null (newmanwirl)
我分享了代码,A test demo for Node.insertBefore(childNode, refNode). From the demo we can see that After inserting the same childNode which the parentNode already contained, in some new webbrowsers, the document's selection's range will change.

注意:关闭本对话框后, 你将看到由 null (newmanwirl) 开发的DEMO演示:A test demo for Node.insertBefore(childNode, refNode). From the demo we can see that After inserting the same childNode which the parentNode already contained, in some new webbrowsers, the document's selection's range will change.,仅限工作交流和学习, 切勿在页面中填写你的登录密码、个人信息或向他人转账。


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