk",
            g = window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getPvId(),
            y = m.substring(m.length - 5, m);
        t.forEach((function(t) {
            var e = {
                requestId: (new Date)
                    .getTime() + "_" + y + "_" + l(3),
                resourceId: t.resourceId,
                page: 1,
                size: t.size || 20,
                spm: v(t),
                context: h(t),
                resProductParam: {
                    productId: window.contentData && || 723,
                    productType: window.contentData && window.contentData.businessType || 13,
                    adTags: window.contentData && window.contentData.adTags ? window.contentData.adTags : void 0
                productParam: {
                    productId: d(t.productId),
                    productType: p(t.productType),
                    categoryId: window.contentData && window.contentData.categoryId || "40",
                    mediaId: 1
        var T = {
            suv: m,
            pvId: g,
            clientType: w(window),
            resourceParam: a
        $.ajax((r = {
            url: f,
            type: "POST",
            async: !1,
            data: (0, i.default)(T),
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: !0
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
        }, (0, o.default)(r, "xhrFields", {
            withCredentials: !0
        }), (0, o.default)(r, "success", (function(t) {
        })), (0, o.default)(r, "error", (function(t) {
            n(t), console.error(t)
        })), r))
    }, e.getCISFeedData = function(t, e, n, a) {
        var c, s = t.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("SUV") || "1612268936507kas0gk",
            u = t.contentData && t.contentData.mkey,
            f = t.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getPvId(),
            h = d(e.productId),
            v = p(e.productType),
            g = t && t.sohuSpm && t.sohuSpm.getCodes && t.sohuSpm.getCodes(),
            y = (g && g.a) + "." + (g && g.b) + "." + e.spmCCode,
            T = s.substring(s.length - 5, s),
            _ = e.context;
        _ || (_ = {
            feedType: "XTOPIC_SYNTHETICAL"
        }), _.mkey || (_.mkey = u);
        var x = {
                productId: h || t.contentData && || 1993,
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                suv: s,
                pvId: f,
                clientType: w(t),
                resourceParam: [{
                    requestId: (new Date)
                        .getTime() + "_" + T + "_" + l(3),
                    resourceId: e.resourceId || (new Date)
                        .valueOf() + Math.random()
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                    spm: y,
                    context: _,
                    resProductParam: {
                        productId: t.contentData && || 1993,
                        productType: t.contentData && t.contentData.businessType || 15,
                        adTags: t.contentData && t.contentData.adTags ? t.contentData.adTags : void 0
                    productParam: x
            C = m(e, _, x);
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            url: C,
            type: "POST",
            async: !0,
            data: (0, i.default)(D),
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: !0
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            contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
        }, (0, o.default)(c, "xhrFields", {
            withCredentials: !0
        }), (0, o.default)(c, "success", (function(t) {
            t = t[(0, r.default)(t)[0]].data, n(t)
        })), (0, o.default)(c, "error", (function(t) {
            a(t), console.error(t)
        })), c))
    }, e.cisFeedData = function(t, e, n, a) {
        var c, s = t.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("SUV") || "1612268936507kas0gk",
            u = t.contentData && t.contentData.mkey,
            f = t.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getPvId(),
            h = d(e.productId),
            v = p(e.productType),
            g = t && t.sohuSpm && t.sohuSpm.getCodes && t.sohuSpm.getCodes(),
            y = (g && g.a) + "." + (g && g.b) + "." + e.spmCCode,
            T = s.substring(s.length - 5, s),
            _ = e.context;
        _ || (_ = {
            feedType: "XTOPIC_SYNTHETICAL"
        }), _.mkey || (_.mkey = u);
        var x = {
                productId: h,
                productType: v || t.contentData && t.contentData.businessType || 15,
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                mediaId: 1
            D = {
                suv: s,
                pvId: f,
                clientType: w(t),
                resourceParam: [{
                    requestId: (new Date)
                        .getTime() + "_" + T + "_" + l(3),
                    resourceId: e.resourceId || (new Date)
                        .valueOf() + Math.random()
                    page: e && || 1,
                    size: e && e.size || 20,
                    spm: y,
                    context: _,
                    resProductParam: {
                        productId: t.contentData && || 1993,
                        productType: t.contentData && t.contentData.businessType || 15,
                        adTags: t.contentData && t.contentData.adTags ? t.contentData.adTags : void 0
                    productParam: x
            C = m(e, _, x);
        $.ajax((c = {
            url: C,
            type: "POST",
            async: !0,
            data: (0, i.default)(D),
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: !0
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
        }, (0, o.default)(c, "xhrFields", {
            withCredentials: !0
        }), (0, o.default)(c, "success", (function(t) {
            t = t[(0, r.default)(t)[0]].data, n(t)
        })), (0, o.default)(c, "error", (function(t) {
            a(t), console.error(t)
        })), c))
    }, e.getCISFeedV2Data = function(t, e, n, r) {
        var a, c = t.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("SUV") || "1612268936507kas0gk",
            s = t.contentData && t.contentData.mkey,
            u = t.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getPvId(),
            f = d(e.productId),
            h = p(e.productType),
            v = t && t.sohuSpm && t.sohuSpm.getCodes && t.sohuSpm.getCodes(),
            g = (v && v.a) + "." + (v && v.b) + "." + e.spmCCode,
            y = c.substring(c.length - 5, c),
            T = e.context;
        T || (T = {
            feedType: "XTOPIC_SYNTHETICAL"
        }), T.mkey || (T.mkey = s);
        var _ = {
                productId: f || t.contentData && || 1993,
                productType: h || t.contentData && t.contentData.businessType || 15,
                categoryId: t.contentData && t.contentData.categoryId || "40",
                mediaId: 1
            x = {
                suv: c,
                pvId: u,
                clientType: w(t),
                resourceParam: [{
                    requestId: (new Date)
                        .getTime() + "_" + y + "_" + l(3),
                    resourceId: e.resourceId || (new Date)
                        .valueOf() + Math.random()
                    page: e && || 1,
                    size: e && e.size || 20,
                    spm: g,
                    context: T,
                    resProductParam: {
                        productId: t.contentData && || 1993,
                        productType: t.contentData && t.contentData.businessType || 15,
                        adTags: t.contentData && t.contentData.adTags ? t.contentData.adTags : void 0
                    productParam: _
            D = m(e, T, _);
        $.ajax((a = {
            url: D,
            type: "POST",
            async: !0,
            data: (0, i.default)(x),
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: !0
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
        }, (0, o.default)(a, "xhrFields", {
            withCredentials: !0
        }), (0, o.default)(a, "success", (function(t) {
        })), (0, o.default)(a, "error", (function(t) {
            r(t), console.error(t)
        })), a))
946: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return o
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return r
    var o = function() {
            var t = this,
                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
            return n("div", {
                ref: "TopicHeader",
                staticClass: "TopicHeader",
                attrs: {
                    "data-spm": t.config.param.spmCCode,
                    "data-spm-stop": "init"
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                staticClass: "placeholderBlock"
            }) : t._e(), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                ref: "fixedTopHeader",
                class: ["back", "fixedTop", t.showHeaderTop || t.showHeaderTopState ? "showHeaderTop" : ""],
                style: t.headerStyle
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "flexTop"
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "homeIcon"
            }), t._v(" "), n("a", {
                staticClass: "homeTitle",
                attrs: {
                    href: t.backLink
            }, [t._v("棣栭〉")]), t._v(" "), t.showHeaderTop || t.showHeaderTopState ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "seperate"
            }) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.showHeaderTop || t.showHeaderTopState ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "title"
            }, [t._v("\n                " + t._s(t.headerTitle) + "\n            ")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.isLoad && t.isChannel && (!t.adData || t.adData && t.isFixed) ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "follow-wrapper",
                on: {
                    click: t.toFollow
            }, [t.isFollow ? n("img", {
                staticClass: "unFollow",
                attrs: {
                    src: t.followIcon
            }) : n("div", {
                staticClass: "followed"
            }, [t._v("璁㈤槄")])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), !t.adData || t.isFixed && t.isChannel ? t._e() : n("a", {
                staticClass: "title_rear",
                attrs: {
                    href: t.adData.url
            }, [n("img", {
                staticClass: "rear_img",
                attrs: {
                    src: t.adData.images && t.adData.images[0]
            }), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "rear_title"
            }, [t._v("\n                    " + t._s(t.adData.title && t.adData.title.substring(0, 10)) + "\n                ")]), t._v(" "), t._m(0)])])])])
        r = [function() {
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                e = this._self._c || t;
            return e("div", {
                staticClass: "rear_arrow"
            }, [e("i", {
                staticClass: "i-iconnextnew icon-more"
    o._withStripped = !0
95: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(96),
        __esModule: !0
96: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(1)
    t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        return o.defineProperty(t, e, n)
97: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(5);
    o(o.S + o.F * !n(4), "Object", {
        defineProperty: n(7)
98: function(t, e, n) {
    n(99), t.exports = n(1)
99: function(t, e, n) {
    var o = n(16),
        r = n(28);
    n(100)("keys", (function() {
        return function(t) {
            return r(o(t))

}); ! function(t) { var e = {};

function n(r) {
    if (e[r]) return e[r].exports;
    var i = e[r] = {
        i: r,
        l: !1,
        exports: {}
    return t[r].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, n), i.l = !0, i.exports
n.m = t, n.c = e, n.d = function(t, e, r) {
    n.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
        enumerable: !0,
        get: r
}, n.r = function(t) {
    "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, {
        value: "Module"
    }), Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
}, n.t = function(t, e) {
    if (1 & e && (t = n(t)), 8 & e) return t;
    if (4 & e && "object" == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t;
    var r = Object.create(null);
    if (n.r(r), Object.defineProperty(r, "default", {
        enumerable: !0,
        value: t
    }), 2 & e && "string" != typeof t)
        for (var i in t) n.d(r, i, function(e) {
            return t[e]
        }.bind(null, i));
    return r
}, n.n = function(t) {
    var e = t && t.__esModule ? function() {
        return t.default
    } : function() {
        return t
    return n.d(e, "a", e), e
}, n.o = function(t, e) {
    return, e)
}, n.p = "//", n(n.s = 1846)

}({ 0: function(t, e, n) { "use strict";

    function r(t, e, n, r, i, o, a, c) {
        var u, s = "function" == typeof t ? t.options : t;
        if (e && (s.render = e, s.staticRenderFns = n, s._compiled = !0), r && (s.functional = !0), o && (s._scopeId = "data-v-" + o), a ? (u = function(t) {
            (t = t || this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext || this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext) || "undefined" == typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ || (t = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__), i &&, t), t && t._registeredComponents && t._registeredComponents.add(a)
        }, s._ssrRegister = u) : i && (u = c ? function() {
  , (s.functional ? this.parent : this)
        } : i), u)
            if (s.functional) {
                s._injectStyles = u;
                var f = s.render;
                s.render = function(t, e) {
                    return, f(t, e)
            } else {
                var l = s.beforeCreate;
                s.beforeCreate = l ? [].concat(l, u) : [u]
            } return {
            exports: t,
            options: s
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
1: function(t, e) {
    var n = t.exports = {
        version: "2.6.11"
    "number" == typeof __e && (__e = n)
10: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        try {
            return !!t()
        } catch (t) {
            return !0
1025: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
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                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
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                staticClass: "MetaContentTextItem",
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                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r
                }, [n("a", {
                    staticClass: "extra-info-item extra-info-link",
                    attrs: {
                        href: e.url
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                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r,
                    staticClass: "extra-info-item"
                }, [t._v(t._s(e.text))]), t._v(" "), r != (t.renderData.extraInfoList && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length - 1) ? n("span", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r,
                    staticClass: "extra-info-point"
                }, [t._v("聽路聽")]) : t._e()]
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                staticClass: "detail"
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                staticClass: "content"
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        i = [];
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1026: function(t, e, n) {
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        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
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                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
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                staticClass: "MetaContentPictureItem",
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                    href: t.renderData.url
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                staticClass: "metaArea"
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                staticClass: "title"
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                staticClass: "extra-info-list"
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                return [e.url ? n("object", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r
                }, [n("a", {
                    staticClass: "extra-info-item extra-info-link",
                    attrs: {
                        href: e.url
                }, [n("span", [t._v(t._s(e.text))])])]) : n("span", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r,
                    staticClass: "extra-info-item"
                }, [t._v(t._s(e.text))]), t._v(" "), r != (t.renderData.extraInfoList && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length - 1) ? n("span", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r,
                    staticClass: "extra-info-point"
                }, [t._v("聽路聽")]) : t._e()]
            }))], 2) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), t.renderData.cover && t.renderData.cover.length >= 3 ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "content"
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                staticClass: "left"
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                attrs: {
                    src: t.cutPicUrl(t.renderData.cover[0], 456, 456)
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                staticClass: "right"
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                staticClass: "top"
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                    src: t.cutPicUrl(t.renderData.cover[1], 226, 226)
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                staticClass: "bottom"
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                attrs: {
                    src: t.cutPicUrl(t.renderData.cover[2], 226, 226)
            })])]), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "pictureNumTag"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.cover.length) + "鍥�")])]) : n("div", {
                staticClass: "content-single-image"
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                attrs: {
                    src: t.cutPicUrl(t.renderData.cover[0], 686, 384)
        i = [];
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1027: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this,
                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
            return n("div", {
                staticClass: "MetaContentVideoItem",
                style: t.containerStyle
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                staticClass: "styleContainer",
                style: t.styleContainerStyle
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                attrs: {
                    href: t.renderData.url
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                staticClass: "metaArea"
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "title"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.mobileTitle || t.renderData.title))]), t._v(" "), t.renderData.extraInfoList && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length > 0 ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "extra-info-list"
            }, [t._l(t.renderData.extraInfoList, (function(e, r) {
                return [e.url ? n("object", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r
                }, [n("a", {
                    staticClass: "extra-info-item extra-info-link",
                    attrs: {
                        href: e.url
                }, [n("span", [t._v(t._s(e.text))])])]) : n("span", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r,
                    staticClass: "extra-info-item"
                }, [t._v(t._s(e.text))]), t._v(" "), r != (t.renderData.extraInfoList && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length - 1) ? n("span", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r,
                    staticClass: "extra-info-point"
                }, [t._v("聽路聽")]) : t._e()]
            }))], 2) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "content"
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                staticClass: "playIcon"
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                staticClass: "icon i-play-game"
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                attrs: {
                    src: t.cutPicUrl(t.renderData.cover[0], 686, 384)
            }), t._v(" "), t.renderData && ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "tag"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData &&]) : t._e()])])])])
        i = [];
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103: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this,
                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
            return t.backgroundImage ? n("a", {
                staticClass: "NewCommodityDiagramCard",
                attrs: {
                    href: "javascript:;"
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                staticClass: "header"
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "title"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.mobileTitle || t.renderData.title))]), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "description"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.brief))])]), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "body"
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                staticClass: "diagramImageContainer",
                on: {
                    click: t.diagramImageContainerClickHandler
            }, [n("img", {
                attrs: {
                    "data-src": t.backgroundImage
            }), t._v(" "), t._l(t.diagramData, (function(e, r) {
                return n("div", {
                    key: "" + e.x + e.y + r
                }, [e.imageUrl ? [t.isDirectJump(e) ? n("object", [n("a", {
                    class: ["diagramContainer"],
                    style: t.getDiagramItemStyle(e),
                    attrs: {
                        href: || e.url
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                    attrs: {
                        "data-src": e.imageUrl
                })])]) : r === t.clickedIndex ? n("object", [n("a", {
                    class: ["diagramContainer", "clicked"],
                    style: t.getDiagramItemStyle(e),
                    attrs: {
                        href: || e.url
                    on: {
                        click: function(n) {
                            return n.stopPropagation(), t.diagramClickHandler(e, r)
                }, [n("div", {
                    staticClass: "container",
                    style: "border-radius: " + t.getDiagramItemStyle(e)
                }, [n("img", {
                    attrs: {
                        "data-src": e.imageUrl
                })]), t._v(" "), t._m(0, !0)])]) : n("div", {
                    class: ["diagramContainer"],
                    style: t.getDiagramItemStyle(e),
                    on: {
                        click: function(n) {
                            return n.stopPropagation(), t.diagramClickHandler(e, r)
                }, [n("img", {
                    attrs: {
                        "data-src": e.imageUrl
                })])] : t._e()], 2)
            }))], 2)])]) : t._e()
        i = [function() {
            var t = this.$createElement,
                e = this._self._c || t;
            return e("div", {
                staticClass: "promotion"
            }, [e("i", {
                staticClass: "mention icon i-arrow-right"
    r._withStripped = !0
11: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(21);
    t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        if (r(t), void 0 === e) return t;
        switch (n) {
            case 1:
                return function(n) {
                    return, n)
            case 2:
                return function(n, r) {
                    return, n, r)
            case 3:
                return function(n, r, i) {
                    return, n, r, i)
        return function() {
            return t.apply(e, arguments)
12: function(t, e) {
    var n = {}.hasOwnProperty;
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return, e)
1224: function(t, e, n) {},
1225: function(t, e, n) {},
1226: function(t, e, n) {},
126: function(t, e, n) {},
13: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = {}
14: function(t, e) {
    var n = {}.toString;
    t.exports = function(t) {
            .slice(8, -1)
140: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(103),
        i = n(92);
    for (var o in i)["default"].indexOf(o) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return i[t]
    var a = n(0),
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            for (v =; !(m =
                if ((h = i(v, _, m.value, e)) === s || h === f) return h
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17: function(t, e, n) {
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18: function(t, e) {
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19: function(t, e) {
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2: function(t, e) {
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20: function(t, e, n) {
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        t && !i(t = n ? t : t.prototype, o) && r(t, o, {
            configurable: !0,
            value: e
21: function(t, e) {
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        if ("function" != typeof t) throw TypeError(t + " is not a function!");
        return t
22: function(t, e, n) {
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        i = n(24);
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        return r[t] || (r[t] = i(t))
24: function(t, e) {
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        r = Math.random();
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return "Symbol(".concat(void 0 === t ? "" : t, ")_", (++n + r)
25: function(t, e, n) {
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        return t > 0 ? i(r(t), 9007199254740991) : 0
26: function(t, e, n) {
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        .propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function(t) {
            return "String" == r(t) ? t.split("") : Object(t)
27: function(t, e, n) {
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        f = n(63),
        l = n(3)("iterator"),
        d = !([].keys && "next" in [].keys()),
        p = function() {
            return this
    t.exports = function(t, e, n, m, v, h, g) {
        u(n, e, m);
        var _, y, b, x = function(t) {
                if (!d && t in w) return w[t];
                switch (t) {
                    case "keys":
                    case "values":
                        return function() {
                            return new n(this, t)
                return function() {
                    return new n(this, t)
            C = e + " Iterator",
            D = "values" == v,
            M = !1,
            w = t.prototype,
            S = w[l] || w["@@iterator"] || v && w[v],
            T = S || x(v),
            k = v ? D ? x("entries") : T : void 0,
            O = "Array" == e && w.entries || S;
        if (O && (b = f( t))) !== Object.prototype && && (s(b, C, !0), r || "function" == typeof b[l] || a(b, l, p)), D && S && "values" !== && (M = !0, T = function() {
        }), r && !g || !d && !M && w[l] || a(w, l, T), c[e] = T, c[C] = p, v)
            if (_ = {
                values: D ? T : x("values"),
                keys: h ? T : x("keys"),
                entries: k
            }, g)
                for (y in _) y in w || o(w, y, _[y]);
            else i(i.P + i.F * (d || M), e, _);
        return _
28: function(t, e, n) {
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        i = n(34);
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        return r(t, i)
29: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = !0
3: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(33)("wks"),
        i = n(24),
        o = n(2)
        a = "function" == typeof o;
    (t.exports = function(t) {
        return r[t] || (r[t] = a && o[t] || (a ? o : i)("Symbol." + t))
    .store = r
30: function(t, e, n) {
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        i = n(2)
        o = r(i) && r(i.createElement);
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        return o ? i.createElement(t) : {}
31: function(t, e, n) {
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        i = n(3)("toStringTag"),
        o = "Arguments" == r(function() {
            return arguments
    t.exports = function(t) {
        var e, n, a;
        return void 0 === t ? "Undefined" : null === t ? "Null" : "string" == typeof(n = function(t, e) {
            try {
                return t[e]
            } catch (t) {}
        }(e = Object(t), i)) ? n : o ? r(e) : "Object" == (a = r(e)) && "function" == typeof e.callee ? "Arguments" : a
32: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return {
            enumerable: !(1 & t),
            configurable: !(2 & t),
            writable: !(4 & t),
            value: e
33: function(t, e, n) {
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        i = n(2),
        o = i["__core-js_shared__"] || (i["__core-js_shared__"] = {});
    (t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return o[t] || (o[t] = void 0 !== e ? e : {})
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        version: r.version,
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        copyright: "漏 2019 Denis Pushkarev ("
34: function(t, e) {
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35: function(t, e, n) {
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        value: !0
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                .replace(/\.?0*$/gi, "") + "涓�" : this.number <= 1e8 ? (this.number / 1e4)
                .toFixed(1) + "涓�+" : (this.number, (this.number / 1e8)
                    .replace(/\.?0*$/gi, "") + "浜�+")
    var u = function(t) {
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                .length < 2 ? "0" + t : t
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            return this.fromNow()
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                    if (t[r].backupContent && t[r].backupContent.resourceData && t[r].backupContent.resourceData.contentData) {
                        for (var i = {}, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) i[e[o]] = t[r].backupContent.resourceData.contentData[e[o]];
                        t[r].backupContent.resourceData.contentData = i
                } else if (0 != t[r].resourceType && 2 != t[r].resourceType && t[r].resourceData && t[r].resourceData.contentData) {
                for (var a = {}, c = 0; c < e.length; c++) a[e[c]] = t[r].resourceData.contentData[e[c]];
                t[r].resourceData.contentData = a
            return n ? t.slice(0, n) : t
    e.cutPicUrl = function(t, e, n) {
        var r = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : "q_70,c_lfill",
            i = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
            o = i.length,
            a = function(t) {
                return !!t && t.split("//")[1]
        if (!t) return "";
        for (var c = t, u = e || 226, s = n || 150, f = 0; f < o; f++)
            if (a(c)) {
                var l = c && c.split("/");
                l[3] && (-1 !== l[3].indexOf("w_") && -1 !== l[3].indexOf("h_") || -1 !== l[3].indexOf("q_") ? l[3] = r + ",w_" + u + ",h_" + s + ",g_face" : -1 !== l[3].indexOf("images") && (l[3] = r + ",w_" + u + ",h_" + s + ",g_face/" + l[3])), c = l.join("/")
            } return c.replace(/^http:/, "")
    }, e.cutZoomPicUrl = function(t, e) {
        var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : "q_70,c_zoom";
        if (t.indexOf("") > -1) return t;
        var r = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
            i = r.length,
            o = function(t) {
                return !!t && t.split("//")[1]
        if (!t) return "";
        for (var a = t, c = e || 226, u = 0; u < i; u++)
            if (o(a)) {
                var s = a.split("/");
                s[3] && (-1 !== s[3].indexOf("w_") || -1 !== s[3].indexOf("h_") ? (s[3] = n + "," + c, a = s.join("/")) : (s.splice(3, 0, n + "," + c), a = s.join("/")))
            } return a.replace(/^http:/, "")
    }, e.formatFeedData = function() {
        var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : [],
            e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : new i.default,
            n = [],
            a = {};
        t && t.forEach((function(t) {
            if (3 === t.resourceType) {
                var e = t,
                    i = e.resourceData,
                    o = e.resourceType;
                a = (0, r.default)({}, i.adData, {
                    pcm: i.pcm,
                    type: i.adType,
                    position: i.location || 0,
                    resourceType: o,
                    replaced: t.backupContent ? (0, r.default)({}, t.backupContent.resourceData.contentData, {
                        businessType: t.backupContent.resourceData.businessType,
                        contentType: t.backupContent.resourceData.contentType,
                        resoureType: t.backupContent.resourceType
                    }) : null,
                    backup: t.resourceData.backUp ? (0, r.default)({
                        adType: t.resourceData.backUp.adType,
                    }, t.resourceData.backUp.adData) : null
                }), n.push(a)
            } else if (2 === t.resourceType) {
                var c = t,
                    u = c.resourceData,
                    s = c.resourceType;
                a = (0, r.default)({}, u.promoData, {
                    pcm: u.pcm,
                    resourceType: s,
                    cover: u.promoData && u.promoData.images
                }), n.push(a)
            } else if (0 === t.resourceType) n = null;
            else {
                if (1 != (t = f(t))
                    .businessType || 4 != t.contentType && 5 != t.contentType || (t.isVideo = !0, t.videoDuration = t.videoInfoDTO && t.videoInfoDTO.smartDuration), 3 === t.contentType && (t.isPicture = !0), 4 === t.contentType && (t.hasVideoTag = !0, t.isBigVideoStyle = !0, t.dataMeasure = {
                        type: "",
                        value: ""
                    }, t.images && t.images.length), 5 === t.contentType && (t.hasVideoTag = !0), = t.newsId ||, t.label && t.label.comments && "绮鹃€�" === t.label.comments) {
                    var l = t.label.color;
                    t.tag = {
                        name: t.label.comments,
                        borderColor: l || "#F5D795",
                        textColor: l || "#FDBE00"
        var c = {
            data: n,
            key: "id",
            keyMap: e
        return n = (0, o.dupRemoval)(c)
    }, e.flattenData = f, e.FormatNumber = c, e.Moment = u, e.formatRenderFeedData = function(t, e, n, r) {
        e || (e = ["url", "title", "cover", "extraInfo", "extraInfoList", "id"]), n || (n = ["data"]);
        for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
            if (t && t.param && t.param[n[i]] && t.param[n[i]].data) {
                var o = t && t.param && t.param[n[i]] && t.param[n[i]].data;
                t.param[n[i]].data = l(o, e, r)
            } return t
36: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(8);
    t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        for (var i in e) n && t[i] ? t[i] = e[i] : r(t, i, e[i]);
        return t
37: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t, e, n, r) {
        if (!(t instanceof e) || void 0 !== r && r in t) throw TypeError(n + ": incorrect invocation!");
        return t
38: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(9),
        i = n(62),
        o = n(34),
        a = n(22)("IE_PROTO"),
        c = function() {},
        u = function() {
            var t, e = n(30)("iframe"),
                r = o.length;
            for ( = "none", n(46)
                .appendChild(e), e.src = "javascript:", (t = e.contentWindow.document)
                .open(), t.write("<script>document.F=Object<\/script>"), t.close(), u = t.F; r--;) delete u.prototype[o[r]];
            return u()
    t.exports = Object.create || function(t, e) {
        var n;
        return null !== t ? (c.prototype = r(t), n = new c, c.prototype = null, n[a] = t) : n = u(), void 0 === e ? n : i(n, e)
39: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return {
            value: e,
            done: !!t
4: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = !n(10)((function() {
        return 7 != Object.defineProperty({}, "a", {
                get: function() {
                    return 7
40: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(60)(!0);
    n(27)(String, "String", (function(t) {
        this._t = String(t), this._i = 0
    }), (function() {
        var t, e = this._t,
            n = this._i;
        return n >= e.length ? {
            value: void 0,
            done: !0
        } : (t = r(e, n), this._i += t.length, {
            value: t,
            done: !1
41: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(73),
        __esModule: !0
42: function(t, e, n) {
    for (var r = n(2), i = n(8), o = n(13), a = n(3)("toStringTag"), c = "CSSRuleList,CSSStyleDeclaration,CSSValueList,ClientRectList,DOMRectList,DOMStringList,DOMTokenList,DataTransferItemList,FileList,HTMLAllCollection,HTMLCollection,HTMLFormElement,HTMLSelectElement,MediaList,MimeTypeArray,NamedNodeMap,NodeList,PaintRequestList,Plugin,PluginArray,SVGLengthList,SVGNumberList,SVGPathSegList,SVGPointList,SVGStringList,SVGTransformList,SourceBufferList,StyleSheetList,TextTrackCueList,TextTrackList,TouchList".split(","), u = 0; u < c.length; u++) {
        var s = c[u],
            f = r[s],
            l = f && f.prototype;
        l && !l[a] && i(l, a, s), o[s] = o.Array
43: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(24)("meta"),
        i = n(6),
        o = n(12),
        a = n(7)
        c = 0,
        u = Object.isExtensible || function() {
            return !0
        s = !n(10)((function() {
            return u(Object.preventExtensions({}))
        f = function(t) {
            a(t, r, {
                value: {
                    i: "O" + ++c,
                    w: {}
        l = t.exports = {
            KEY: r,
            NEED: !1,
            fastKey: function(t, e) {
                if (!i(t)) return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : ("string" == typeof t ? "S" : "P") + t;
                if (!o(t, r)) {
                    if (!u(t)) return "F";
                    if (!e) return "E";
                return t[r].i
            getWeak: function(t, e) {
                if (!o(t, r)) {
                    if (!u(t)) return !0;
                    if (!e) return !1;
                return t[r].w
            onFreeze: function(t) {
                return s && l.NEED && u(t) && !o(t, r) && f(t), t
44: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(6);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        if (!r(t) || t._t !== e) throw TypeError("Incompatible receiver, " + e + " required!");
        return t
45: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    e.__esModule = !0;
    var r, i = n(56),
        o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : {
            default: r
    e.default = o.default || function(t) {
        for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {
            var n = arguments[e];
            for (var r in n), r) && (t[r] = n[r])
        return t
46: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(2)
    t.exports = r && r.documentElement
47: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(6);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        if (!r(t)) return t;
        var n, i;
        if (e && "function" == typeof(n = t.toString) && !r(i = return i;
        if ("function" == typeof(n = t.valueOf) && !r(i = return i;
        if (!e && "function" == typeof(n = t.toString) && !r(i = return i;
        throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value")
48: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = !n(4) && !n(10)((function() {
        return 7 != Object.defineProperty(n(30)("div"), "a", {
                get: function() {
                    return 7
49: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(12),
        i = n(17),
        o = n(51)(!1),
        a = n(22)("IE_PROTO");
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        var n, c = i(t),
            u = 0,
            s = [];
        for (n in c) n != a && r(c, n) && s.push(n);
        for (; e.length > u;) r(c, n = e[u++]) && (~o(s, n) || s.push(n));
        return s
5: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(2),
        i = n(1),
        o = n(11),
        a = n(8),
        c = n(12),
        u = function(t, e, n) {
            var s, f, l, d = t & u.F,
                p = t & u.G,
                m = t & u.S,
                v = t & u.P,
                h = t & u.B,
                g = t & u.W,
                _ = p ? i : i[e] || (i[e] = {}),
                y = _.prototype,
                b = p ? r : m ? r[e] : (r[e] || {})
            for (s in p && (n = e), n)(f = !d && b && void 0 !== b[s]) && c(_, s) || (l = f ? b[s] : n[s], _[s] = p && "function" != typeof b[s] ? n[s] : h && f ? o(l, r) : g && b[s] == l ? function(t) {
                var e = function(e, n, r) {
                    if (this instanceof t) {
                        switch (arguments.length) {
                            case 0:
                                return new t;
                            case 1:
                                return new t(e);
                            case 2:
                                return new t(e, n)
                        return new t(e, n, r)
                    return t.apply(this, arguments)
                return e.prototype = t.prototype, e
            }(l) : v && "function" == typeof l ? o(, l) : l, v && ((_.virtual || (_.virtual = {}))[s] = l, t & u.R && y && !y[s] && a(y, s, l)))
    u.F = 1, u.G = 2, u.S = 4, u.P = 8, u.B = 16, u.W = 32, u.U = 64, u.R = 128, t.exports = u
50: function(t, e) {},
51: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(17),
        i = n(25),
        o = n(52);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return function(e, n, a) {
            var c, u = r(e),
                s = i(u.length),
                f = o(a, s);
            if (t && n != n) {
                for (; s > f;)
                    if ((c = u[f++]) != c) return !0
            } else
                for (; s > f; f++)
                    if ((t || f in u) && u[f] === n) return t || f || 0;
            return !t && -1
52: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(19),
        i = Math.max,
        o = Math.min;
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return (t = r(t)) < 0 ? i(t + e, 0) : o(t, e)
53: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(31),
        i = n(3)("iterator"),
        o = n(13);
    t.exports = n(1)
        .getIteratorMethod = function(t) {
            if (null != t) return t[i] || t["@@iterator"] || o[r(t)]
54: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(2),
        i = n(1),
        o = n(7),
        a = n(4),
        c = n(3)("species");
    t.exports = function(t) {
        var e = "function" == typeof i[t] ? i[t] : r[t];
        a && e && !e[c] && o.f(e, c, {
            configurable: !0,
            get: function() {
                return this
55: function(t, e) {
    e.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable
56: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(67),
        __esModule: !0
57: function(t, e) {
    e.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols
58: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = n(8)
6: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return "object" == typeof t ? null !== t : "function" == typeof t
60: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(19),
        i = n(18);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return function(e, n) {
            var o, a, c = String(i(e)),
                u = r(n),
                s = c.length;
            return u < 0 || u >= s ? t ? "" : void 0 : (o = c.charCodeAt(u)) < 55296 || o > 56319 || u + 1 === s || (a = c.charCodeAt(u + 1)) < 56320 || a > 57343 ? t ? c.charAt(u) : o : t ? c.slice(u, u + 2) : a - 56320 + (o - 55296 << 10) + 65536
61: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(38),
        i = n(32),
        o = n(20),
        a = {};
    n(8)(a, n(3)("iterator"), (function() {
        return this
    })), t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        t.prototype = r(a, {
            next: i(1, n)
        }), o(t, e + " Iterator")
62: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(7),
        i = n(9),
        o = n(28);
    t.exports = n(4) ? Object.defineProperties : function(t, e) {
        for (var n, a = o(e), c = a.length, u = 0; c > u;) r.f(t, n = a[u++], e[n]);
        return t
63: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(12),
        i = n(16),
        o = n(22)("IE_PROTO"),
        a = Object.prototype;
    t.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(t) {
        return t = i(t), r(t, o) ? t[o] : "function" == typeof t.constructor && t instanceof t.constructor ? t.constructor.prototype : t instanceof Object ? a : null
64: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(65),
        i = n(39),
        o = n(13),
        a = n(17);
    t.exports = n(27)(Array, "Array", (function(t, e) {
        this._t = a(t), this._i = 0, this._k = e
    }), (function() {
        var t = this._t,
            e = this._k,
            n = this._i++;
        return !t || n >= t.length ? (this._t = void 0, i(1)) : i(0, "keys" == e ? n : "values" == e ? t[n] : [n, t[n]])
    }), "values"), o.Arguments = o.Array, r("keys"), r("values"), r("entries")
65: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function() {}
67: function(t, e, n) {
    n(68), t.exports = n(1)
68: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(5);
    r(r.S + r.F, "Object", {
        assign: n(69)
69: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(4),
        i = n(28),
        o = n(57),
        a = n(55),
        c = n(16),
        u = n(26),
        s = Object.assign;
    t.exports = !s || n(10)((function() {
        var t = {},
            e = {},
            n = Symbol(),
            r = "abcdefghijklmnopqrst";
        return t[n] = 7, r.split("")
            .forEach((function(t) {
                e[t] = t
            })), 7 != s({}, t)[n] || Object.keys(s({}, e))
            .join("") != r
    })) ? function(t, e) {
        for (var n = c(t), s = arguments.length, f = 1, l = o.f, d = a.f; s > f;)
            for (var p, m = u(arguments[f++]), v = l ? i(m)
                .concat(l(m)) : i(m), h = v.length, g = 0; h > g;) p = v[g++], r && !, p) || (n[p] = m[p]);
        return n
    } : s
7: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(9),
        i = n(48),
        o = n(47),
        a = Object.defineProperty;
    e.f = n(4) ? Object.defineProperty : function(t, e, n) {
        if (r(t), e = o(e, !0), r(n), i) try {
            return a(t, e, n)
        } catch (t) {}
        if ("get" in n || "set" in n) throw TypeError("Accessors not supported!");
        return "value" in n && (t[e] = n.value), t
70: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(9);
    t.exports = function(t, e, n, i) {
        try {
            return i ? e(r(n)[0], n[1]) : e(n)
        } catch (e) {
            var o = t.return;
            throw void 0 !== o && r(, e
701: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(702),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var o in r)["default"].indexOf(o) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
702: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    var r = c(n(1848)),
        i = c(n(1851)),
        o = c(n(1854)),
        a = c(n(140));

    function c(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
    e.default = {
        name: "TPLMetaContentFeed",
        data: function() {
            return {
                MetaContentFeedData: []
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        components: {
            MetaContentTextItem: r.default,
            MetaContentPictureItem: i.default,
            MetaContentVideoItem: o.default,
            CommodityDiagramCard: a.default
        computed: {
            containerStyle: function() {
                return {
                    backgroundColor: "#f8f8f8",
                    padding: "8px 16px"
            renderData: function() {
                return || []
        created: function() {
            this.MetaContentFeedData = this.formatMetaContentFeedData(this.renderData)
        mounted: function() {
            window.lazyLoad(), window.sohuSpm && "function" == typeof window.sohuSpm.domDidChange && window.sohuSpm.domDidChange({
                target: this.config.param.spmCCode
        methods: {
            formatMetaContentFeedData: function(t) {
                var e = [];
                return "function" == typeof t.forEach && t.forEach((function(t) {
                    t.componentName || (t.url && t.title && (t.componentName = "MetaContentTextItem"), && 40 === && (t.componentName = "CommodityDiagramCard"), t.url && t.title && t.cover && t.cover[0] && !t.brief && (t.componentName = "MetaContentVideoItem"), t.url && t.title && t.cover && t.cover.length >= 3 && "images" == t.icon && (t.componentName = "MetaContentPictureItem"), t.url && t.title && t.cover && t.cover[0] && t.videoUrl && "video" == t.icon && (t.componentName = "MetaContentVideoItem")), t.componentName && e.push(t)
                })), e
703: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(704),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var o in r)["default"].indexOf(o) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
704: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    var r, i = n(1849),
        o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : {
            default: r
    e.default = {
        name: "MetaContentTextItem",
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        data: function() {
            return {
                MockData: o.default
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        mounted: function() {},
        computed: {
            renderData: function() {
                var t = this.MockData;
                return this.config && (t = this.config), t
            styleContainerStyle: function() {
                return {
                    backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
                    padding: "16px 12px"
            containerStyle: function() {
                return {
                    padding: "8px 0"
705: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(706),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var o in r)["default"].indexOf(o) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
706: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    var r, i = n(1852),
        o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : {
            default: r
        a = n(35);
    e.default = {
        name: "MetaContentPictureItem",
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        data: function() {
            return {
                MockData: o.default
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        mounted: function() {},
        computed: {
            renderData: function() {
                var t = this.MockData;
                return this.config && (t = this.config), t
            styleContainerStyle: function() {
                return {
                    backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
                    paddingTop: "16px"
            containerStyle: function() {
                return {
                    padding: "8px 0"
        methods: {
            cutPicUrl: a.cutPicUrl
707: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(708),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var o in r)["default"].indexOf(o) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
708: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    var r, i = n(1855),
        o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : {
            default: r
        a = n(35);
    e.default = {
        name: "MetaContentVideoItem",
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        data: function() {
            return {
                MockData: o.default
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        mounted: function() {},
        computed: {
            renderData: function() {
                var t = this.MockData;
                return this.config && (t = this.config), t
            styleContainerStyle: function() {
                return {
                    backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
                    paddingTop: "16px"
            containerStyle: function() {
                return {
                    padding: "8px 0"
        methods: {
            cutPicUrl: a.cutPicUrl
71: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(13),
        i = n(3)("iterator"),
        o = Array.prototype;
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return void 0 !== t && (r.Array === t || o[i] === t)
72: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(14);
    t.exports = Array.isArray || function(t) {
        return "Array" == r(t)
73: function(t, e, n) {
    n(50), n(40), n(42), n(74), n(80), n(83), n(85), t.exports = n(1)
74: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(75),
        i = n(44);
    t.exports = n(76)("Map", (function(t) {
        return function() {
            return t(this, arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : void 0)
    }), {
        get: function(t) {
            var e = r.getEntry(i(this, "Map"), t);
            return e && e.v
        set: function(t, e) {
            return r.def(i(this, "Map"), 0 === t ? 0 : t, e)
    }, r, !0)
75: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(7)
        i = n(38),
        o = n(36),
        a = n(11),
        c = n(37),
        u = n(15),
        s = n(27),
        f = n(39),
        l = n(54),
        d = n(4),
        p = n(43)
        m = n(44),
        v = d ? "_s" : "size",
        h = function(t, e) {
            var n, r = p(e);
            if ("F" !== r) return t._i[r];
            for (n = t._f; n; n = n.n)
                if (n.k == e) return n
    t.exports = {
        getConstructor: function(t, e, n, s) {
            var f = t((function(t, r) {
                c(t, f, e, "_i"), t._t = e, t._i = i(null), t._f = void 0, t._l = void 0, t[v] = 0, null != r && u(r, n, t[s], t)
            return o(f.prototype, {
                clear: function() {
                    for (var t = m(this, e), n = t._i, r = t._f; r; r = r.n) r.r = !0, r.p && (r.p = r.p.n = void 0), delete n[r.i];
                    t._f = t._l = void 0, t[v] = 0
                delete: function(t) {
                    var n = m(this, e),
                        r = h(n, t);
                    if (r) {
                        var i = r.n,
                            o = r.p;
                        delete n._i[r.i], r.r = !0, o && (o.n = i), i && (i.p = o), n._f == r && (n._f = i), n._l == r && (n._l = o), n[v]--
                    return !!r
                forEach: function(t) {
                    m(this, e);
                    for (var n, r = a(t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, 3); n = n ? n.n : this._f;)
                        for (r(n.v, n.k, this); n && n.r;) n = n.p
                has: function(t) {
                    return !!h(m(this, e), t)
            }), d && r(f.prototype, "size", {
                get: function() {
                    return m(this, e)[v]
            }), f
        def: function(t, e, n) {
            var r, i, o = h(t, e);
            return o ? o.v = n : (t._l = o = {
                i: i = p(e, !0),
                k: e,
                v: n,
                p: r = t._l,
                n: void 0,
                r: !1
            }, t._f || (t._f = o), r && (r.n = o), t[v]++, "F" !== i && (t._i[i] = o)), t
        getEntry: h,
        setStrong: function(t, e, n) {
            s(t, e, (function(t, n) {
                this._t = m(t, e), this._k = n, this._l = void 0
            }), (function() {
                for (var t = this._k, e = this._l; e && e.r;) e = e.p;
                return this._t && (this._l = e = e ? e.n : this._t._f) ? f(0, "keys" == t ? e.k : "values" == t ? e.v : [e.k, e.v]) : (this._t = void 0, f(1))
            }), n ? "entries" : "values", !n, !0), l(e)
76: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(2),
        i = n(5),
        o = n(43),
        a = n(10),
        c = n(8),
        u = n(36),
        s = n(15),
        f = n(37),
        l = n(6),
        d = n(20),
        p = n(7)
        m = n(77)(0),
        v = n(4);
    t.exports = function(t, e, n, h, g, _) {
        var y = r[t],
            b = y,
            x = g ? "set" : "add",
            C = b && b.prototype,
            D = {};
        return v && "function" == typeof b && (_ || C.forEach && !a((function() {
            (new b)
        }))) ? (b = e((function(e, n) {
            f(e, b, t, "_c"), e._c = new y, null != n && s(n, g, e[x], e)
        })), m("add,clear,delete,forEach,get,has,set,keys,values,entries,toJSON".split(","), (function(t) {
            var e = "add" == t || "set" == t;
            !(t in C) || _ && "clear" == t || c(b.prototype, t, (function(n, r) {
                if (f(this, b, t), !e && _ && !l(n)) return "get" == t && void 0;
                var i = this._c[t](0 === n ? 0 : n, r);
                return e ? this : i
        })), _ || p(b.prototype, "size", {
            get: function() {
                return this._c.size
        })) : (b = h.getConstructor(e, t, g, x), u(b.prototype, n), o.NEED = !0), d(b, t), D[t] = b, i(i.G + i.W + i.F, D), _ || h.setStrong(b, t, g), b
77: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(11),
        i = n(26),
        o = n(16),
        a = n(25),
        c = n(78);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        var n = 1 == t,
            u = 2 == t,
            s = 3 == t,
            f = 4 == t,
            l = 6 == t,
            d = 5 == t || l,
            p = e || c;
        return function(e, c, m) {
            for (var v, h, g = o(e), _ = i(g), y = r(c, m, 3), b = a(_.length), x = 0, C = n ? p(e, b) : u ? p(e, 0) : void 0; b > x; x++)
                if ((d || x in _) && (h = y(v = _[x], x, g), t))
                    if (n) C[x] = h;
                    else if (h) switch (t) {
                case 3:
                    return !0;
                case 5:
                    return v;
                case 6:
                    return x;
                case 2:
            } else if (f) return !1;
            return l ? -1 : s || f ? f : C
78: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(79);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return new(r(t))(e)
79: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(6),
        i = n(72),
        o = n(3)("species");
    t.exports = function(t) {
        var e;
        return i(t) && ("function" != typeof(e = t.constructor) || e !== Array && !i(e.prototype) || (e = void 0), r(e) && null === (e = e[o]) && (e = void 0)), void 0 === e ? Array : e
8: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(7),
        i = n(32);
    t.exports = n(4) ? function(t, e, n) {
        return r.f(t, e, i(1, n))
    } : function(t, e, n) {
        return t[e] = n, t
80: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(5);
    r(r.P + r.R, "Map", {
        toJSON: n(81)("Map")
81: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(31),
        i = n(82);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return function() {
            if (r(this) != t) throw TypeError(t + "#toJSON isn't generic");
            return i(this)
82: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(15);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        var n = [];
        return r(t, !1, n.push, n, e), n
83: function(t, e, n) {
84: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(5);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        r(r.S, t, {
            of: function() {
                for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t); t--;) e[t] = arguments[t];
                return new this(e)
85: function(t, e, n) {
86: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(5),
        i = n(21),
        o = n(11),
        a = n(15);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        r(r.S, t, {
            from: function(t) {
                var e, n, r, c, u = arguments[1];
                return i(this), (e = void 0 !== u) && i(u), null == t ? new this : (n = [], e ? (r = 0, c = o(u, arguments[2], 2), a(t, !1, (function(t) {
                    n.push(c(t, r++))
                }))) : a(t, !1, n.push, n), new this(n))
87: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    }), e.dupRemoval = void 0;
    var r, i = n(41),
        o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : {
            default: r
    e.dupRemoval = function(t) {
        var e = t.key,
            n =,
            r = [];
        return t.keyMap || (t.keyMap = new o.default), n && n.forEach((function(n) {
            n[e] && 2 != n.resourceType && 3 != n.resourceType ? t.keyMap.has(n[e]) || (t.keyMap.set(n[e], !0), r.push(n)) : r.push(n)
        })), r
9: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(6);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        if (!r(t)) throw TypeError(t + " is not an object!");
        return t
92: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(93),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var o in r)["default"].indexOf(o) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
93: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    }), e.default = {
        name: "NewCommodityDiagramCard",
        data: function() {
            return {
                clickedIndex: null,
                clikedDiagram: null
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
            data: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        computed: {
            backgroundImage: function() {
                var t = "";
                try {
                    t = this.cardContent && this.cardContent.xml.bgImageUrl
                } catch (t) {
                return t
            diagramData: function() {
                var t = [];
                try {
                    t = this.cardContent && this.cardContent.xml.position
                } catch (t) {
                return t
            renderData: function() {
                return ||
            cardContent: function() {
                var t = {};
                if (this.renderData && "string" == typeof this.renderData.cardContent && this.renderData.cardContent) try {
                    t = JSON.parse(this.renderData.cardContent)
                } catch (e) {
                    t = this.renderData.cardContent
                } else t = this.renderData.cardContent;
                return t
        methods: {
            getDiagramItemStyle: function(t) {
                var e = "50%",
                    n = +t.x + "%",
                    r = +t.y + "%",
                    i = t.width || 24,
                    o = {
                        width: i += "px",
                        left: n,
                        bottom: r,
                        borderRadius: e
                if (t.height) {
                    var a = t.height + "px";
                    o.height = a
                return t.borderRadius && (e = t.borderRadius + "px", o.borderRadius = e), o
            isDirectJump: function(t) {
                var e = !1;
                return (!0 === t.needMention || && (e = !0), e
            getDiagramPromotionItemStyle: function(t) {
                var e = {};
                return t.x && (e.left = +t.x + "%"), t.y && (e.bottom = +t.y + "%"), e
            diagramClickHandler: function(t, e) {
                this.clickedIndex = e, this.clikedDiagram = t
            diagramImageContainerClickHandler: function() {
                this.clickedIndex = null, this.clikedDiagram = null
976: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this,
                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
            return t.MetaContentFeedData.length > 0 ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "MetaContentFeed",
                style: t.containerStyle,
                attrs: {
                    "data-spm": t.config && t.config.param && t.config.param.spmCCode,
                    "data-spm-stop": "init"
            }, t._l(t.MetaContentFeedData, (function(t, e) {
                return n(t.componentName, {
                    key: e,
                    tag: "component",
                    attrs: {
                        data: t,
                        config: t
            })), 1) : t._e()
        i = [];
    r._withStripped = !0

}); ! function(t) { var e = {};

function n(r) {
    if (e[r]) return e[r].exports;
    var i = e[r] = {
        i: r,
        l: !1,
        exports: {}
    return t[r].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, n), i.l = !0, i.exports
n.m = t, n.c = e, n.d = function(t, e, r) {
    n.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
        enumerable: !0,
        get: r
}, n.r = function(t) {
    "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, {
        value: "Module"
    }), Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
}, n.t = function(t, e) {
    if (1 & e && (t = n(t)), 8 & e) return t;
    if (4 & e && "object" == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t;
    var r = Object.create(null);
    if (n.r(r), Object.defineProperty(r, "default", {
        enumerable: !0,
        value: t
    }), 2 & e && "string" != typeof t)
        for (var i in t) n.d(r, i, function(e) {
            return t[e]
        }.bind(null, i));
    return r
}, n.n = function(t) {
    var e = t && t.__esModule ? function() {
        return t.default
    } : function() {
        return t
    return n.d(e, "a", e), e
}, n.o = function(t, e) {
    return, e)
}, n.p = "//", n(n.s = 1785)

}({ 0: function(t, e, n) { "use strict";

    function r(t, e, n, r, i, a, o, s) {
        var c, u = "function" == typeof t ? t.options : t;
        if (e && (u.render = e, u.staticRenderFns = n, u._compiled = !0), r && (u.functional = !0), a && (u._scopeId = "data-v-" + a), o ? (c = function(t) {
            (t = t || this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext || this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext) || "undefined" == typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ || (t = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__), i &&, t), t && t._registeredComponents && t._registeredComponents.add(o)
        }, u._ssrRegister = c) : i && (c = s ? function() {
  , (u.functional ? this.parent : this)
        } : i), c)
            if (u.functional) {
                u._injectStyles = c;
                var d = u.render;
                u.render = function(t, e) {
                    return, d(t, e)
            } else {
                var f = u.beforeCreate;
                u.beforeCreate = f ? [].concat(f, c) : [c]
            } return {
            exports: t,
            options: u
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
1: function(t, e) {
    var n = t.exports = {
        version: "2.6.11"
    "number" == typeof __e && (__e = n)
10: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        try {
            return !!t()
        } catch (t) {
            return !0
100: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(5),
        i = n(1),
        a = n(10);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        var n = (i.Object || {})[t] || Object[t],
            o = {};
        o[t] = e(n), r(r.S + r.F * a((function() {
        })), "Object", o)
101: function(t, e, n) {
    var r, i, a, o = n(11),
        s = n(136),
        c = n(46),
        u = n(30),
        d = n(2),
        f = d.process,
        l = d.setImmediate,
        p = d.clearImmediate,
        m = d.MessageChannel,
        h = d.Dispatch,
        g = 0,
        v = {},
        y = function() {
            var t = +this;
            if (v.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
                var e = v[t];
                delete v[t], e()
        _ = function(t) {
    l && p || (l = function(t) {
        for (var e = [], n = 1; arguments.length > n;) e.push(arguments[n++]);
        return v[++g] = function() {
            s("function" == typeof t ? t : Function(t), e)
        }, r(g), g
    }, p = function(t) {
        delete v[t]
    }, "process" == n(14)(f) ? r = function(t) {
        f.nextTick(o(y, t, 1))
    } : h && ? r = function(t) {, t, 1))
    } : m ? (a = (i = new m)
        .port2, i.port1.onmessage = _, r = o(a.postMessage, a, 1)) : d.addEventListener && "function" == typeof postMessage && !d.importScripts ? (r = function(t) {
        d.postMessage(t + "", "*")
    }, d.addEventListener("message", _, !1)) : r = "onreadystatechange" in u("script") ? function(t) {
            .onreadystatechange = function() {
    } : function(t) {
        setTimeout(o(y, t, 1), 0)
    }), t.exports = {
        set: l,
        clear: p
102: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(141),
        __esModule: !0
103: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this,
                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
            return t.backgroundImage ? n("a", {
                staticClass: "NewCommodityDiagramCard",
                attrs: {
                    href: "javascript:;"
            }, [n("header", {
                staticClass: "header"
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "title"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.mobileTitle || t.renderData.title))]), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "description"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.brief))])]), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "body"
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "diagramImageContainer",
                on: {
                    click: t.diagramImageContainerClickHandler
            }, [n("img", {
                attrs: {
                    "data-src": t.backgroundImage
            }), t._v(" "), t._l(t.diagramData, (function(e, r) {
                return n("div", {
                    key: "" + e.x + e.y + r
                }, [e.imageUrl ? [t.isDirectJump(e) ? n("object", [n("a", {
                    class: ["diagramContainer"],
                    style: t.getDiagramItemStyle(e),
                    attrs: {
                        href: || e.url
                }, [n("img", {
                    attrs: {
                        "data-src": e.imageUrl
                })])]) : r === t.clickedIndex ? n("object", [n("a", {
                    class: ["diagramContainer", "clicked"],
                    style: t.getDiagramItemStyle(e),
                    attrs: {
                        href: || e.url
                    on: {
                        click: function(n) {
                            return n.stopPropagation(), t.diagramClickHandler(e, r)
                }, [n("div", {
                    staticClass: "container",
                    style: "border-radius: " + t.getDiagramItemStyle(e)
                }, [n("img", {
                    attrs: {
                        "data-src": e.imageUrl
                })]), t._v(" "), t._m(0, !0)])]) : n("div", {
                    class: ["diagramContainer"],
                    style: t.getDiagramItemStyle(e),
                    on: {
                        click: function(n) {
                            return n.stopPropagation(), t.diagramClickHandler(e, r)
                }, [n("img", {
                    attrs: {
                        "data-src": e.imageUrl
                })])] : t._e()], 2)
            }))], 2)])]) : t._e()
        i = [function() {
            var t = this.$createElement,
                e = this._self._c || t;
            return e("div", {
                staticClass: "promotion"
            }, [e("i", {
                staticClass: "mention icon i-arrow-right"
    r._withStripped = !0
104: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(9),
        i = n(21),
        a = n(3)("species");
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        var n, o = r(t)
        return void 0 === o || null == (n = r(o)[a]) ? e : i(n)
105: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        try {
            return {
                e: !1,
                v: t()
        } catch (t) {
            return {
                e: !0,
                v: t
106: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(9),
        i = n(6),
        a = n(90);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        if (r(t), i(e) && e.constructor === t) return e;
        var n = a.f(t);
        return (0, n.resolve)(e), n.promise
108: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(109),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var a in r)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
109: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    }), e.default = {
        name: "DynamicCommodityDiagramCard",
        data: function() {
            return {
                clickedIndex: null,
                clikedDiagram: null
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
            data: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        computed: {
            backgroundImage: function() {
                var t = "";
                try {
                    t = this.cardContent.xml.bgImageUrl
                } catch (t) {
                return t
            diagramData: function() {
                var t = [];
                try {
                    t = this.cardContent.xml.position
                } catch (t) {
                return t
            renderData: function() {
                return ||
            cardContent: function() {
                var t = {};
                if (this.renderData && "string" == typeof this.renderData.cardContent && this.renderData.cardContent) try {
                    t = JSON.parse(this.renderData.cardContent)
                } catch (e) {
                    t = this.renderData.cardContent
                } else t = this.renderData.cardContent;
                return t
        methods: {
            getDiagramItemStyle: function(t) {
                var e = || 7 / 4,
                    n = "50%",
                    r = +t.x + "%",
                    i = +t.y + "%",
                    a = t.width || 24,
                    o = t.height || 24,
                    s = {
                        width: a = a * e + "px",
                        height: o = o * e + "px",
                        left: r,
                        bottom: i,
                        borderRadius: n
                if (t.height) {
                    var c = t.height + "px";
                    s.height = c
                return t.borderRadius && (n = t.borderRadius + "px", s.borderRadius = n), s
            isDirectJump: function(t) {
                var e = !1;
                return (!0 === t.needMention || && (e = !0), e
            getDiagramPromotionItemStyle: function(t) {
                var e = {};
                return t.x && (e.left = +t.x + "%"), t.y && (e.bottom = +t.y + "%"), e
            diagramClickHandler: function(t, e) {
                this.clickedIndex = e, this.clikedDiagram = t
            diagramImageContainerClickHandler: function() {
                this.clickedIndex = null, this.clikedDiagram = null
11: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(21);
    t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        if (r(t), void 0 === e) return t;
        switch (n) {
            case 1:
                return function(n) {
                    return, n)
            case 2:
                return function(n, r) {
                    return, n, r)
            case 3:
                return function(n, r, i) {
                    return, n, r, i)
        return function() {
            return t.apply(e, arguments)
110: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(111),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var a in r)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
111: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    var r = o(n(172)),
        i = n(35),
        a = o(n(128));

    function o(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
    e.default = {
        name: "FeedImgTextItem",
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
            index: {
                type: Number,
                default: 0
            operateConfig: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        data: function() {
            return {
                MockData: r.default,
                defaultImg: "//",
                colorMap: {
                    0: "#f25c57",
                    1: "#f29849",
                    2: "#f2b227"
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        components: {
            FeedItemOperate: a.default
        mounted: function() {},
        computed: {
            renderData: function() {
                var t = this.MockData;
                return this.config && (t = this.config), "rank" === this.config.type && (t.index = this.index + 1), t
            containerStyle: function() {
                return {}
        methods: {
            cutPicUrl: i.cutPicUrl,
            handleDelete: function() {
112: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(113),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var a in r)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
113: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    var r, i = n(162),
        a = n(167),
        o = (r = a) && r.__esModule ? r : {
            default: r
    e.default = {
        name: "FeedItemOperate",
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
            operateConfig: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        data: function() {
            return {
                showDeleteModal: !1,
                loading: !1
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        components: {
            TPLloading: o.default
        mounted: function() {},
        computed: {},
        methods: {
            clickDelete: function(t) {
                t.preventDefault(), this.showDeleteModal = !0
            handleCancel: function(t) {
                t.preventDefault(), this.showDeleteModal = !1
            handleConfirm: function(t) {
                var e = this;
                t.preventDefault(), this.loading = !0, (0, i.deleteArticle)(this.config)
                    .then((function(t) {
                        t && 2e6 == t.code && (e.$emit("handleDelete"), e.showDeleteModal = !1), e.loading = !1
                    .catch((function(t) {
                        e.loading = !1, console.log(t)
            handleShare: function(t) {
                t.preventDefault(), (0, i.getArticleShareInfo)(this.config)
                    .then((function(t) {
                        t && 2e6 == t.code && (window.location.href =
                    .catch((function(t) {
114: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(115),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var a in r)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
115: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    }), e.default = {
        name: "TPLloading",
        props: {
            content: {
                type: String,
                default: function() {
                    return "鍔犺浇涓�"
116: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(117),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var a in r)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
117: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    var r = a(n(176)),
        i = a(n(128));

    function a(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
    e.default = {
        name: "FeedTextItem",
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
            index: {
                type: Number,
                default: 0
            operateConfig: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        data: function() {
            return {
                MockData: r.default,
                colorMap: {
                    0: "#f25c57",
                    1: "#f29849",
                    2: "#f2b227"
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        components: {
            FeedItemOperate: i.default
        mounted: function() {},
        computed: {
            renderData: function() {
                var t = this.MockData;
                return this.config && (t = this.config), "rank" === this.config.type && (t.index = this.index + 1), t
            containerStyle: function() {
                return {}
        methods: {
            handleDelete: function() {
118: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(119),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var a in r)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
119: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    var r = s(n(66)),
        i = s(n(178)),
        a = n(35),
        o = s(n(128));

    function s(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
    e.default = (0, r.default)({
        name: "FeedPictureItem",
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
            operateConfig: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        data: function() {
            return {
                MockData: i.default,
                Supporter: !1
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        components: {
            FeedItemOperate: o.default
        mounted: function() {},
        computed: {
            renderData: function() {
                var t = this.MockData;
                return this.config && (t = this.config), t
            imagesLength: function() {
                return this.renderData && this.renderData.cover && this.renderData.cover.length
            imagesList: function() {
                var t = [];
                return this.imagesLength > 3 && (t = this.renderData.cover && this.renderData.cover.slice(0, 3)), 3 === this.imagesLength && (t = this.renderData.cover), t
        methods: {
            cutPicUrl: a.cutPicUrl,
            handleUrl: function(t, e) {
                return e && e.isMSOHU ? "sohu://" + + "&authorId=" + t.authorId : t.url
            handleDelete: function() {
    }, "mounted", (function() {
        this.Supporter = window.MptcfeUtils.Supporter
12: function(t, e) {
    var n = {}.hasOwnProperty;
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return, e)
120: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(121),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var a in r)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
121: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    var r = c(n(102)),
        i = c(n(154)),
        a = c(n(155)),
        o = c(n(156)),
        s = c(n(140));

    function c(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
    e.default = {
        inheritAttrs: !1,
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        data: function() {
            return {
                pvCountStore: {}
        components: {
            FeedImgTextItem: i.default,
            FeedTextItem: a.default,
            FeedPictureItem: o.default,
            CommodityDiagramCard: s.default
        methods: {
            initAd: function() {
                var t = this;
                        adData: this.config,
                        adType: this.config.type,
                        backup: this.config.backup,
                    .then((function(e) {
                        t.$el.innerHTML = "", t.$el.appendChild(e)
                    .catch((function(t) {
            genAd: function(t) {
                if (t) {
                    var e = window.MptcfeWapAd && window.MptcfeWapAd.AdGenerator;
                    return new r.default((function(n, r) {
                        new e({
                            data: t,
                            success: function(t) {
                            desParams: {
                                containerStyle: {
                                    "border-bottom": "1px solid #f0f0f0",
                                    padding: "13px 0"
            formatFeedData: function(t) {
                var e = [];
                return t.componentName || (t.url && t.title && (t.componentName = "FeedTextItem"), t.url && t.title && t.cover && t.cover.length && t.cover.length > 0 && (t.componentName = "FeedImgTextItem"), 40 === t.contentType && t.cardContent && t.cardContent.card && 40 === t.cardContent.card.pluginType && (t.componentName = "CommodityDiagramCard"), t.cover && t.cover.length && t.cover.length > 2 && (t.componentName = "FeedPictureItem")), t.componentName && e.push(t), e
        created: function() {
        mounted: function() {
122: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(123),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var a in r)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
123: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    var r = d(n(154)),
        i = d(n(155)),
        a = d(n(156)),
        o = d(n(140)),
        s = d(n(165)),
        c = d(n(169)),
        u = d(n(190));

    function d(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
    e.default = {
        name: "FeedList",
        inheritAttrs: !1,
        data: function() {
            return {
                FeedData: [],
                pvCountStore: {}
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
            dataType: {
                type: String,
                default: ""
            isRank: {
                type: Boolean,
                default: !1
            operateConfig: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        components: {
            FeedImgTextItem: r.default,
            FeedTextItem: i.default,
            FeedPictureItem: a.default,
            CommodityDiagramCard: o.default,
            ADFeed: s.default,
            DynamicCommodityDiagramCard: c.default,
            MultiDataImgListItem: u.default
        computed: {
            containerStyle: function() {
                return {}
            renderData: function() {
                return || []
        watch: {
            config: {
                immediate: !0,
                handler: function() {
                    "undefined" != typeof window && this.$nextTick((function() {
                        setTimeout((function() {
                        }), 0)
                    })), this.FeedData = this.formatFeedData(
        created: function() {
            this.FeedData = this.formatFeedData(this.renderData)
        methods: {
            operateFeedItem: function() {
            formatFeedData: function(t) {
                var e = this,
                    n = [];
                return (t = Array.isArray(t) ? t : [t]) && t.forEach((function(t) {
                    t.componentName || (t.url && t.title && (t.componentName = "FeedTextItem"), t.url && t.title && t.cover && t.cover.length && t.cover.length > 0 && (t.componentName = "FeedImgTextItem"), t.cardContent && t.cardContent.card && 40 === t.cardContent.card.pluginType && (t.componentName = "CommodityDiagramCard"), t.cardContent && t.cardContent.card && (43 === t.cardContent.card.pluginType || 42 === t.cardContent.card.pluginType) && (t.componentName = "DynamicCommodityDiagramCard"), t.cover && t.cover.length && t.cover.length > 2 && (t.componentName = "FeedPictureItem"), t.autoNews && t.autoNews.length > 0 && (t.componentName = "MultiDataImgListItem"), 3 === t.resourceType && (t.componentName = "ADFeed"), "OneImgFeed" === e.dataType && (t.url && t.title && t.cover && t.cover.length && t.cover.length > 0 ? t.componentName = "FeedImgTextItem" : t.url && t.title && (t.componentName = "FeedTextItem")), !0 === e.isRank && (t.type = "rank")), t.componentName && n.push(t)
                })), n
            getCompStyle: function(t) {
                var e = {};
                return "CommodityDiagramCard" === t.componentName && (e = {
                    "padding-bottom": "16px",
                    "border-bottom": "1px solid #f2f2f2"
                }), e
124: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(125),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var a in r)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
125: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    var r, i = n(191),
        a = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : {
            default: r
        o = n(35);
    e.default = {
        name: "MultiDataImgListItem",
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        data: function() {
            return {
                MockData: a.default,
                defaultImg: "//"
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        mounted: function() {},
        computed: {
            renderData: function() {
                var t = this.MockData;
                return this.config && (t = this.config), t
            containerStyle: function() {
                return {}
        methods: {
            cutPicUrl: o.cutPicUrl
126: function(t, e, n) {},
127: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(3)("iterator"),
        i = !1;
    try {
        var a = [7][r]();
        a.return = function() {
            i = !0
        }, Array.from(a, (function() {
            throw 2
    } catch (t) {}
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        if (!e && !i) return !1;
        var n = !1;
        try {
            var a = [7],
                o = a[r]();
   = function() {
                return {
                    done: n = !0
            }, a[r] = function() {
                return o
            }, t(a)
        } catch (t) {}
        return n
128: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(135),
        i = n(112);
    for (var a in i)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return i[t]
    var o = n(0),
        s = Object(o.a)(i.default, r.a, r.b, !1, null, "168d7208", null);
    s.options.__file = "src/BaseComponents/FeedItemOperate/FeedItemOperate.vue", e.default = s.exports
129: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this,
                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
            return t.backgroundImage ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "DynamicCommodityDiagramCard"
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "body"
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "diagramImageContainer",
                on: {
                    click: t.diagramImageContainerClickHandler
            }, [n("img", {
                attrs: {
                    "data-src": t.backgroundImage
            }), t._v(" "), t._l(t.diagramData, (function(e, r) {
                return n("div", {
                    key: "" + e.x + e.y + r
                }, [
                    [n("a", {
                        class: ["diagramContainer"],
                        style: t.getDiagramItemStyle(e),
                        attrs: {
                            href: || e.url
                    }, [n("img", {
                        attrs: {
                            "data-src": e.imageUrl
                ], 2)
            }))], 2)])]) : t._e()
        i = [];
    r._withStripped = !0
13: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = {}
130: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this,
                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
            return n("div", {
                staticClass: "FeedImgTextItem",
                style: t.containerStyle
            }, [n("a", {
                staticClass: "FeedImgTextItemContainer",
                attrs: {
                    href: t.renderData.url
            }, [n("article", [n("div", {
                staticClass: "title",
                class: {
                    "rank-title": t.index > 2 && "rank" === t.renderData.type
            }, ["rank" === t.renderData.type && t.renderData.index < 100 ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "rank",
                class: {
                    top: t.index < 3
                style: t.index < 3 ? "background-color:" + t.colorMap[t.index] : "background-color:#ebebeb"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.index))]) : t._e(), t._v(t._s(t.renderData.title))]), t._v(" "), t.$attrs.showTag && t.renderData.tagList && t.renderData.tagList[0] && t.renderData.tagList[0].name ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "tag"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.tagList[0].name))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.renderData.extraInfoList && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length > 0 ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "extra-info-list"
            }, [t._l(t.renderData.extraInfoList, (function(e, r) {
                return [e.url ? n("object", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r
                }, [n("a", {
                    staticClass: "extra-info-item extra-info-link",
                    attrs: {
                        href: e.url
                }, [n("span", [t._v(t._s(e.text))])])]) : n("span", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r,
                    staticClass: "extra-info-item"
                }, [t._v(t._s(e.text))]), t._v(" "), r != (t.renderData.extraInfoList && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length - 1) ? n("span", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r,
                    staticClass: "extra-info-point"
                }, [t._v("聽路聽")]) : t._e()]
            }))], 2) : n("div", {
                staticClass: "detail"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.extraInfo))])]), t._v(" "), n("section", [n("img", {
                attrs: {
                    "data-src": t.cutPicUrl(t.renderData.cover && t.renderData.cover[0] || t.defaultImg, 224, 152)
            }), t._v(" "), ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "total_num"
            }, [t.renderData.icon ? n("span", {
                class: t.renderData.icon
            }) : t._e(), t._v("\n                " + t._s( + "\n            ")]) : t._e()])]), t._v(" "), n("FeedItemOperate", {
                attrs: {
                    config: t.renderData,
                    operateConfig: t.operateConfig
                on: {
                    handleDelete: t.handleDelete
            })], 1)
        i = [];
    r._withStripped = !0
131: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this.$createElement,
                e = this._self._c || t;
            return e("div", {
                staticClass: "tpl-loading-comp"
            }, [this._m(0), this._v(" "), e("div", {
                staticClass: "loading-content"
            }, [this._v("\n        " + this._s(this.content) + "\n    ")])])
        i = [function() {
            var t = this.$createElement,
                e = this._self._c || t;
            return e("div", {
                staticClass: "loading-img"
            }, [e("img", {
                attrs: {
                    src: ""
    r._withStripped = !0
132: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this,
                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
            return n("div", {
                staticClass: "FeedTextItem",
                style: t.containerStyle
            }, [n("a", {
                attrs: {
                    href: t.renderData.url
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "title",
                class: {
                    "rank-title": t.index > 2 && "rank" === t.renderData.type
            }, ["rank" === t.renderData.type && t.renderData.index < 100 ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "rank",
                class: {
                    top: t.index < 3
                style: t.index < 3 ? "background-color:" + t.colorMap[t.index] : "background-color:#ebebeb"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.index))]) : t._e(), t._v(t._s(t.renderData.title))]), t._v(" "), t.$attrs.showTag && t.renderData.tagList && t.renderData.tagList[0] && t.renderData.tagList[0].name ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "tag"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.tagList[0].name))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "extra-operate"
            }, [t.renderData.extraInfoList && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length > 0 ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "extra-info-list"
            }, [t._l(t.renderData.extraInfoList, (function(e, r) {
                return [e.url ? n("object", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r
                }, [n("a", {
                    staticClass: "extra-info-item extra-info-link",
                    attrs: {
                        href: e.url
                }, [n("span", [t._v(t._s(e.text))])])]) : n("span", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r,
                    staticClass: "extra-info-item"
                }, [t._v(t._s(e.text))]), t._v(" "), r != (t.renderData.extraInfoList && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length - 1) ? n("span", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r,
                    staticClass: "extra-info-point"
                }, [t._v("聽路聽")]) : t._e()]
            }))], 2) : n("div", {
                staticClass: "detail"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.extraInfo))])])]), t._v(" "), n("FeedItemOperate", {
                attrs: {
                    config: t.renderData,
                    operateConfig: t.operateConfig
                on: {
                    handleDelete: t.handleDelete
            })], 1)
        i = [];
    r._withStripped = !0
133: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this,
                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
            return n("div", {
                staticClass: "FeedPictureItem",
                attrs: {
                    "data-spm": t.config && t.config.spmCCode
            }, [n("a", {
                attrs: {
                    href: t.handleUrl(t.renderData, t.Supporter)
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "title"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.mobileTitle || t.renderData.title))]), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "contentContainer"
            }, [t._l(t.imagesList, (function(e) {
                return n("div", {
                    key: e,
                    staticClass: "imgContainer"
                }, [n("img", {
                    attrs: {
                        "data-src": t.cutPicUrl(e, 224, 152)
            })), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "tag"
            }, [t._v(t._s(])], 2), t._v(" "), t.$attrs.showTag && t.renderData.tagList && t.renderData.tagList[0] && t.renderData.tagList[0].name ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "fieldTag"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.tagList[0].name))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "extra-operate"
            }, [t.renderData.extraInfoList && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length > 0 ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "extra-info-list"
            }, [t._l(t.renderData.extraInfoList, (function(e, r) {
                return [e.url ? n("object", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r
                }, [n("a", {
                    staticClass: "extra-info-item extra-info-link",
                    attrs: {
                        href: e.url
                }, [n("span", [t._v(t._s(e.text))])])]) : n("span", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r,
                    staticClass: "extra-info-item"
                }, [t._v(t._s(e.text))]), t._v(" "), r != (t.renderData.extraInfoList && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length - 1) ? n("span", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r,
                    staticClass: "extra-info-point"
                }, [t._v("聽路聽")]) : t._e()]
            }))], 2) : n("div", {
                staticClass: "detail"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.extraInfo))])])]), t._v(" "), n("FeedItemOperate", {
                attrs: {
                    config: t.renderData,
                    operateConfig: t.operateConfig
                on: {
                    handleDelete: t.handleDelete
            })], 1)
        i = [];
    r._withStripped = !0
134: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this.$createElement,
                e = this._self._c || t;
            return e("div", {
                staticClass: "feed-gold-wrapper",
                attrs: {
                    "data-spm-stop": "nev"
            }, [e(this.config.replaced.componentName, this._b({
                tag: "component",
                attrs: {
                    config: Object.assign({}, this.config.replaced)
            }, "component", this.$attrs, !1))], 1)
        i = [];
    r._withStripped = !0
135: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this,
                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
            return t.operateConfig && (t.operateConfig.bottomOperaterList || t.operateConfig.rightOperaterList) ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "operate-wrap"
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "share-delete"
            }, [t.operateConfig && t.operateConfig.bottomOperaterList ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "bottomOperaterList"
            }, t._l(t.operateConfig.bottomOperaterList, (function(e, r) {
                return n("div", {
                    key: r
                }, [6 == e.type ? n("div", {
                    staticClass: "bottomOperaterListItem share",
                    on: {
                        click: t.handleShare
                }) : t._e()])
            })), 0) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.operateConfig && t.operateConfig.rightOperaterList ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "rightOperaterList"
            }, t._l(t.operateConfig.rightOperaterList, (function(e, r) {
                return n("div", {
                    key: r
                }, [2 == e.type ? n("div", {
                    staticClass: "rightOperaterListItem delete",
                    on: {
                        click: t.clickDelete
                }) : t._e()])
            })), 0) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), t.showDeleteModal ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "login-modal",
                on: {
                    click: function(e) {
                        return e.preventDefault(), t.handleCancel(e)
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "login-modal-card"
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "close-modal",
                on: {
                    click: function(e) {
                        return e.preventDefault(), t.handleCancel(e)
            }), t._v(" "), t._m(0), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "login-btn-wrap"
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "login-btn login",
                on: {
                    click: function(e) {
                        return e.preventDefault(), t.handleConfirm(e)
            }, [t._v("鍒犻櫎")]), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "login-btn login-cancel",
                on: {
                    click: function(e) {
                        return e.preventDefault(), t.handleCancel(e)
            }, [t._v("鍙栨秷")])])])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), n("TPLloading", {
                directives: [{
                    name: "show",
                    rawName: "v-show",
                    value: t.loading,
                    expression: "loading"
            })], 1) : t._e()
        i = [function() {
            var t = this.$createElement,
                e = this._self._c || t;
            return e("div", {
                staticClass: "login-text"
            }, [e("div", {
                staticClass: "text"
            }, [this._v("浣犵‘瀹氳鍒犻櫎鏂囩珷鍚楋紵")]), this._v(" "), e("div", {
                staticClass: "desc"
            }, [this._v("鍒犻櫎鐨勫唴瀹规棤娉曟仮澶嶏紝涓斿崰鏈夊綋澶╁彂鏂囨暟锛岃璋ㄦ厧鍒犻櫎")])])
    r._withStripped = !0
136: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        var r = void 0 === n;
        switch (e.length) {
            case 0:
                return r ? t() :;
            case 1:
                return r ? t(e[0]) :, e[0]);
            case 2:
                return r ? t(e[0], e[1]) :, e[0], e[1]);
            case 3:
                return r ? t(e[0], e[1], e[2]) :, e[0], e[1], e[2]);
            case 4:
                return r ? t(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3]) :, e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3])
        return t.apply(n, e)
138: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this,
                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
            return n("div", {
                staticClass: "FeedList",
                style: t.containerStyle
            }, t._l(t.FeedData, (function(e, r) {
                return n(e.componentName, t._b({
                    tag: "component",
                    style: t.getCompStyle(e, r),
                    attrs: {
                        data: Object.assign({}, e),
                        config: Object.assign({}, e),
                        operateConfig: t.operateConfig && t.operateConfig[],
                        index: r
                    on: {
                        operateFeedItem: t.operateFeedItem
                }, "component", t.$attrs, !1))
            })), 1)
        i = [];
    r._withStripped = !0
139: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this,
                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
            return n("div", {
                staticClass: "MultiDataImgListItem",
                style: t.containerStyle
            }, [n("a", {
                attrs: {
                    href: t.renderData.url
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "contentContainer"
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "firstItem"
            }, [t._m(0), t._v(" "), n("img", {
                attrs: {
                    "data-src": t.cutPicUrl(t.renderData.autoNews[0].cover && t.renderData.autoNews[0].cover[0] || t.defaultImg, 686, 384)
            }), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "titleContainer"
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "title"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.autoNews[0].title))])])]), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "contentTitleContainer"
            }, [t.renderData.autoNews[1] && t.renderData.autoNews[1].title ? [n("div", {
                staticClass: "contentTitle"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.autoNews[1].title))])] : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.renderData.autoNews[2] && t.renderData.autoNews[2].title ? [n("div", {
                staticClass: "contentTitle"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.autoNews[2].title))])] : t._e()], 2)]), t._v(" "), t.renderData.extraInfoList && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length > 0 ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "extra-info-list"
            }, [t._l(t.renderData.extraInfoList, (function(e, r) {
                return [e.url ? n("object", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r
                }, [n("a", {
                    staticClass: "extra-info-item extra-info-link",
                    attrs: {
                        href: e.url
                }, [n("span", [t._v(t._s(e.text))])])]) : n("span", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r,
                    staticClass: "extra-info-item"
                }, [t._v(t._s(e.text))]), t._v(" "), r != (t.renderData.extraInfoList && t.renderData.extraInfoList.length - 1) ? n("span", {
                    key: e.image || e.text || e.url || r,
                    staticClass: "extra-info-point"
                }, [t._v("聽路聽")]) : t._e()]
            }))], 2) : n("div", {
                staticClass: "detail"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderData.extraInfo))])])])
        i = [function() {
            var t = this.$createElement,
                e = this._self._c || t;
            return e("div", {
                staticClass: "tagContainer"
            }, [e("div", {
                staticClass: "tag"
            }, [this._v("璇濋")])])
    r._withStripped = !0
14: function(t, e) {
    var n = {}.toString;
    t.exports = function(t) {
            .slice(8, -1)
140: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(103),
        i = n(92);
    for (var a in i)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return i[t]
    var o = n(0),
        s = Object(o.a)(i.default, r.a, r.b, !1, null, "695e31fd", null);
    s.options.__file = "src/components/NewCommodityDiagramCard/NewCommodityDiagramCard.vue", e.default = s.exports
141: function(t, e, n) {
    n(50), n(40), n(42), n(142), n(145), n(146), t.exports = n(1)
142: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r, i, a, o, s = n(29),
        c = n(2),
        u = n(11),
        d = n(31),
        f = n(5),
        l = n(6),
        p = n(21),
        m = n(37),
        h = n(15),
        g = n(104),
        v = n(101)
        y = n(143)(),
        _ = n(90),
        C = n(105),
        T = n(144),
        b = n(106),
        D = c.TypeError,
        w = c.process,
        x = w && w.versions,
        I = x && x.v8 || "",
        S = c.Promise,
        O = "process" == d(w),
        k = function() {},
        M = i = _.f,
        P = !! function() {
            try {
                var t = S.resolve(1),
                    e = (t.constructor = {})[n(3)("species")] = function(t) {
                        t(k, k)
                return (O || "function" == typeof PromiseRejectionEvent) && t.then(k) instanceof e && 0 !== I.indexOf("6.6") && -1 === T.indexOf("Chrome/66")
            } catch (t) {}
        j = function(t) {
            var e;
            return !(!l(t) || "function" != typeof(e = t.then)) && e
        F = function(t, e) {
            if (!t._n) {
                t._n = !0;
                var n = t._c;
                y((function() {
                    for (var r = t._v, i = 1 == t._s, a = 0, o = function(e) {
                        var n, a, o, s = i ? e.ok :,
                            c = e.resolve,
                            u = e.reject,
                            d = e.domain;
                        try {
                            s ? (i || (2 == t._h && E(t), t._h = 1), !0 === s ? n = r : (d && d.enter(), n = s(r), d && (d.exit(), o = !0)), n === e.promise ? u(D("Promise-chain cycle")) : (a = j(n)) ?, c, u) : c(n)) : u(r)
                        } catch (t) {
                            d && !o && d.exit(), u(t)
                    }; n.length > a;) o(n[a++]);
                    t._c = [], t._n = !1, e && !t._h && L(t)
        L = function(t) {
  , (function() {
                var e, n, r, i = t._v,
                    a = N(t);
                if (a && (e = C((function() {
                    O ? w.emit("unhandledRejection", i, t) : (n = c.onunhandledrejection) ? n({
                        promise: t,
                        reason: i
                    }) : (r = c.console) && r.error && r.error("Unhandled promise rejection", i)
                })), t._h = O || N(t) ? 2 : 1), t._a = void 0, a && e.e) throw e.v
        N = function(t) {
            return 1 !== t._h && 0 === (t._a || t._c)
        E = function(t) {
  , (function() {
                var e;
                O ? w.emit("rejectionHandled", t) : (e = c.onrejectionhandled) && e({
                    promise: t,
                    reason: t._v
        U = function(t) {
            var e = this;
            e._d || (e._d = !0, (e = e._w || e)
                ._v = t, e._s = 2, e._a || (e._a = e._c.slice()), F(e, !0))
        A = function(t) {
            var e, n = this;
            if (!n._d) {
                n._d = !0, n = n._w || n;
                try {
                    if (n === t) throw D("Promise can't be resolved itself");
                    (e = j(t)) ? y((function() {
                        var r = {
                            _w: n,
                            _d: !1
                        try {
                  , u(A, r, 1), u(U, r, 1))
                        } catch (t) {
                  , t)
                    })): (n._v = t, n._s = 1, F(n, !1))
                } catch (t) {
                        _w: n,
                        _d: !1
                    }, t)
    P || (S = function(t) {
                m(this, S, "Promise", "_h"), p(t),;
                try {
                    t(u(A, this, 1), u(U, this, 1))
                } catch (t) {
          , t)
            }, (r = function(t) {
                this._c = [], this._a = void 0, this._s = 0, this._d = !1, this._v = void 0, this._h = 0, this._n = !1
            .prototype = n(36)(S.prototype, {
                then: function(t, e) {
                    var n = M(g(this, S));
                    return n.ok = "function" != typeof t || t, = "function" == typeof e && e, n.domain = O ? w.domain : void 0, this._c.push(n), this._a && this._a.push(n), this._s && F(this, !1), n.promise
                catch: function(t) {
                    return this.then(void 0, t)
            }), a = function() {
                var t = new r;
                this.promise = t, this.resolve = u(A, t, 1), this.reject = u(U, t, 1)
            }, _.f = M = function(t) {
                return t === S || t === o ? new a(t) : i(t)
            }), f(f.G + f.W + f.F * !P, {
            Promise: S
        }), n(20)(S, "Promise"), n(54)("Promise"), o = n(1)
        .Promise, f(f.S + f.F * !P, "Promise", {
            reject: function(t) {
                var e = M(this);
                return (0, e.reject)(t), e.promise
        }), f(f.S + f.F * (s || !P), "Promise", {
            resolve: function(t) {
                return b(s && this === o ? S : this, t)
        }), f(f.S + f.F * !(P && n(127)((function(t) {
        }))), "Promise", {
            all: function(t) {
                var e = this,
                    n = M(e),
                    r = n.resolve,
                    i = n.reject,
                    a = C((function() {
                        var n = [],
                            a = 0,
                            o = 1;
                        h(t, !1, (function(t) {
                            var s = a++,
                                c = !1;
                            n.push(void 0), o++, e.resolve(t)
                                .then((function(t) {
                                    c || (c = !0, n[s] = t, --o || r(n))
                                }), i)
                        })), --o || r(n)
                return a.e && i(a.v), n.promise
            race: function(t) {
                var e = this,
                    n = M(e),
                    r = n.reject,
                    i = C((function() {
                        h(t, !1, (function(t) {
                                .then(n.resolve, r)
                return i.e && r(i.v), n.promise
143: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(2),
        i = n(101)
        a = r.MutationObserver || r.WebKitMutationObserver,
        o = r.process,
        s = r.Promise,
        c = "process" == n(14)(o);
    t.exports = function() {
        var t, e, n, u = function() {
            var r, i;
            for (c && (r = o.domain) && r.exit(); t;) {
                i = t.fn, t =;
                try {
                } catch (r) {
                    throw t ? n() : e = void 0, r
            e = void 0, r && r.enter()
        if (c) n = function() {
        else if (!a || r.navigator && r.navigator.standalone)
            if (s && s.resolve) {
                var d = s.resolve(void 0);
                n = function() {
            } else n = function() {
      , u)
        else {
            var f = !0,
                l = document.createTextNode("");
            new a(u)
                .observe(l, {
                    characterData: !0
                }), n = function() {
           = f = !f
        return function(r) {
            var i = {
                fn: r,
                next: void 0
            e && ( = i), t || (t = i, n()), e = i
144: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(2)
    t.exports = r && r.userAgent || ""
145: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(5),
        i = n(1),
        a = n(2),
        o = n(104),
        s = n(106);
    r(r.P + r.R, "Promise", {
        finally: function(t) {
            var e = o(this, i.Promise || a.Promise),
                n = "function" == typeof t;
            return this.then(n ? function(n) {
                return s(e, t())
                    .then((function() {
                        return n
            } : t, n ? function(n) {
                return s(e, t())
                    .then((function() {
                        throw n
            } : t)
146: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(5),
        i = n(90),
        a = n(105);
    r(r.S, "Promise", {
        try: function(t) {
            var e = i.f(this),
                n = a(t);
            return (n.e ? e.reject : e.resolve)(n.v), e.promise
148: function(t, e, n) {},
149: function(t, e, n) {},
15: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(11),
        i = n(70),
        a = n(71),
        o = n(9),
        s = n(25),
        c = n(53),
        u = {},
        d = {};
    (e = t.exports = function(t, e, n, f, l) {
        var p, m, h, g, v = l ? function() {
                return t
            } : c(t),
            y = r(n, f, e ? 2 : 1),
            _ = 0;
        if ("function" != typeof v) throw TypeError(t + " is not iterable!");
        if (a(v)) {
            for (p = s(t.length); p > _; _++)
                if ((g = e ? y(o(m = t[_])[0], m[1]) : y(t[_])) === u || g === d) return g
        } else
            for (h =; !(m =
                if ((g = i(h, y, m.value, e)) === u || g === d) return g
    .BREAK = u, e.RETURN = d
150: function(t, e, n) {},
151: function(t, e, n) {},
152: function(t, e, n) {},
153: function(t, e, n) {},
154: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(130),
        i = n(110);
    for (var a in i)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return i[t]
    var o = n(0),
        s = Object(o.a)(i.default, r.a, r.b, !1, null, "fd1cb8a8", null);
    s.options.__file = "src/BaseComponents/FeedImgTextItem/FeedImgTextItem.vue", e.default = s.exports
155: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(132),
        i = n(116);
    for (var a in i)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return i[t]
    var o = n(0),
        s = Object(o.a)(i.default, r.a, r.b, !1, null, "34db70a0", null);
    s.options.__file = "src/BaseComponents/FeedTextItem/FeedTextItem.vue", e.default = s.exports
156: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(133),
        i = n(118);
    for (var a in i)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return i[t]
    var o = n(0),
        s = Object(o.a)(i.default, r.a, r.b, !1, null, "5f63b688", null);
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157: function(t, e, n) {},
158: function(t, e, n) {
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16: function(t, e, n) {
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        return Object(r(t))
160: function(t, e, n) {
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        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
161: function(t, e, n) {
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162: function(t, e, n) {
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                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), n(t)
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                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), r(t)
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                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), r(t)
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                    withCredentials: !0
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                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), e(t)
    }, e.getArticleShareInfo = function(t) {
        var e = window.contentData && window.contentData.mkey || 130001227,
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            r = a.MPCONFIG[n] + "/mpbp/bp/news/NewsPostCtrl/postCode/url?accountId=" + e + "&newsId=" +;
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                    withCredentials: !0
                success: function(e) {
                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), e(t)
    }, e.getLoginStatus = function() {
        var t = window.contentData && window.contentData.mkey || 130001227,
            e = window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment(),
            n = a.MPCONFIGV2[e] + "/author-page-api/author/getOperatorAndColumn?accountId=" + t;
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                    withCredentials: !0
                success: function(e) {
                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), e(t)
    }, e.getUserOperateArticle = function(t) {
        var e = window.contentData && window.contentData.mkey || 130001227,
            n = window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment(),
            o = a.MPCONFIG[n] + "/mpbp/bp/news/v4/getOperatorAuth?accountId=" + e,
            s = {
                newsIds: t
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                data: (0, r.default)(s),
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                success: function(e) {
                error: function(t) {
                    console.log(t), e(t)
    var a = n(164);

    function o(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
164: function(t, e, n) {
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165: function(t, e, n) {
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        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return i[t]
    var o = n(0),
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167: function(t, e, n) {
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        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return i[t]
    var o = n(0),
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169: function(t, e, n) {
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        i = n(108);
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        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return i[t]
    var o = n(0),
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17: function(t, e, n) {
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        i = n(18);
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170: function(t, e, n) {
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171: function(t, e, n) {
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    var s = [],
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        title: "娴嬭瘯鍥鹃泦11111111",
        brief: "1111 22222 33333鈥�",
        mobileTitle: "娴嬭瘯鍥鹃泦11111111",
        tags: [""],
        publicTime: 1605256658e3,
        status: 4,
        videoInfo: null,
        labelInt: 5,
        content: '<p><img src="//"/></p><p><span>1111</span></p><p><img src="//"/></p><p><span>22222</span></p><p><img src="//"/></p><p><span>33333</span></p>',
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            id: 130000278,
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            type: 5,
            comments: "闀挎晥缃《",
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1785: function(t, e, n) {
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        a = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : {
            default: r
    window.CBDRender.register("CBDWapComps", "TPLFeed2", a.default), window.CBDRender.register("CBDTPLWapComponents", "TPLFeed2", a.default)
179: function(t, e, n) {
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18: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        if (null == t) throw TypeError("Can't call method on  " + t);
        return t
180: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
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                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
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                attrs: {
                    "data-spm": t.config.param.spmCCode
            }, [n("a", {
                attrs: {
                    href: t.renderMoreUrl
            }, [n("div", {
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                style: {
                    borderColor: t.config && t.config.globalConfig && t.config.globalConfig.similarColor
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "header-title",
                style: {
                    color: t.config && t.config.globalConfig && t.config.globalConfig.similarColor
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.renderTitle))]), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "right-content"
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                staticClass: "header-sort-container",
                on: {
                    click: function(e) {
                        return e.preventDefault(), t.changeSort(e)
            }, [n("img", {
                attrs: {
                    src: ""
            }), t._v(" "), n("span", [t._v(t._s(t.isTimeSort ? "鎸夌患鍚堟帓搴�" : "鎸夋渶鏂版帓搴�"))])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.config.param.showHeaderSort && t.renderMoreUrl ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "right-line"
            }) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.renderMoreUrl ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "tpl-header-more"
            }, [n("span", [t._v("鏇村")]), t._v(" "), n("i", {
                staticClass: "iconfont iconicon_next icon-next-info"
            })]) : t._e()])])])]) : t._e()
        i = [];
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181: function(t, e, n) {
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        i = n(122);
    for (var a in i)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return i[t]
    var o = n(0),
        s = Object(o.a)(i.default, r.a, r.b, !1, null, null, null);
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183: function(t, e, n) {
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        i = a(n(187));

    function a(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
    e.default = function(t, e) {
        if (Array.isArray(t)) return t;
        if ((0, r.default)(Object(t))) return function(t, e) {
            var n = [],
                r = !0,
                a = !1,
                o = void 0;
            try {
                for (var s, c = (0, i.default)(t); !(r = (s =
                    .done) && (n.push(s.value), !e || n.length !== e); r = !0);
            } catch (t) {
                a = !0, o = t
            } finally {
                try {
                    !r && c.return && c.return()
                } finally {
                    if (a) throw o
            return n
        }(t, e);
        throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance")
184: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(185),
        __esModule: !0
185: function(t, e, n) {
    n(42), n(40), t.exports = n(186)
186: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(31),
        i = n(3)("iterator"),
        a = n(13);
    t.exports = n(1)
        .isIterable = function(t) {
            var e = Object(t);
            return void 0 !== e[i] || "@@iterator" in e || a.hasOwnProperty(r(e))
187: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(188),
        __esModule: !0
188: function(t, e, n) {
    n(42), n(40), t.exports = n(189)
189: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(9),
        i = n(53);
    t.exports = n(1)
        .getIterator = function(t) {
            var e = i(t);
            if ("function" != typeof e) throw TypeError(t + " is not iterable!");
            return r(
19: function(t, e) {
    var n = Math.ceil,
        r = Math.floor;
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return isNaN(t = +t) ? 0 : (t > 0 ? r : n)(t)
190: function(t, e, n) {
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    var r = n(139),
        i = n(124);
    for (var a in i)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return i[t]
    var o = n(0),
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191: function(t, e, n) {
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        content: "涓浗鐨勫勾淇楁枃鍖栨簮杩滄祦闀匡紝鍏ㄥ浗鍚勫湴琛嶇敓鍑虹悍绻佸鏍风殑杩囧勾涔犱織锛屽崡鍖楄骏寮傦紝鍚勫叿鐗硅壊銆傚悇鍦颁範淇椾笉灏界浉鍚岋紝浣嗘槸澶囧勾璐с€侀€佸勾绀煎嵈鏄嚑涔庡叏鍥戒笂涓嬬殑鈥滆繃骞村繀澶団€濄€傜疆鍔炲勾璐э紝鍖呮嫭鍚冪殑銆佺┛鐨勩€佹埓鐨勩€佺敤鐨勩€佽创鐨勶紙骞寸孩锛夈€侀€佺殑锛堟嫓骞粹€�",
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            score: null,
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            status: 1
        pv: 30,
        label: {
            type: 5,
            comments: "闀挎晥缃《",
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192: function(t, e, n) {
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194: function(t, e, n) {
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        videoText: 4,
        bigImg: 5,
        bigVideo: 6,
        currentPlayVideo: 7,
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        4: r.bigVideo,
        5: r.videoText
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        0: r.text,
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198: function(t, e, n) {},
2: function(t, e) {
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    "number" == typeof __g && (__g = n)
20: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(7)
        i = n(12),
        a = n(3)("toStringTag");
    t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        t && !i(t = n ? t : t.prototype, a) && r(t, a, {
            configurable: !0,
            value: e
203: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(204),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var a in r)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
204: function(t, e, n) {
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        value: !0
    var r = n(35);
    e.default = {
        name: "TPLCommonTitle",
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        components: {},
        data: function() {
            return {}
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        computed: {
            feedData: function() {
                var t = this.config.param && && && (0, r.formatFeedData)(,
                    e = this.config.param && && || 4;
                return t = t && t.slice(0, e)
        mounted: function() {},
        methods: {
            showLine: function(t) {
                return !!(t != this.feedData.length - 1 || this.config.param && this.config.param.url)
208: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this,
                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
            return n("div", {
                staticClass: "tpl-common-title"
            }, [n("div", {
                staticClass: "title-name"
            }, [t._v(t._s(t.config && t.config.param && t.config.param.title))]), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                staticClass: "right-content"
            }, [t._l(t.feedData, (function(e, r) {
                return n("div", {
                    key: e.url,
                    staticClass: "title"
                }, [n("a", {
                    attrs: {
                        href: e.url
                }, [t._v(t._s(e.title && e.title.slice(0, 3)))]), t._v(" "), t.showLine(r) ? n("div", {
                    staticClass: "grey-line"
                }) : t._e()])
            })), t._v(" "), t.config && t.config.param && t.config.param.url ? n("div", {
                staticClass: "more-url"
            }, [n("a", {
                attrs: {
                    href: t.config.param && t.config.param.url
            }, [t._v("鏇村")])]) : t._e()], 2)])
        i = [];
    r._withStripped = !0
21: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        if ("function" != typeof t) throw TypeError(t + " is not a function!");
        return t
22: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(33)("keys"),
        i = n(24);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return r[t] || (r[t] = i(t))
226: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(180),
        i = n(160);
    for (var a in i)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return i[t]
    var o = n(0),
        s = Object(o.a)(i.default, r.a, r.b, !1, null, "9ac71dbe", null);
    s.options.__file = "src/components/TPLCommonHeader/TPLCommonHeader.vue", e.default = s.exports
227: function(t, e, n) {
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239: function(t, e, n) {},
24: function(t, e) {
    var n = 0,
        r = Math.random();
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return "Symbol(".concat(void 0 === t ? "" : t, ")_", (++n + r)
25: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(19),
        i = Math.min;
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return t > 0 ? i(r(t), 9007199254740991) : 0
26: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(14);
    t.exports = Object("z")
        .propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function(t) {
            return "String" == r(t) ? t.split("") : Object(t)
27: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(29),
        i = n(5),
        a = n(58),
        o = n(8),
        s = n(13),
        c = n(61),
        u = n(20),
        d = n(63),
        f = n(3)("iterator"),
        l = !([].keys && "next" in [].keys()),
        p = function() {
            return this
    t.exports = function(t, e, n, m, h, g, v) {
        c(n, e, m);
        var y, _, C, T = function(t) {
                if (!l && t in x) return x[t];
                switch (t) {
                    case "keys":
                    case "values":
                        return function() {
                            return new n(this, t)
                return function() {
                    return new n(this, t)
            b = e + " Iterator",
            D = "values" == h,
            w = !1,
            x = t.prototype,
            I = x[f] || x["@@iterator"] || h && x[h],
            S = I || T(h),
            O = h ? D ? T("entries") : S : void 0,
            k = "Array" == e && x.entries || I;
        if (k && (C = d( t))) !== Object.prototype && && (u(C, b, !0), r || "function" == typeof C[f] || o(C, f, p)), D && I && "values" !== && (w = !0, S = function() {
        }), r && !v || !l && !w && x[f] || o(x, f, S), s[e] = S, s[b] = p, h)
            if (y = {
                values: D ? S : T("values"),
                keys: g ? S : T("keys"),
                entries: O
            }, v)
                for (_ in y) _ in x || a(x, _, y[_]);
            else i(i.P + i.F * (l || w), e, y);
        return y
28: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(49),
        i = n(34);
    t.exports = Object.keys || function(t) {
        return r(t, i)
29: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = !0
299: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(300),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var a in r)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
3: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(33)("wks"),
        i = n(24),
        a = n(2)
        o = "function" == typeof a;
    (t.exports = function(t) {
        return r[t] || (r[t] = o && a[t] || (o ? a : i)("Symbol." + t))
    .store = r
30: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(6),
        i = n(2)
        a = r(i) && r(i.createElement);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return a ? i.createElement(t) : {}
300: function(t, e, n) {
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        value: !0
    var r = f(n(56)),
        i = f(n(41)),
        a = f(n(181)),
        o = f(n(226)),
        s = f(n(353)),
        c = n(35),
        u = n(94),
        d = n(171);

    function f(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
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        "缁煎悎": !0
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                            target: t.getSpmCCode()
                    })), !1
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                        var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0;
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                        t.config.param.showHeaderSort && (t.isTimeSort = !e, t.transformSort())
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                        size: this.config.param.size || this.size || 20,
                        list: [],
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                        r = $(t.$refs["recommend-bottom"])
                        .top - n - window.screen.availHeight;
                    n < 44 && window.MptcfeUtils.eventBus.$emit("hideHeader"), n > 44 && window.MptcfeUtils.eventBus.$emit("showHeader"), r < 0 && t.getFeedData(null, !0)
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            } catch (t) {
                console.log("error in TPLFeed2", t)
        methods: {
            getShowEmptyContent: function(t) {
                var e = !0;
                return "undefined" != typeof window && 15 !== window.contentData.businessType && t && 0 == t.length && (e = !1), e
            getTitleConfig: function() {
                var t = {
                    param: {}
                return t.param.title = this.config.param && this.config.param.title, t.param.url = this.config.param && this.config.param.url, = this.config.param && this.config.param.navData, t
            getDefaultTabName: function() {
                var t = this.config.param && this.config.param.defaultTab;
                return (0, d.getTabName)(t)
            transformSort: function() {
                this.isTimeSort = !this.isTimeSort, = 1, this.feedConfig[this.sortWay].list = [], this.feedConfig[this.sortWay].dataLoadIsEnd = !1, this.feedConfig[this.sortWay].total = 0, window.sohuSpm && "function" == typeof window.sohuSpm.sendAction && window.sohuSpm.sendAction({
                    acode: "9645"
                }), this.keyMap = new i.default, this.getFeedData()
            getSpmCCode: function(t) {
                return Array.isArray(this.config.spmInfo) && this.config.spmInfo[t].spmCCode || this.config.param.spmCCode
            getMkey: function(t) {
                var e = this.config.param && && &&;
                return e && e.includes("$") ? "location_" + t : e
            getFeedData: function() {
                var t = this,
                    e = this.feedConfig[this.sortWay];
                if (this.loading) return !1;
                if (e.dataLoadIsEnd) return !1;
                var n = {
                    spmCCode: this.config.param.spmCCode,
                    resourceId: this.config.resourceId,
                    context: {
                        pro: || "0,1",
                        feedType: this.config.param.feedType || "XTOPIC_SYNTHETICAL",
                        mkey: this.mkey
                    size: this.config.param.size || this.size,
                    productType: this.config.param && &&,
                    productId: this.config.param && &&,
                    cisVersion: this.config && this.config.comp && this.config.comp.compCisVersion,
                    isTimeSort: this.isTimeSort
                this.loading = !0, (0, u.getCISFeedData)(window, n, (function(n) {
                    n = (0, c.formatFeedData)(n, t.keyMap), 1 != || n && n.length || t.showFeedTitle || (t.noData = !0), t.imageData = t.imageData.concat(n), n && n.length > 0 ? (n.length < (t.size / 2 || 10) && (e.dataLoadIsEnd = !0), += n.length, >= 100 && (e.dataLoadIsEnd = !0), n && n.forEach((function(e) {
                        3 == e.resourceType && (t.adIndex = t.imageData.indexOf(e), e.position = t.adIndex + 1, =
                    })), e.list.push(n), setTimeout((function() {
                        t.$nextTick((function() {
                            window.sohuSpm && "function" == typeof window.sohuSpm.domDidChange && (window.sohuSpm.domDidChange({
                                target: t.config.param.spmCCode
                            }), window.sohuSpm.domDidChange({
                                target: t.config.param.spmCCode + "-footer"
                    }), 1500)) : e.dataLoadIsEnd = !0, t.loading = !1,
                }), (function(e) {
                    t.loading = !1, console.log(e)
31: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(14),
        i = n(3)("toStringTag"),
        a = "Arguments" == r(function() {
            return arguments
    t.exports = function(t) {
        var e, n, o;
        return void 0 === t ? "Undefined" : null === t ? "Null" : "string" == typeof(n = function(t, e) {
            try {
                return t[e]
            } catch (t) {}
        }(e = Object(t), i)) ? n : a ? r(e) : "Object" == (o = r(e)) && "function" == typeof e.callee ? "Arguments" : o
32: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return {
            enumerable: !(1 & t),
            configurable: !(2 & t),
            writable: !(4 & t),
            value: e
33: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(1),
        i = n(2),
        a = i["__core-js_shared__"] || (i["__core-js_shared__"] = {});
    (t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return a[t] || (a[t] = void 0 !== e ? e : {})
    })("versions", [])
        version: r.version,
        mode: n(29) ? "pure" : "global",
        copyright: "漏 2019 Denis Pushkarev ("
34: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = "constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf".split(",")
35: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    }), e.formatRenderFeedData = e.Moment = e.FormatNumber = e.flattenData = e.formatFeedData = e.cutZoomPicUrl = e.cutPicUrl = e.GetQueryString = void 0;
    var r = o(n(45)),
        i = o(n(41)),
        a = n(87);

    function o(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
    var s = function(t) {
        this.number = t
    s.prototype = {
        format: function() {
            return this.number <= 0 ? "0" : this.number < 1e4 ? this.number.toString() : this.number < 1e5 ? (this.number / 1e4)
                .replace(/\.?0*$/gi, "") + "涓�" : this.number <= 1e8 ? (this.number / 1e4)
                .toFixed(1) + "涓�+" : (this.number, (this.number / 1e8)
                    .replace(/\.?0*$/gi, "") + "浜�+")
    var c = function(t) {
            this.time = new Date(t)
        u = function(t) {
            return t.toString()
                .length < 2 ? "0" + t : t
    c.prototype = {
        fromNow: function() {
            var t = new Date;
            return t - this.time <= 6e5 ? "鍒氬垰" : t - this.time <= 36e5 ? Math.round((t - this.time) / 60 / 1e3) + "鍒嗛挓鍓�" : t - this.time <= 864e5 ? Math.round((t - this.time) / 60 / 60 / 1e3) + "灏忔椂鍓�" : t.getFullYear() == this.time.getFullYear() ? u(this.time.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + u(this.time.getDate()) + " " + u(this.time.getHours()) + ":" + u(this.time.getMinutes()) : this.time.getFullYear() + "-" + u(this.time.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + u(this.time.getDate())
        format: function(t) {
            return t.replace("yyyy", this.time.getFullYear())
                .replace("MM", this.time.getMonth() + 1)
                .replace("dd", u(this.time.getDate()))
                .replace("HH", u(this.time.getHours()))
                .replace("mm", u(this.time.getMinutes()))
        fixTime: function() {
            var t = new Date;
            if (t.getFullYear() == this.time.getFullYear()) {
                var e = new Date(t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth(), t.getDate()),
                    n = new Date(this.time.getFullYear(), this.time.getMonth(), this.time.getDate());
                return e - n == 0 ? "浠婂ぉ " + u(this.time.getHours()) + ":" + u(this.time.getMinutes()) : e - n <= 864e5 ? "鏄ㄥぉ " + u(this.time.getHours()) + ":" + u(this.time.getMinutes()) : this.fromNow()
            return this.fromNow()
        fixNewTime: function() {
            var t = new Date - this.time;
            return t < 0 || 0 == t || t < 6e4 ? "鍒氬垰" : t < 36e5 ? Math.round(t / 6e4) + "鍒嗛挓鍓�" : t < 864e5 ? Math.round(t / 36e5) + "灏忔椂鍓�" : t < 1728e5 ? "鏄ㄥぉ" + this.format("HH:mm") : t < 2592e5 ? "鍓嶅ぉ" + this.format("HH:mm") : t < 6048e5 ? Math.round(t / 864e5) + "澶╁墠" : this.format("yyyy.MM.dd")
        fixSportsTime: function() {
            var t = new Date;
            if (t.getFullYear() == this.time.getFullYear()) {
                var e = new Date(t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth(), t.getDate()) - new Date(this.time.getFullYear(), this.time.getMonth(), this.time.getDate());
                return 0 == e ? "浠婃棩 " + u(this.time.getHours()) + ":" + u(this.time.getMinutes()) : e <= 864e5 && e > 0 ? "鏄ㄦ棩 " + u(this.time.getHours()) + ":" + u(this.time.getMinutes()) : e < 0 && e >= -864e5 ? "鏄庢棩 " + u(this.time.getHours()) + ":" + u(this.time.getMinutes()) : this.fromNow()
            return this.fromNow()
    var d = function(t) {
            var e = "";
            "undefined" != typeof window && && && (e =;
            var n = (0, r.default)({
                resourceType: t.resourceType,
                businessType: t.resourceData.businessType,
                contentType: t.resourceData.contentType
            }, t.resourceData.contentData);
            return e && n.url && n.url.indexOf("//") < 0 && n.url.indexOf(".com") < 0 && (n.url = e + n.url), "undefined" != typeof window && "function" == typeof window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getContentSpmContent && (n.contentSpmContent = window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getContentSpmContent(n)), n
        f = (e.GetQueryString = function(t) {
            var e = new RegExp("(^|&)" + t + "=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"),
                n =
            return null != n ? decodeURIComponent(n[2]) : null
        }, function(t, e, n) {
            for (var r = 0; r < (t && t.length); r++)
                if (3 == t[r].resourceType) {
                    if (t[r].backupContent && t[r].backupContent.resourceData && t[r].backupContent.resourceData.contentData) {
                        for (var i = {}, a = 0; a < e.length; a++) i[e[a]] = t[r].backupContent.resourceData.contentData[e[a]];
                        t[r].backupContent.resourceData.contentData = i
                } else if (0 != t[r].resourceType && 2 != t[r].resourceType && t[r].resourceData && t[r].resourceData.contentData) {
                for (var o = {}, s = 0; s < e.length; s++) o[e[s]] = t[r].resourceData.contentData[e[s]];
                t[r].resourceData.contentData = o
            return n ? t.slice(0, n) : t
    e.cutPicUrl = function(t, e, n) {
        var r = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : "q_70,c_lfill",
            i = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
            a = i.length,
            o = function(t) {
                return !!t && t.split("//")[1]
        if (!t) return "";
        for (var s = t, c = e || 226, u = n || 150, d = 0; d < a; d++)
            if (o(s)) {
                var f = s && s.split("/");
                f[3] && (-1 !== f[3].indexOf("w_") && -1 !== f[3].indexOf("h_") || -1 !== f[3].indexOf("q_") ? f[3] = r + ",w_" + c + ",h_" + u + ",g_face" : -1 !== f[3].indexOf("images") && (f[3] = r + ",w_" + c + ",h_" + u + ",g_face/" + f[3])), s = f.join("/")
            } return s.replace(/^http:/, "")
    }, e.cutZoomPicUrl = function(t, e) {
        var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : "q_70,c_zoom";
        if (t.indexOf("") > -1) return t;
        var r = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
            i = r.length,
            a = function(t) {
                return !!t && t.split("//")[1]
        if (!t) return "";
        for (var o = t, s = e || 226, c = 0; c < i; c++)
            if (a(o)) {
                var u = o.split("/");
                u[3] && (-1 !== u[3].indexOf("w_") || -1 !== u[3].indexOf("h_") ? (u[3] = n + "," + s, o = u.join("/")) : (u.splice(3, 0, n + "," + s), o = u.join("/")))
            } return o.replace(/^http:/, "")
    }, e.formatFeedData = function() {
        var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : [],
            e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : new i.default,
            n = [],
            o = {};
        t && t.forEach((function(t) {
            if (3 === t.resourceType) {
                var e = t,
                    i = e.resourceData,
                    a = e.resourceType;
                o = (0, r.default)({}, i.adData, {
                    pcm: i.pcm,
                    type: i.adType,
                    position: i.location || 0,
                    resourceType: a,
                    replaced: t.backupContent ? (0, r.default)({}, t.backupContent.resourceData.contentData, {
                        businessType: t.backupContent.resourceData.businessType,
                        contentType: t.backupContent.resourceData.contentType,
                        resoureType: t.backupContent.resourceType
                    }) : null,
                    backup: t.resourceData.backUp ? (0, r.default)({
                        adType: t.resourceData.backUp.adType,
                    }, t.resourceData.backUp.adData) : null
                }), n.push(o)
            } else if (2 === t.resourceType) {
                var s = t,
                    c = s.resourceData,
                    u = s.resourceType;
                o = (0, r.default)({}, c.promoData, {
                    pcm: c.pcm,
                    resourceType: u,
                    cover: c.promoData && c.promoData.images
                }), n.push(o)
            } else if (0 === t.resourceType) n = null;
            else {
                if (1 != (t = d(t))
                    .businessType || 4 != t.contentType && 5 != t.contentType || (t.isVideo = !0, t.videoDuration = t.videoInfoDTO && t.videoInfoDTO.smartDuration), 3 === t.contentType && (t.isPicture = !0), 4 === t.contentType && (t.hasVideoTag = !0, t.isBigVideoStyle = !0, t.dataMeasure = {
                        type: "",
                        value: ""
                    }, t.images && t.images.length), 5 === t.contentType && (t.hasVideoTag = !0), = t.newsId ||, t.label && t.label.comments && "绮鹃€�" === t.label.comments) {
                    var f = t.label.color;
                    t.tag = {
                        name: t.label.comments,
                        borderColor: f || "#F5D795",
                        textColor: f || "#FDBE00"
        var s = {
            data: n,
            key: "id",
            keyMap: e
        return n = (0, a.dupRemoval)(s)
    }, e.flattenData = d, e.FormatNumber = s, e.Moment = c, e.formatRenderFeedData = function(t, e, n, r) {
        e || (e = ["url", "title", "cover", "extraInfo", "extraInfoList", "id"]), n || (n = ["data"]);
        for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
            if (t && t.param && t.param[n[i]] && t.param[n[i]].data) {
                var a = t && t.param && t.param[n[i]] && t.param[n[i]].data;
                t.param[n[i]].data = f(a, e, r)
            } return t
353: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(208),
        i = n(203);
    for (var a in i)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return i[t]
    var o = n(0),
        s = Object(o.a)(i.default, r.a, r.b, !1, null, null, null);
    s.options.__file = "src/components/TPLCommonTitle/TPLCommonTitle.vue", e.default = s.exports
36: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(8);
    t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        for (var i in e) n && t[i] ? t[i] = e[i] : r(t, i, e[i]);
        return t
369: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
37: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t, e, n, r) {
        if (!(t instanceof e) || void 0 !== r && r in t) throw TypeError(n + ": incorrect invocation!");
        return t
38: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(9),
        i = n(62),
        a = n(34),
        o = n(22)("IE_PROTO"),
        s = function() {},
        c = function() {
            var t, e = n(30)("iframe"),
                r = a.length;
            for ( = "none", n(46)
                .appendChild(e), e.src = "javascript:", (t = e.contentWindow.document)
                .open(), t.write("<script>document.F=Object<\/script>"), t.close(), c = t.F; r--;) delete c.prototype[a[r]];
            return c()
    t.exports = Object.create || function(t, e) {
        var n;
        return null !== t ? (s.prototype = r(t), n = new s, s.prototype = null, n[o] = t) : n = c(), void 0 === e ? n : i(n, e)
39: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return {
            value: e,
            done: !!t
394: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    n.d(e, "a", (function() {
        return r
    })), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
        return i
    var r = function() {
            var t = this,
                e = t.$createElement,
                n = t._self._c || e;
            return n("div", {
                ref: "recommend",
                staticClass: "cbd-recommend",
                attrs: {
                    id: this.config && this.config.param.staticConfig &&
            }, [n("div", {
                ref: "recommendContentWrap",
                class: ["recommend-content-wrap"]
            }, [t._l(t.feedConfig, (function(e, r) {
                return [n("div", {
                    directives: [{
                        name: "show",
                        rawName: "v-show",
                        value: t.sortWay == r,
                        expression: "sortWay == index"
                    key: r,
                    attrs: {
                        "data-spm": t.getSpmCCode(r)
                }, [t.showCommonTitle ? n("TPLCommonTitle", {
                    attrs: {
                        config: t.getTitleConfig()
                }) : t.config.param.title && !t.noData ? n("TPLCommonHeader", {
                    attrs: {
                        config: t.config
                }) : t.config.param.title || !t.config.param.showHeaderSort || t.noData ? t._e() : n("div", {
                    staticClass: "feed-sort-container",
                    on: {
                        click: t.transformSort
                }, [n("img", {
                    attrs: {
                        src: ""
                }), t._v(" "), n("div", [t._v("\n                        " + t._s(t.isTimeSort ? "鎸夌患鍚堟帓搴�" : "鎸夋渶鏂版帓搴�") + "\n                    ")])]), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                    directives: [{
                        name: "show",
                        rawName: "v-show",
                        value: t.sortWay === r,
                        expression: "sortWay === index"
                    ref: "feedDataContainer" + r,
                    refInFor: !0,
                    class: ["feedDataContainer"]
                }, t._l(e.list, (function(e, r) {
                    return n("div", {
                        key: r
                    }, [n("FeedList", {
                        attrs: {
                            config: {
                                data: e
                            showTag: t.showTag
                    })], 1)
                })), 0), t._v(" "), !t.loading && t.config.param.showFooter && e.list.length > 0 ? n("footer", {
                    staticClass: "recommend-remind recommend-nolist"
                }, [t._v("\n                    鏆傛椂娌℃湁鏇村鍐呭浜�......\n                ")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.loading && t.config.param.showFooter ? n("footer", {
                    staticClass: "recommend-remind recommend-loading"
                }, [t._v("\n                    涓烘偍鎺ㄨ崘涓�......\n                ")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 0 == e.list.length && t.getShowEmptyContent(e.list) && !t.loading ? n("div", {
                    staticClass: "empty-data-wrapper"
                }, [n("img", {
                    staticClass: "empty-img",
                    attrs: {
                        src: ""
                })]) : t._e()], 1)]
            })), t._v(" "), n("div", {
                ref: "recommend-bottom",
                staticClass: "recommend-bottom"
            })], 2)])
        i = [];
    r._withStripped = !0
4: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = !n(10)((function() {
        return 7 != Object.defineProperty({}, "a", {
                get: function() {
                    return 7
40: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(60)(!0);
    n(27)(String, "String", (function(t) {
        this._t = String(t), this._i = 0
    }), (function() {
        var t, e = this._t,
            n = this._i;
        return n >= e.length ? {
            value: void 0,
            done: !0
        } : (t = r(e, n), this._i += t.length, {
            value: t,
            done: !1
41: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(73),
        __esModule: !0
42: function(t, e, n) {
    for (var r = n(2), i = n(8), a = n(13), o = n(3)("toStringTag"), s = "CSSRuleList,CSSStyleDeclaration,CSSValueList,ClientRectList,DOMRectList,DOMStringList,DOMTokenList,DataTransferItemList,FileList,HTMLAllCollection,HTMLCollection,HTMLFormElement,HTMLSelectElement,MediaList,MimeTypeArray,NamedNodeMap,NodeList,PaintRequestList,Plugin,PluginArray,SVGLengthList,SVGNumberList,SVGPathSegList,SVGPointList,SVGStringList,SVGTransformList,SourceBufferList,StyleSheetList,TextTrackCueList,TextTrackList,TouchList".split(","), c = 0; c < s.length; c++) {
        var u = s[c],
            d = r[u],
            f = d && d.prototype;
        f && !f[o] && i(f, o, u), a[u] = a.Array
43: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(24)("meta"),
        i = n(6),
        a = n(12),
        o = n(7)
        s = 0,
        c = Object.isExtensible || function() {
            return !0
        u = !n(10)((function() {
            return c(Object.preventExtensions({}))
        d = function(t) {
            o(t, r, {
                value: {
                    i: "O" + ++s,
                    w: {}
        f = t.exports = {
            KEY: r,
            NEED: !1,
            fastKey: function(t, e) {
                if (!i(t)) return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : ("string" == typeof t ? "S" : "P") + t;
                if (!a(t, r)) {
                    if (!c(t)) return "F";
                    if (!e) return "E";
                return t[r].i
            getWeak: function(t, e) {
                if (!a(t, r)) {
                    if (!c(t)) return !0;
                    if (!e) return !1;
                return t[r].w
            onFreeze: function(t) {
                return u && f.NEED && c(t) && !a(t, r) && d(t), t
44: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(6);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        if (!r(t) || t._t !== e) throw TypeError("Incompatible receiver, " + e + " required!");
        return t
45: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    e.__esModule = !0;
    var r, i = n(56),
        a = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : {
            default: r
    e.default = a.default || function(t) {
        for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {
            var n = arguments[e];
            for (var r in n), r) && (t[r] = n[r])
        return t
46: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(2)
    t.exports = r && r.documentElement
47: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(6);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        if (!r(t)) return t;
        var n, i;
        if (e && "function" == typeof(n = t.toString) && !r(i = return i;
        if ("function" == typeof(n = t.valueOf) && !r(i = return i;
        if (!e && "function" == typeof(n = t.toString) && !r(i = return i;
        throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value")
48: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = !n(4) && !n(10)((function() {
        return 7 != Object.defineProperty(n(30)("div"), "a", {
                get: function() {
                    return 7
486: function(t, e, n) {},
49: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(12),
        i = n(17),
        a = n(51)(!1),
        o = n(22)("IE_PROTO");
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        var n, s = i(t),
            c = 0,
            u = [];
        for (n in s) n != o && r(s, n) && u.push(n);
        for (; e.length > c;) r(s, n = e[c++]) && (~a(u, n) || u.push(n));
        return u
5: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(2),
        i = n(1),
        a = n(11),
        o = n(8),
        s = n(12),
        c = function(t, e, n) {
            var u, d, f, l = t & c.F,
                p = t & c.G,
                m = t & c.S,
                h = t & c.P,
                g = t & c.B,
                v = t & c.W,
                y = p ? i : i[e] || (i[e] = {}),
                _ = y.prototype,
                C = p ? r : m ? r[e] : (r[e] || {})
            for (u in p && (n = e), n)(d = !l && C && void 0 !== C[u]) && s(y, u) || (f = d ? C[u] : n[u], y[u] = p && "function" != typeof C[u] ? n[u] : g && d ? a(f, r) : v && C[u] == f ? function(t) {
                var e = function(e, n, r) {
                    if (this instanceof t) {
                        switch (arguments.length) {
                            case 0:
                                return new t;
                            case 1:
                                return new t(e);
                            case 2:
                                return new t(e, n)
                        return new t(e, n, r)
                    return t.apply(this, arguments)
                return e.prototype = t.prototype, e
            }(f) : h && "function" == typeof f ? a(, f) : f, h && ((y.virtual || (y.virtual = {}))[u] = f, t & c.R && _ && !_[u] && o(_, u, f)))
    c.F = 1, c.G = 2, c.S = 4, c.P = 8, c.B = 16, c.W = 32, c.U = 64, c.R = 128, t.exports = c
50: function(t, e) {},
51: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(17),
        i = n(25),
        a = n(52);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return function(e, n, o) {
            var s, c = r(e),
                u = i(c.length),
                d = a(o, u);
            if (t && n != n) {
                for (; u > d;)
                    if ((s = c[d++]) != s) return !0
            } else
                for (; u > d; d++)
                    if ((t || d in c) && c[d] === n) return t || d || 0;
            return !t && -1
52: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(19),
        i = Math.max,
        a = Math.min;
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return (t = r(t)) < 0 ? i(t + e, 0) : a(t, e)
53: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(31),
        i = n(3)("iterator"),
        a = n(13);
    t.exports = n(1)
        .getIteratorMethod = function(t) {
            if (null != t) return t[i] || t["@@iterator"] || a[r(t)]
54: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(2),
        i = n(1),
        a = n(7),
        o = n(4),
        s = n(3)("species");
    t.exports = function(t) {
        var e = "function" == typeof i[t] ? i[t] : r[t];
        o && e && !e[s] && a.f(e, s, {
            configurable: !0,
            get: function() {
                return this
55: function(t, e) {
    e.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable
56: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(67),
        __esModule: !0
57: function(t, e) {
    e.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols
58: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = n(8)
59: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(89),
        __esModule: !0
6: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return "object" == typeof t ? null !== t : "function" == typeof t
60: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(19),
        i = n(18);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return function(e, n) {
            var a, o, s = String(i(e)),
                c = r(n),
                u = s.length;
            return c < 0 || c >= u ? t ? "" : void 0 : (a = s.charCodeAt(c)) < 55296 || a > 56319 || c + 1 === u || (o = s.charCodeAt(c + 1)) < 56320 || o > 57343 ? t ? s.charAt(c) : a : t ? s.slice(c, c + 2) : o - 56320 + (a - 55296 << 10) + 65536
61: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(38),
        i = n(32),
        a = n(20),
        o = {};
    n(8)(o, n(3)("iterator"), (function() {
        return this
    })), t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        t.prototype = r(o, {
            next: i(1, n)
        }), a(t, e + " Iterator")
62: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(7),
        i = n(9),
        a = n(28);
    t.exports = n(4) ? Object.defineProperties : function(t, e) {
        for (var n, o = a(e), s = o.length, c = 0; s > c;) r.f(t, n = o[c++], e[n]);
        return t
63: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(12),
        i = n(16),
        a = n(22)("IE_PROTO"),
        o = Object.prototype;
    t.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(t) {
        return t = i(t), r(t, a) ? t[a] : "function" == typeof t.constructor && t instanceof t.constructor ? t.constructor.prototype : t instanceof Object ? o : null
64: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(65),
        i = n(39),
        a = n(13),
        o = n(17);
    t.exports = n(27)(Array, "Array", (function(t, e) {
        this._t = o(t), this._i = 0, this._k = e
    }), (function() {
        var t = this._t,
            e = this._k,
            n = this._i++;
        return !t || n >= t.length ? (this._t = void 0, i(1)) : i(0, "keys" == e ? n : "values" == e ? t[n] : [n, t[n]])
    }), "values"), a.Arguments = a.Array, r("keys"), r("values"), r("entries")
65: function(t, e) {
    t.exports = function() {}
66: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    e.__esModule = !0;
    var r, i = n(95),
        a = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : {
            default: r
    e.default = function(t, e, n) {
        return e in t ? (0, a.default)(t, e, {
            value: n,
            enumerable: !0,
            configurable: !0,
            writable: !0
        }) : t[e] = n, t
67: function(t, e, n) {
    n(68), t.exports = n(1)
68: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(5);
    r(r.S + r.F, "Object", {
        assign: n(69)
69: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(4),
        i = n(28),
        a = n(57),
        o = n(55),
        s = n(16),
        c = n(26),
        u = Object.assign;
    t.exports = !u || n(10)((function() {
        var t = {},
            e = {},
            n = Symbol(),
            r = "abcdefghijklmnopqrst";
        return t[n] = 7, r.split("")
            .forEach((function(t) {
                e[t] = t
            })), 7 != u({}, t)[n] || Object.keys(u({}, e))
            .join("") != r
    })) ? function(t, e) {
        for (var n = s(t), u = arguments.length, d = 1, f = a.f, l = o.f; u > d;)
            for (var p, m = c(arguments[d++]), h = f ? i(m)
                .concat(f(m)) : i(m), g = h.length, v = 0; g > v;) p = h[v++], r && !, p) || (n[p] = m[p]);
        return n
    } : u
7: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(9),
        i = n(48),
        a = n(47),
        o = Object.defineProperty;
    e.f = n(4) ? Object.defineProperty : function(t, e, n) {
        if (r(t), e = a(e, !0), r(n), i) try {
            return o(t, e, n)
        } catch (t) {}
        if ("get" in n || "set" in n) throw TypeError("Accessors not supported!");
        return "value" in n && (t[e] = n.value), t
70: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(9);
    t.exports = function(t, e, n, i) {
        try {
            return i ? e(r(n)[0], n[1]) : e(n)
        } catch (e) {
            var a = t.return;
            throw void 0 !== a && r(, e
71: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(13),
        i = n(3)("iterator"),
        a = Array.prototype;
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return void 0 !== t && (r.Array === t || a[i] === t)
72: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(14);
    t.exports = Array.isArray || function(t) {
        return "Array" == r(t)
73: function(t, e, n) {
    n(50), n(40), n(42), n(74), n(80), n(83), n(85), t.exports = n(1)
74: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(75),
        i = n(44);
    t.exports = n(76)("Map", (function(t) {
        return function() {
            return t(this, arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : void 0)
    }), {
        get: function(t) {
            var e = r.getEntry(i(this, "Map"), t);
            return e && e.v
        set: function(t, e) {
            return r.def(i(this, "Map"), 0 === t ? 0 : t, e)
    }, r, !0)
75: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(7)
        i = n(38),
        a = n(36),
        o = n(11),
        s = n(37),
        c = n(15),
        u = n(27),
        d = n(39),
        f = n(54),
        l = n(4),
        p = n(43)
        m = n(44),
        h = l ? "_s" : "size",
        g = function(t, e) {
            var n, r = p(e);
            if ("F" !== r) return t._i[r];
            for (n = t._f; n; n = n.n)
                if (n.k == e) return n
    t.exports = {
        getConstructor: function(t, e, n, u) {
            var d = t((function(t, r) {
                s(t, d, e, "_i"), t._t = e, t._i = i(null), t._f = void 0, t._l = void 0, t[h] = 0, null != r && c(r, n, t[u], t)
            return a(d.prototype, {
                clear: function() {
                    for (var t = m(this, e), n = t._i, r = t._f; r; r = r.n) r.r = !0, r.p && (r.p = r.p.n = void 0), delete n[r.i];
                    t._f = t._l = void 0, t[h] = 0
                delete: function(t) {
                    var n = m(this, e),
                        r = g(n, t);
                    if (r) {
                        var i = r.n,
                            a = r.p;
                        delete n._i[r.i], r.r = !0, a && (a.n = i), i && (i.p = a), n._f == r && (n._f = i), n._l == r && (n._l = a), n[h]--
                    return !!r
                forEach: function(t) {
                    m(this, e);
                    for (var n, r = o(t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, 3); n = n ? n.n : this._f;)
                        for (r(n.v, n.k, this); n && n.r;) n = n.p
                has: function(t) {
                    return !!g(m(this, e), t)
            }), l && r(d.prototype, "size", {
                get: function() {
                    return m(this, e)[h]
            }), d
        def: function(t, e, n) {
            var r, i, a = g(t, e);
            return a ? a.v = n : (t._l = a = {
                i: i = p(e, !0),
                k: e,
                v: n,
                p: r = t._l,
                n: void 0,
                r: !1
            }, t._f || (t._f = a), r && (r.n = a), t[h]++, "F" !== i && (t._i[i] = a)), t
        getEntry: g,
        setStrong: function(t, e, n) {
            u(t, e, (function(t, n) {
                this._t = m(t, e), this._k = n, this._l = void 0
            }), (function() {
                for (var t = this._k, e = this._l; e && e.r;) e = e.p;
                return this._t && (this._l = e = e ? e.n : this._t._f) ? d(0, "keys" == t ? e.k : "values" == t ? e.v : [e.k, e.v]) : (this._t = void 0, d(1))
            }), n ? "entries" : "values", !n, !0), f(e)
76: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(2),
        i = n(5),
        a = n(43),
        o = n(10),
        s = n(8),
        c = n(36),
        u = n(15),
        d = n(37),
        f = n(6),
        l = n(20),
        p = n(7)
        m = n(77)(0),
        h = n(4);
    t.exports = function(t, e, n, g, v, y) {
        var _ = r[t],
            C = _,
            T = v ? "set" : "add",
            b = C && C.prototype,
            D = {};
        return h && "function" == typeof C && (y || b.forEach && !o((function() {
            (new C)
        }))) ? (C = e((function(e, n) {
            d(e, C, t, "_c"), e._c = new _, null != n && u(n, v, e[T], e)
        })), m("add,clear,delete,forEach,get,has,set,keys,values,entries,toJSON".split(","), (function(t) {
            var e = "add" == t || "set" == t;
            !(t in b) || y && "clear" == t || s(C.prototype, t, (function(n, r) {
                if (d(this, C, t), !e && y && !f(n)) return "get" == t && void 0;
                var i = this._c[t](0 === n ? 0 : n, r);
                return e ? this : i
        })), y || p(C.prototype, "size", {
            get: function() {
                return this._c.size
        })) : (C = g.getConstructor(e, t, v, T), c(C.prototype, n), a.NEED = !0), l(C, t), D[t] = C, i(i.G + i.W + i.F, D), y || g.setStrong(C, t, v), C
77: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(11),
        i = n(26),
        a = n(16),
        o = n(25),
        s = n(78);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        var n = 1 == t,
            c = 2 == t,
            u = 3 == t,
            d = 4 == t,
            f = 6 == t,
            l = 5 == t || f,
            p = e || s;
        return function(e, s, m) {
            for (var h, g, v = a(e), y = i(v), _ = r(s, m, 3), C = o(y.length), T = 0, b = n ? p(e, C) : c ? p(e, 0) : void 0; C > T; T++)
                if ((l || T in y) && (g = _(h = y[T], T, v), t))
                    if (n) b[T] = g;
                    else if (g) switch (t) {
                case 3:
                    return !0;
                case 5:
                    return h;
                case 6:
                    return T;
                case 2:
            } else if (d) return !1;
            return f ? -1 : u || d ? d : b
78: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(79);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        return new(r(t))(e)
79: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(6),
        i = n(72),
        a = n(3)("species");
    t.exports = function(t) {
        var e;
        return i(t) && ("function" != typeof(e = t.constructor) || e !== Array && !i(e.prototype) || (e = void 0), r(e) && null === (e = e[a]) && (e = void 0)), void 0 === e ? Array : e
8: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(7),
        i = n(32);
    t.exports = n(4) ? function(t, e, n) {
        return r.f(t, e, i(1, n))
    } : function(t, e, n) {
        return t[e] = n, t
80: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(5);
    r(r.P + r.R, "Map", {
        toJSON: n(81)("Map")
81: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(31),
        i = n(82);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return function() {
            if (r(this) != t) throw TypeError(t + "#toJSON isn't generic");
            return i(this)
82: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(15);
    t.exports = function(t, e) {
        var n = [];
        return r(t, !1, n.push, n, e), n
83: function(t, e, n) {
84: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(5);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        r(r.S, t, {
            of: function() {
                for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t); t--;) e[t] = arguments[t];
                return new this(e)
85: function(t, e, n) {
86: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(5),
        i = n(21),
        a = n(11),
        o = n(15);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        r(r.S, t, {
            from: function(t) {
                var e, n, r, s, c = arguments[1];
                return i(this), (e = void 0 !== c) && i(c), null == t ? new this : (n = [], e ? (r = 0, s = a(c, arguments[2], 2), o(t, !1, (function(t) {
                    n.push(s(t, r++))
                }))) : o(t, !1, n.push, n), new this(n))
87: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    }), e.dupRemoval = void 0;
    var r, i = n(41),
        a = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : {
            default: r
    e.dupRemoval = function(t) {
        var e = t.key,
            n =,
            r = [];
        return t.keyMap || (t.keyMap = new a.default), n && n.forEach((function(n) {
            n[e] && 2 != n.resourceType && 3 != n.resourceType ? t.keyMap.has(n[e]) || (t.keyMap.set(n[e], !0), r.push(n)) : r.push(n)
        })), r
877: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(394),
        i = n(299);
    for (var a in i)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return i[t]
    var o = n(0),
        s = Object(o.a)(i.default, r.a, r.b, !1, null, "55189b62", null);
    s.options.__file = "src/components/TPLFeed2/TPLFeed2.vue", e.default = s.exports
878: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
88: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(98),
        __esModule: !0
89: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(1),
        i = r.JSON || (r.JSON = {
            stringify: JSON.stringify
    t.exports = function(t) {
        return i.stringify.apply(i, arguments)
9: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(6);
    t.exports = function(t) {
        if (!r(t)) throw TypeError(t + " is not an object!");
        return t
90: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(21);

    function i(t) {
        var e, n;
        this.promise = new t((function(t, r) {
            if (void 0 !== e || void 0 !== n) throw TypeError("Bad Promise constructor");
            e = t, n = r
        })), this.resolve = r(e), this.reject = r(n)
    t.exports.f = function(t) {
        return new i(t)
92: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    var r = n(93),
        i = n.n(r);
    for (var a in r)["default"].indexOf(a) < 0 && function(t) {
        n.d(e, t, (function() {
            return r[t]
    e.default = i.a
93: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    }), e.default = {
        name: "NewCommodityDiagramCard",
        data: function() {
            return {
                clickedIndex: null,
                clikedDiagram: null
        props: {
            config: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
            data: {
                type: Object,
                default: function() {}
        compRenderConfig: {
            isSupportSSR: !0,
            isNeedCSA: !0
        computed: {
            backgroundImage: function() {
                var t = "";
                try {
                    t = this.cardContent && this.cardContent.xml.bgImageUrl
                } catch (t) {
                return t
            diagramData: function() {
                var t = [];
                try {
                    t = this.cardContent && this.cardContent.xml.position
                } catch (t) {
                return t
            renderData: function() {
                return ||
            cardContent: function() {
                var t = {};
                if (this.renderData && "string" == typeof this.renderData.cardContent && this.renderData.cardContent) try {
                    t = JSON.parse(this.renderData.cardContent)
                } catch (e) {
                    t = this.renderData.cardContent
                } else t = this.renderData.cardContent;
                return t
        methods: {
            getDiagramItemStyle: function(t) {
                var e = "50%",
                    n = +t.x + "%",
                    r = +t.y + "%",
                    i = t.width || 24,
                    a = {
                        width: i += "px",
                        left: n,
                        bottom: r,
                        borderRadius: e
                if (t.height) {
                    var o = t.height + "px";
                    a.height = o
                return t.borderRadius && (e = t.borderRadius + "px", a.borderRadius = e), a
            isDirectJump: function(t) {
                var e = !1;
                return (!0 === t.needMention || && (e = !0), e
            getDiagramPromotionItemStyle: function(t) {
                var e = {};
                return t.x && (e.left = +t.x + "%"), t.y && (e.bottom = +t.y + "%"), e
            diagramClickHandler: function(t, e) {
                this.clickedIndex = e, this.clikedDiagram = t
            diagramImageContainerClickHandler: function() {
                this.clickedIndex = null, this.clikedDiagram = null
94: function(t, e, n) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    }), e.getCISFeedV2Data = e.cisFeedData = e.getCISFeedData = e.getAllCISData = e.getCISData = e.getMkey = void 0;
    var r = o(n(66)),
        i = o(n(88)),
        a = o(n(59));

    function o(t) {
        return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
            default: t
    var s = {
            pre: "//",
            prod: "//",
            exp: "//",
            dev: "//",
            test: "//",
            cloudProd: "//"
        c = {
            pre: "//",
            prod: "//",
            exp: "//",
            dev: "//",
            test: "//",
            cloudProd: "//"
        u = {
            pre: "//",
            prod: "//",
            exp: "//",
            dev: "//",
            test: "//",
            cloudProd: "//"
        d = {
                pre: "//",
                prod: "//",
                exp: "//",
                dev: "//",
                test: "//",
                cloudProd: "//"
            XTOPIC_LATEST: u,
            XTOPIC_RELATED: {
                pre: "//",
                prod: "//",
                exp: "//",
                dev: "//",
                test: "//",
                cloudProd: "//"
        f = function(t) {
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            for (var e = "ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTWXYZabcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678", n = e.length, r = "", i = 0; i < t; i++) r += e.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * n));
            return r
        l = function(t) {
            return isNaN(t) && (t = t && t.split("//")[1].split("/")[2]), t
        p = function(t) {
            var e = void 0;
            switch (t) {
                case "channel":
                    e = 13;
                case "topic":
                    e = 15;
                case "block":
                    e = 14;
                case "singleAd":
                    e = -1
            return e
        m = function(t) {
            var e = window.contentData && window.contentData.mkey,
                n = window.contentData && window.contentData.userId,
                r = t.context;
            return r || (r = {
                feedType: "XTOPIC_SYNTHETICAL"
            }), r.mkey || (r.mkey = e), t.CONTENTCONTEXT && t.CONTENTCONTEXT.mkey && t.CONTENTCONTEXT.mkey.indexOf("$") > -1 && t.CONTENTCONTEXT.mkey.indexOf("UserId") > -1 && r && (r.mkey = n), r
        h = function(t) {
            var e = window && window.sohuSpm && window.sohuSpm.getCodes && window.sohuSpm.getCodes();
            return (e && e.a) + "." + (e && e.b) + "." + t.spmCCode
        g = (e.getMkey = function(t, e) {
            var n = t && t.CONTENTCONTEXT && t.CONTENTCONTEXT.mkey;
            return n.indexOf("$") > -1 ? e : n
        }, function(t, e, n) {
            var r = window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment(),
                i = "V4" === t.cisVersion ? c[r] : s[r];
            return n && 15 == n.productType && (i = d[e.feedType || "XTOPIC_SYNTHETICAL"][r]), t.isTimeSort && (i = u[r]), i
        v = function(t) {
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            switch (t && && {
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                    e = 1;
                case "app":
                    e = 2;
                case "pc":
                    e = 3;
                case "embedapp":
                    e = 4;
                case "weapp":
                    e = 5
            return e
    e.getCISData = function(t, e, n, o) {
        var s, c = t.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("SUV") || "1612268936507kas0gk",
            u = t.contentData && t.contentData.mkey,
            d = t.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getPvId(),
            m = l(e.productId),
            h = p(e.productType),
            y = t && t.sohuSpm && t.sohuSpm.getCodes && t.sohuSpm.getCodes(),
            _ = (y && y.a) + "." + (y && y.b) + "." + e.spmCCode,
            C = c.substring(c.length - 5, c),
            T = e.context;
        T || (T = {
            feedType: "XTOPIC_SYNTHETICAL"
        }), T.mkey || (T.mkey = u);
        var b = {
                productId: m,
                productType: h,
                categoryId: t.contentData && t.contentData.categoryId || "40",
                mediaId: 1
            D = {
                suv: c,
                pvId: d,
                clientType: v(t),
                resourceParam: [{
                    requestId: (new Date)
                        .getTime() + "_" + C + "_" + f(3),
                    resourceId: e.resourceId || (new Date)
                        .valueOf() + Math.random()
                    page: e && || 1,
                    size: e && e.size || 20,
                    spm: _,
                    context: T,
                    resProductParam: {
                        productId: t.contentData && || 723,
                        productType: t.contentData && t.contentData.businessType || 13,
                        adTags: t.contentData && t.contentData.adTags ? t.contentData.adTags : void 0
                    productParam: b
            w = g(e, T, b);
        $.ajax((s = {
            url: w,
            type: "POST",
            async: !0,
            data: (0, a.default)(D),
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: !0
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
        }, (0, r.default)(s, "xhrFields", {
            withCredentials: !0
        }), (0, r.default)(s, "success", (function(t) {
            t = t[(0, i.default)(t)[0]].data, n(t)
        })), (0, r.default)(s, "error", (function(t) {
            o(t), console.error(t)
        })), s))
    }, e.getAllCISData = function(t, e, n) {
        var i, o = [],
            u = window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getEnvironment(),
            d = "V4" == t[0].cisVersion ? c[u] : s[u],
            g = window.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("SUV") || "1612268936507kas0gk",
            y = window.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getPvId(),
            _ = g.substring(g.length - 5, g);
        t.forEach((function(t) {
            var e = {
                requestId: (new Date)
                    .getTime() + "_" + _ + "_" + f(3),
                resourceId: t.resourceId,
                page: 1,
                size: t.size || 20,
                spm: h(t),
                context: m(t),
                resProductParam: {
                    productId: window.contentData && || 723,
                    productType: window.contentData && window.contentData.businessType || 13,
                    adTags: window.contentData && window.contentData.adTags ? window.contentData.adTags : void 0
                productParam: {
                    productId: l(t.productId),
                    productType: p(t.productType),
                    categoryId: window.contentData && window.contentData.categoryId || "40",
                    mediaId: 1
        var C = {
            suv: g,
            pvId: y,
            clientType: v(window),
            resourceParam: o
        $.ajax((i = {
            url: d,
            type: "POST",
            async: !1,
            data: (0, a.default)(C),
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: !0
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
        }, (0, r.default)(i, "xhrFields", {
            withCredentials: !0
        }), (0, r.default)(i, "success", (function(t) {
        })), (0, r.default)(i, "error", (function(t) {
            n(t), console.error(t)
        })), i))
    }, e.getCISFeedData = function(t, e, n, o) {
        var s, c = t.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("SUV") || "1612268936507kas0gk",
            u = t.contentData && t.contentData.mkey,
            d = t.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getPvId(),
            m = l(e.productId),
            h = p(e.productType),
            y = t && t.sohuSpm && t.sohuSpm.getCodes && t.sohuSpm.getCodes(),
            _ = (y && y.a) + "." + (y && y.b) + "." + e.spmCCode,
            C = c.substring(c.length - 5, c),
            T = e.context;
        T || (T = {
            feedType: "XTOPIC_SYNTHETICAL"
        }), T.mkey || (T.mkey = u);
        var b = {
                productId: m || t.contentData && || 1993,
                productType: h || t.contentData && t.contentData.businessType || 15,
                categoryId: t.contentData && t.contentData.categoryId || "40",
                mediaId: 1
            D = {
                suv: c,
                pvId: d,
                clientType: v(t),
                resourceParam: [{
                    requestId: (new Date)
                        .getTime() + "_" + C + "_" + f(3),
                    resourceId: e.resourceId || (new Date)
                        .valueOf() + Math.random()
                    page: e && || 1,
                    size: e && e.size || 20,
                    spm: _,
                    context: T,
                    resProductParam: {
                        productId: t.contentData && || 1993,
                        productType: t.contentData && t.contentData.businessType || 15,
                        adTags: t.contentData && t.contentData.adTags ? t.contentData.adTags : void 0
                    productParam: b
            w = g(e, T, b);
        $.ajax((s = {
            url: w,
            type: "POST",
            async: !0,
            data: (0, a.default)(D),
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: !0
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
        }, (0, r.default)(s, "xhrFields", {
            withCredentials: !0
        }), (0, r.default)(s, "success", (function(t) {
            t = t[(0, i.default)(t)[0]].data, n(t)
        })), (0, r.default)(s, "error", (function(t) {
            o(t), console.error(t)
        })), s))
    }, e.cisFeedData = function(t, e, n, o) {
        var s, c = t.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("SUV") || "1612268936507kas0gk",
            u = t.contentData && t.contentData.mkey,
            d = t.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getPvId(),
            m = l(e.productId),
            h = p(e.productType),
            y = t && t.sohuSpm && t.sohuSpm.getCodes && t.sohuSpm.getCodes(),
            _ = (y && y.a) + "." + (y && y.b) + "." + e.spmCCode,
            C = c.substring(c.length - 5, c),
            T = e.context;
        T || (T = {
            feedType: "XTOPIC_SYNTHETICAL"
        }), T.mkey || (T.mkey = u);
        var b = {
                productId: m,
                productType: h || t.contentData && t.contentData.businessType || 15,
                categoryId: t.contentData && t.contentData.categoryId || "40",
                mediaId: 1
            D = {
                suv: c,
                pvId: d,
                clientType: v(t),
                resourceParam: [{
                    requestId: (new Date)
                        .getTime() + "_" + C + "_" + f(3),
                    resourceId: e.resourceId || (new Date)
                        .valueOf() + Math.random()
                    page: e && || 1,
                    size: e && e.size || 20,
                    spm: _,
                    context: T,
                    resProductParam: {
                        productId: t.contentData && || 1993,
                        productType: t.contentData && t.contentData.businessType || 15,
                        adTags: t.contentData && t.contentData.adTags ? t.contentData.adTags : void 0
                    productParam: b
            w = g(e, T, b);
        $.ajax((s = {
            url: w,
            type: "POST",
            async: !0,
            data: (0, a.default)(D),
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: !0
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
        }, (0, r.default)(s, "xhrFields", {
            withCredentials: !0
        }), (0, r.default)(s, "success", (function(t) {
            t = t[(0, i.default)(t)[0]].data, n(t)
        })), (0, r.default)(s, "error", (function(t) {
            o(t), console.error(t)
        })), s))
    }, e.getCISFeedV2Data = function(t, e, n, i) {
        var o, s = t.MptcfeUtils.Cookie.get("SUV") || "1612268936507kas0gk",
            c = t.contentData && t.contentData.mkey,
            u = t.MptcfeUtils.Utils.getPvId(),
            d = l(e.productId),
            m = p(e.productType),
            h = t && t.sohuSpm && t.sohuSpm.getCodes && t.sohuSpm.getCodes(),
            y = (h && h.a) + "." + (h && h.b) + "." + e.spmCCode,
            _ = s.substring(s.length - 5, s),
            C = e.context;
        C || (C = {
            feedType: "XTOPIC_SYNTHETICAL"
        }), C.mkey || (C.mkey = c);
        var T = {
                productId: d || t.contentData && || 1993,
                productType: m || t.contentData && t.contentData.businessType || 15,
                categoryId: t.contentData && t.contentData.categoryId || "40",
                mediaId: 1
            b = {
                suv: s,
                pvId: u,
                clientType: v(t),
                resourceParam: [{
                    requestId: (new Date)
                        .getTime() + "_" + _ + "_" + f(3),
                    resourceId: e.resourceId || (new Date)
                        .valueOf() + Math.random()
                    page: e && || 1,
                    size: e && e.size || 20,
                    spm: y,
                    context: C,
                    resProductParam: {
                        productId: t.contentData && || 1993,
                        productType: t.contentData && t.contentData.businessType || 15,
                        adTags: t.contentData && t.contentData.adTags ? t.contentData.adTags : void 0
                    productParam: T
            D = g(e, C, T);
        $.ajax((o = {
            url: D,
            type: "POST",
            async: !0,
            data: (0, a.default)(b),
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: !0
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
        }, (0, r.default)(o, "xhrFields", {
            withCredentials: !0
        }), (0, r.default)(o, "success", (function(t) {
        })), (0, r.default)(o, "error", (function(t) {
            i(t), console.error(t)
        })), o))
95: function(t, e, n) {
    t.exports = {
        default: n(96),
        __esModule: !0
96: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(1)
    t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
        return r.defineProperty(t, e, n)
97: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(5);
    r(r.S + r.F * !n(4), "Object", {
        defineProperty: n(7)
98: function(t, e, n) {
    n(99), t.exports = n(1)
99: function(t, e, n) {
    var r = n(16),
        i = n(28);
    n(100)("keys", (function() {
        return function(t) {
            return i(r(t))


JSRUN前端笔记, 是针对前端工程师开放的一个笔记分享平台,是前端工程师记录重点、分享经验的一个笔记本。JSRUN前端采用的 MarkDown 语法 (极客专用语法), 这里属于IT工程师。